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Lainey Nov 2018
There was a young girl from Peru
Who wanted to write a haiku
She wrote a limerick that sounded quite slick
her failure became quite the coup!
Lainey Oct 2018
Memories hold dear,
which were born of deep devotion.
The notion of time fading the ache?
A feint, a fake played by fools who dodge emotion.
Hold steadfast to the joyous spark, igniting recollection.
A rush of joy to fill the void, you’re buoyed from ever knowing this man’s faithful, true affection.
Lainey Oct 2018
Close your eyes and dream a dream where wishes all come true!
Faeries land on giant sunflowers singing as they do.
Ponies gallop over fields of swaying strawberry grass.
Butterflies reside inside tall atriums of glass.
Air so sweet, the water clean, it sparkles in the sun.
Gold dust falls from shimmering trees to shower everyone!
Children sit upon the hill, making daisy chains.
They seek shelter under giant mushrooms when it rains.
Baby bunnies hop around in luscious berry patches.
Mother birds trill songs of joy as each sweet baby hatches!
The sun, which smiled all day long, sets beneath the rolling hills.
Fair maidens set fresh loaves to cool upon their window sills.
The children walk back to their homes to rest after their play.
For now it’s time to sleep and dream about another day.
Lainey Oct 2018
Life can have it’s highs and lows,
The sorrow and the joy.
Sadness knocked upon our door
When we lost our little boy.
That year has passed and here we are
A Mum and Dad once more.
We gaze at you in disbelief
Oh girl that we adore!
You were a bud about to bloom
When we put aside our sorrow.
We never knew that your blushen hue
Would be the colour of tomorrow.
The joy of a baby born after pregnancy loss.
Lainey Sep 2018
To everything there is a season
Am I ready to let go?
Romantic v. Voice of Reason
What I feel and what I know.

Muddled by my cogitations
Such a lack of clarity
Yearning for the old sensations
Held back by uncertainty.

I can’t reach a destination
Magnetised, my compass tilts
Time for a new incarnation?
Banish hangups, hurts and guilts

Feelings reconciliation
Pay a penny, spin the dial
Out spits the determination
Leave your heart to mend a while.
Wanting to move on. Take the plunge. But knowing you’re not ready.
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