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If you can't find the things you Love,*
Love the things you find...
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Mysidian Bard
Those who've died live on
In the memories of those
Whose lives they have touched
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Mike Hauser
My hair is not falling out
It's just turned around
Instead of growing North
It's now flowing South

Out of my nose
And off my ears
Plus other locations
I'll not mention here
They Were Children Together

I remember her white poet shirt and clean clear face.
She is on stage at the Mansion House, a St. Catharines bar:
Songs she wrote and songs learned from the radio
Brag of coarse and earthy evenings.
She sang, “…when I’m drunk I’m a nihilist…”

She jokes that her life is a documentary limerick.
She has two children.
She’s the eager daughter of rich peasants.
Impulse, defiance, insults, she defends as truth and a joke.

“I’m going to tell him you’re his father,”
She said to her best  friend while I listened.
“You don’t have to pay.
I told my parents you’re the father”
And while he cried she said:
“You could make everything all right for me.”

Paul Anthony Hutchinson
copyright Paul Anthony Hutchinson

(this poem was published May 2002 in Shadow Voices)
A love poem and a friend poem.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
i would
with a
word from him,
but i
have to
act like
i can
live happily
without a
word from him
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
why let them all in
none of them stay?
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Mike Hauser
It's Winter here
In Florida
How do I know
The calendar says so

There's the slightest dip
In humidity
If you ask me
The bugs are relieved

As far as all  
Our winter clothes
Bermuda shorts
Are pulled down low

Out come the socks
Between the toes
Pull back the yarn
Where the sandal goes

And with the sweat
On my forehead
I'm pretty sure
There's one or two drops less

People bring
Their families down
I can always tell
There's a bigger crowd

All the birds
Just sit and stare
With a knowing nod
They're going nowhere

Yes it's winter here
In Florida
How do I know
The calendar says so
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