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 Jan 2016 a
ishaan khandpur
The sun took a bow,
As the moon took the stage.
The crowd began to thin,
As she thought,
'Always the understudy,
Never the star'.
 Jan 2016 a
Kobayashi Issa
Even with insects--
some can sing,
some can't.
 Dec 2015 a
BB Tyler
 Dec 2015 a
BB Tyler
He stood on an ocean cliff misted by brine in the breeze.

He stood
even as his tears met the sea spray,
eyes flushed rosy in the grey.

No words or sound of any kind
left his pursed lips,
clenched as they were around the
thought of his own

Only the crash of waves far below, only the wind licking up the stone face broke the lengthening silence between the gulls, the clouds and the crying man,
all of them suspended.
 Dec 2015 a
BB Tyler
 Dec 2015 a
BB Tyler
Looking out over the forest.
  No mention of God here,
but the trees speak
   so well of themselves
           that I can touch
             and taste them.

In a darkened room
     with my solitude.
                            No talk of spirits,
   but I can almost hear
        my breath
        passing thru the walls.

I am a creature of seeking,
    but no matter how far I go,
     and no matter how well I
      understand the hills around my home,
when I lay down to sleep
    I am forever the dweller
        of a land unknown.
June 14th, 2015
 Nov 2015 a
Cedric McClester
By: Cedric McClester

Sadly Paris is
Feeling the ravages
Of those heartless savages
Whose numerous miscarriages
Of jihad on the average is
A total mischaracterization
Of what they claim is the Muslim nation
And frankly speaking I’m losing patience

This I hope you understand
There’s no justification in the Qu’ran
For what they do to their fellow man
As if it’s part of Allah’s Plan
Show me the sunnah if you can
That allows aggression in any land
Things have gotten out of hand
If everything you do is banned

You can spread your hate
But I have to state
There’ll never be a califate
That’s solely built on one man’s hate
It will crash and burn under its own weight
And heaven help those who participate
For them I fear it’s much too late
And that’s not open to debate

Paris is crying, naturally
Because of the carnage don’t you see
But they’ll continue to be free
And enjoy the support of humanity
We all must ask how could this be
While sealing the fate and destiny
Of those miscreants who **** with glee
And have the significance of a flea

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015.  All rights reserved.
 Nov 2015 a
when will i get to see
a world no longer scared?
scared because it scares itself,
scared because of hatred.

why can't we change the world?
because we can't change ourselves
is it too hard to ask for love?
is it too hard to change?

how did all this happen in the blink of an eye?
how did the world suddenly collapse?
collapse in a way it seemed like it could never
ever be fixed again

where will this bring us?
to a place of peace or war?
where will we see ourselves?
as of now, nowhere *far
the series of horrifying events happening in the world scares me, please send your prayers out to the world
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