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 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Remember the days of easy innocence, where summer was our whiskey
The sky of red and orange and pale purple as the sun set was intoxicating

"Light the fire!" she cries, her hair a golden flame of itself, tasseled and wild-
"Lord of the flies," now she cries, "lord of the flies"

And sometimes we'd be alone but never lonely
Or at least we never realized
Lady Southwest with the chestnut eyes
She's missed it all but somehow endured-

And here I am
I linger on the wonder of little things, and hide behind my boundaries with thoughts that nothing could ever harm me, here
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
New Mexico
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
I know there will come a time where the only moisture will run out, and the ground will crack and crumble

And we will have to leave from this eternal drought- in this land many have called home

In two or two-hundred years- would we still have the one thing to nourish our bodies and repair the crusted soil?
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Joe Cole
Just Words

I can't write the words in the way that some of you can
I can only write the words that in my mind come into
I can't writes words about devotion and never ending
The inspiration for my words comes from somewhere up
Yes, words about the sea and the gently rolling
These are words I know about and sometimes get to
Words can be things of beauty or can be cruel and
Some words can tell of sadness while others make you
The words of fellow poets here cover every point of
Well, my words are plain and simple but I share my words
With you
Just Words
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Joe Cole
What a strange title
When I went to Aden (South Yemen) in 1964
It was to fight infiltrators from North Yemen
How to spot where mines had been laid
Where ambushes could take place
Trained in ******* at long and very close range
But nobody mentioned the bugs
Camel spiders almost four inches across
Now they gave us great fun because we would catch them
Then bet big money on the outcome of a fight with
Another spider or a big scorpion
Most times the spider would win but would then die
But by then the bets had been paid
Stephen E Yokum and Jonny Angel
And thousands of American and British ex military
Know about bugs
Centipedes 9/12 inches long and stinking like you'd never believe
Get one of those crawling on your skin and pull it off the wrong way and bingo
You end up with a permanent tattoo
Because their feet dig in
We did have the good ones though
Chameleons, we would keep them in our tents
And feed them crickets and in return they would keep the flies down

We learned to live with BUGS
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Joe Cole
I gaze into the mirror, see the reflections in my soul
I see what's gone before me but not what the future holds
I can't control the future, just learn lessons from the past
Study those reflections and let the good reflections last
Each of us should study the events that went before
You might see bad reflections but never close the door
We cannot change the history of what has gone before
But we can always learn the lessons if we open wide the door
So gaze into the mirror and see the reflections in your soul
And use them to do good for all before you grow to old...

Pretty simple this week, just the one words
How many



                           Did I say I'd stop crying?
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
No fence, no boundary
No gate, no door.
A grain of sand
Is all I am.

No name, no fame
No pain, no gain.
A grain of sand
Is all I am.

No copyright, no issue
No love, no hate.
A grain of sand
Is all I am.
Thanks Joe for this humbling exercise. Made me think that in HIS scheme of things we are but, " a grain of sand"... What is there in this world created by us that we can be proud of. Just a false and meaningless ego...
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Each season comes and goes, the beauty of it all

The storms of life, make me sit upright

The tears that are shed and they hold me tight

Takes my heart, makes me fight

As the moon rises, and wind blows long

I am tucked in bed, and I know just know...

There is a reason for every season

nothing everlasting, yet we cling

every storm, followed by a calm

the seed that breaks, only sprouts

the heart that breaks, germinates

But for you and me... No season, no reason...

The path I take, will always be the wind mills

Of time, but my heart can only take so much

As each time I am shoved from these trying times

I beg I cry, to let me find, let me die

but then I see words in the sky that show me

how my friends, how the world can be

and then there was you, a dear sweet friend

from across the world but so near to me ...

*Familiar paths I will not choose

neither follow nor will lead

People come, people go...

Maybe reason, maybe season

It's not per chance you and I met my friend

HE.. who knows what I need, before I know

Sent me a friend, so near, so dear

And Just a click away...
By: Debbie Brooks and Rupal
Bold: Debbie
Italics: Rupal

Thank you dear Debbie for this beautiful flow of minds...
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