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Face gruesome
some shade of green
Snakes as her hair
Venom in her split ends
But a bite to your skin
Should be your least concern
Beware her glare
Avoid her stare
Or stone you will become
Frozen in time
Forever a mime
A statue for the world to behold
A soul not at rest
To become the runway lane for pigeons
And a landmark by those amazed
You were turned this way by a monster
Who was cursed by Athena
Medusa is her name
Don't look in her dagger eyes
Or be cursed to stone
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Just Melz
Today, a mistake was made
              Some words were said,
      my sight went red
and my bond with you was severely frayed
       Now, I'm ******.
  Here's something that you missed
        you ****** up
     I've been betrayed
        So go to Hell and tell Satan
    you're a heathen worth hating

Today, a memory was lost
              Some things were forgotten
      I'm paying the cost
and all the love we shared has been tossed
       Out the window
  Here's something you don't know
           I ******* hate you
        I'm over all the *******
      So next time you decide to speak my name
   Remember you lost and I'm the game

Today, a truth shined through
         all the lies
   in which you relied
       I can't stand how I got ******* while you always got the best of me
        Now I'm enraged enough to say,  
Yeah, today my blood congealed
               I sewed the wound shut,
       but the scar will never heal
                For this,
      I ******* hate you.
and I hope your death hurts a great deal

Today, a lie was told
      As if it was the gods honest truth
             I can see it all clearly now
  But what's the use?
      I'm tattered, battered and abused
And I'm blaming it all on you
              I've lost so much already
     What else is there to lose?
         I ******* hate you!
What story is there to tell?
          What's left to say?
      How about this....
                *GO TO HELL!!!
Thank you Frank for working on this with me and helping to release some pent up anger, from both of us. You're incredible, as always. ❤
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
unique marie
as I stand on all ten toes my heart races in time  getting old so much crime so much violence death like a vacant silence tears sorrow as angels rising ****** nightmares the kids is crying  as death creep apond the streets mothers fall up on their knees while watching the body  leak from head to toe bullet fired right  through their skull mothers screaming my son is dead   the guilt is running through my veins tears of a tiger once remained  

                          _unique Marie
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
I'm so tired of being lied to!
I'm sick of having my heart ripped out!
**** LOVE
**** LIFE
You said you loved me but all you want is
*** or something ****** which  I refuse to give.
So what if I drink under-age? That is completely different
I thought you loved me for me!
**** every cheater or liar
People like you ruin lives!
I ******* hate you.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
sajjad ali
i want to see the moon so we can speak
on a night like this i need to see
full moon is what my eyes seek
the complete circle
the shining light
i say poetry to you
that what i soon forget
what is that will happen of ?
a mortal and the moon goddess
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
There in a corner is a messed up kid
But no one knows
They never speak or rise their hand
You will never hear a word
They keep to the shadows
So no one sees them
They see you
They hear you
They notice everything
But they will never step forward
As they are frighted of what
Might happen if they step
In others way
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Stu Harley
the red rose
the deceivers
and betrayers
of leadership
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Earth , wind , fire , water,
Give you the shirt off my back in the winter,
Perform our Christmas rituals,
Putting elements in order,
Sweaty skin forms the devils heat,
Running down your cheek,
Its good that we never speak,
Black lipstick,
Our faith in the demons is the promise that I will keep,
Should I say more,
Born sinners and for what !!!!
This world is a sediment,
Its easily breaking,
This world is our egg shell,
Now let's get it cracking,
Now that I need you,
Skin boils when I'm in church,
I mean its a curse,
Tasting you silence like you slept in a hearse.
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