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 Mar 2015 Tuesday Pixie
The freckles across her unknown face
Were like stars kissing her cheeks
And I was envious of them.

The scars across her tired legs
Like a map showing me each place
Her mind has ever been.

Her weary chest a living urn
Holding ashes of which I have learned
Are from her love now dead.

The smile sweet upon her lips
Fake as the words on an actors script
But few will ever know that truth.

The liquid drowning her bright eyes
'Ever ignored like time passing by
Now finally I can see her.

 Mar 2015 Tuesday Pixie
I wish running away was an option
But I don't even have a car
All of my studies and every job just makes me feel more here when I want to be there
Wish I could fly away when I haven't even earned my wings yet, everything just feels sub par

Boss told me the other day that she's been around since the 90's
She told me to get out of here
I told her I don't have enough time

In between all the chaos
I try to use every minute to the fullest, but the hands on the clock don't want to high five
They just look back at me like I'm not even alive
Maybe sticking around here is at my intuitions cost, maybe more than the cost of my tuition
I'm just ivory in a sack of skin, play me like a piano you just bought
Cause otherwise I'm just gonna sit in this corner of town to rot

Felt like I've known for a while that the cracks in these streets have grown to wide
Tired of looking through a microscope
Stars and galaxies forming before we see them
Don't need to know the future to know they'll still be molecules and isotopes
There's some divine finger pointing the way I should go, what's looking me in the face, toe to toe just telling me to go, to go
Call me Lucifer because if I keep bowing down this'll be my fall
I've got free will but the world looks so **** tall
 Mar 2015 Tuesday Pixie
SG Holter
I never saw the value in
Getting back together.

Gone is gone.
Dead is dead.

The world is just too huge an

To give up a new one to
Go back.

Life is too short to

Embrace anything that begins with
It's thrilling and it's terrible,
it's wondrous while unbearable:
the piquing mind
which seeks to find
the riddle in the parable.
Traverse the universe
like it is yours
for the unwrapping--
the only thing
of anything
to ever free its trappings.

an exaggerated feeling of physical and mental well-being, especially when not justified by external reality

a disorder of affect characterized by depression and anguish

any tendency to deviation of the eyes from the normal when fusional stimuli are absent or fusion is otherwise prevented
You may not have been birthed in the soil,
and granted,
you will not blossom
when spring melts winters wake
but inside of you
grows a thousand gardens
full of exploding stars.
You are of the earth
and your ashes
have been constructed with stardust,
and set free with the wind.
So you may not have a pretty face,
and your body may hold stories
of too many moonless nights alone.
But if you reach inside,
you will find a forest
for a ribcage
and a restless ocean heart.
So don't ever let anyone tell you
you are nothing.
You are a galaxy
holding a million different planets,
and my dear,
that is not nothing.
 Mar 2015 Tuesday Pixie
 Mar 2015 Tuesday Pixie
Home is not a person
You cannot seek out a place to stay in a heart
Home is not where you’re from
Home is not where you’ve been
The house that has built you will be gone
The roof will collapse and the windows will shatter
Home does not exist
You are where you are
You go where you go
Your home is what is inside of you
Not a city
But there is comfort in driving down Brockton into the woods
We live in a world filled with disposable things
made to be used once, but seldom more than twice
with little or no attachment, we consume mindlessly
single-serving coffee or single serving relationships, it's all the same

We've learned to measure value in terms of convenience

Instant gratification comes with a price, but one we gladly pay
disposing of the evidence neatly and quietly, the carcasses
monuments to a purpose well served; vacant hearts never filled
material things only heal wounds superficially, but

nothing lasts forever, right?
*Our soulless smile, just another by-product of living a disposable life
another repost/remix
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