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 Nov 2017 vinny
 Nov 2017 vinny
ask me why
I do not smile.
"I have a safe, full of emotions. That is where my smile is."
I tell them, and it confuses them. You can not have a safe full of emotions because emotions can not be held.
If they could be held I would have destroyed
every. Single. One.
Happiness and Love, Joy and Curiosity.
There would be no room
For heartache and sadness, anger and hopelessness.
Everyone would be happy.
That's right.
E  v  e  r  y  o  n  e
the truth of the search
no matter how long it took
is that everything you saught
was always in the last place you'd look
yes i love you
but there is a but to that
there can be no future
where there has been no past
all that is before us
is but a part of what has passed
the bulk of what we could have become
was but ballast
 Nov 2017 vinny
friday (10w)
 Nov 2017 vinny
I woke up today
and I ate a cheese biscuit
literally anything can pass off as poetry
 Nov 2017 vinny
i'm so tired
 Nov 2017 vinny
when i close my eyes
the world starts spinning
and i am left in the middle,
im running out of ideas. i can barely breath. those who know me, look closer. maybe i am not who i seemed to once be.

edit: i'm fine
 Nov 2017 vinny
Mark Wanless
 Nov 2017 vinny
Mark Wanless
The earth upon which i walk
The light by which i see
The energy that moves within
The breath of life
 Nov 2017 vinny
Mark Wanless
 Nov 2017 vinny
Mark Wanless
here is the now
you did not see
again it happens
why are you
agony of ignorance
is quietly accepted
as reality
there is no fault
there is no fault
there is no fault
in oz
air head poetry  is
 Nov 2017 vinny
Mark Wanless
"Painful Slavery"

                    Ah Satan, are you but a notion
                    Of the mind?
                    Can the terrible enemy of man
                    Be but a childish attempt
                    To avoid responsibility?
                    When mother ate the fruit
                    Was not her cry,
                    "The serpent tempted me."
                    The true falling away?
                    To deny her own dark desires
                    And blame them on a source
                    Outside herself,
                    Was not this the real evil?
                    And father,
                    What of him?
                    His words,
                    "She offered it to me, so I ate."
                    His own words condemn him.
                    He gave away the glory, the Eden
                    Of free will,
                    For the painful slavery
                    Of excuses.
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