Hell holds out a glass
it looks like it’s red wine
But think again, its color
is something like a suspicious sign
You hope that you are wrong
but of your worries that’s the least
Smells waft up – like Sulphur and brine
from orange flames around the horrible beast
He puffs a cigarette, blows blue smoke
“bwa-ha-ha” sounds his ugly scoff
Your mouth tastes like kerosene
it feels like you need to cough
His wrinkled, gnarled and scaly hands
grab hold of your quivering shoulders
Shrieking, you flail to get yourself free
while all around the heat smolders
Wake up, wake up, come back to life
it’s a nightmare that you’ve had
Good grief, where've you been
could it really be that bad?!
It was awful, so very real
thought I was gonna die!
Tell you this much, you mutter
that's the last time I get high!
Prompt" use all these words"
Tastes like wine
Smells like cigarette
Feels like high
Looks like hell
Sounds like life..