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 Apr 2015 JAM
 Apr 2015 JAM
Fear is the silent Stalker
Hunting you within your mind
It creeps up on you,
quiet and still,
sits by your side in the dark,
strokes your hair as you sleep.

It wraps itself around your bones,
squeezing so tight you almost can’t breathe.
It leaves lies in your heart,
lies next to you at night,
leaches the light out from every corner.

It’s a constant companion,
clasping your hand
only to yank you down
when you’re struggling to stand up.

You wake up in the morning
and wonder
who you are.
You fail to fall asleep at night
and tremble in your skin.

You doubt
you doubt
you doubt
do I
don’t I
should I
why won’t I

And even when you’re ready to let go.
When you’re ready to break free.
When you’re ready to be brand-new.
Loneliness is an old friend
standing beside you in the mirror,
looking you in the eye,
challenging you to live your life without it.

You can’t find the words to fight yourself,
to fight the words screaming
that you’re not enough
never enough
never ever enough.

Loneliness is a bitter,
wretched companion.
Sometimes it just won’t let go.

Unravel Me.
This is from the book Unravel Me. I didn't actually write this. Sorry.
 Apr 2015 JAM
River Moon Willow
I understand that I do not
I embrace the fact that I still try
To this day to move forward
To the thundering steps along
The wheel of illusion
Fusion between my vision
Along with perception of division
I want to honor this conclusion
Stitch back every false incision
I will dance if you dance with me
Hold my hand, and join the party
My thoughts follow the white rabbit
Into her own black abyss
Red eyes shot like diamonds
Color blinded by unknown bliss
It is there, and it always has been
Embrace what you find
Do not get lost in silence
 Apr 2015 JAM
Fish The Pig
I look through my telescope
from my small dark cave
to admire a great and mighty tree
unlike any I have seen.
I wonder who else, has admired this great tree?
I wonder who has sat beneath and read poetry?
What has the tree seen?
what will it become?
has anyone ever tried to cut it down?
does it weep over the scars?
I want to know all the tree
feels and thinks,
eager to hear it's stories,
if it would like to hear mine.
~I need stories to tell first,
but I need help getting out of this cave~
~I wish I could write like him~
 Apr 2015 JAM
Mike Essig
 Apr 2015 JAM
Mike Essig
The only thing
left to say
when you have
already said
too much.
 Apr 2015 JAM
The uniVerse
As vultures start to circle like flies
she stares into a dying mans eyes
his vision blurred, eyes swollen and glazed
any memories left have already hazed
he opens his mouth as if to speak
she leans in close and touches his cheek.

"Now i'm at my journeys end
no lover left for me to tend
a broken heart that will not mend"
--"no next of kin all alone
just worn out skin and dried up bone
all thats left has turned to stone"

She grasps his hand to her chest
knowing its his final rest
she squeezes it oh so tight
with all her strength and all her might
--just before the old man dies
"i am your lover" she replies

"I've been by your side for 60 years
i've shared your laughter and eased your fears
i gave you water and ceased your tears"
--"and listened to every word you said
washed your clothes, bathed and fed
now i sit beside your bed"

As he slowly turns his head
tears are falling eyes are red
one final look of recognition
as she adjusts his position
that single thought sums up their lives
as they say a final goodbye.
for my grand-parents
 Apr 2015 JAM
Mangifera Indica
Humans are afraid of the dark,
afraid of what's lurking in the shadows.

We create these monsters with our imaginations,
thinking it is entirely possible for a
6 ft tall
8 ft wide monster
with a twisted face and body
to be living under our beds
or in our closets.

Or even worse,

in the shadow only a foot away.

the thing is,
there is no monster in the shadow.
It is not a tangible beast that is looming over us
in the small part of the room
where the light does not touch.

When humans look into shadows
they are not seeing a foreign beast about to feast,

What we see in the shadows is the reflection
of the Darkness that is inside of us,
of all humans.

We see,
without understanding what it is,
a creature in the shadows
that is capable of extreme harm
to us and to others,
and they are frightening beasts.

These creatures we imagine do not exist,
but that Darkness,
the Darkness that creates the beast,
that does exist.

Some spend their entire lives running from it.
Some never have to fear it.
Others let it consume them.

Keep Away From The Shadow 'man.
Find your inner light and keep it safe,
Protect it,
and use it to fend off the shadows inside.
'man = human
 Apr 2015 JAM
Kelly Hogan
The Raven
 Apr 2015 JAM
Kelly Hogan
A Raven spoke to me this morning.
He asked, "follow me?"
I asked him, "where?"
His only response: A blank stare.

So I spit out more questions like,
"how do we get there?", "will we be gone long?"
He took a long breath. "My dear, your questions are all wrong."

Feeling defeated, I let out a sigh.
Eyes burning, I threatened to cry
The raven seemed to know why
And took to the sky.

He told me I too could fly,
I only need try.
Just experimenting, feeling weighed down
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