Infrared to ultraviolet
and every color in between
every hue that is you,
is longing to be seen.
You're like a rainbow of love,
In all its prismatic splendor.
Those ruby red lips,
so soft and tender.
In your emerald green eyes
my heart begs surrender.
Your golden hair flows,
down over sweet cinnamon skin.
Towards rose colored treasures
hidden deep within.
You're a rainbow of colors,
vibrant and bold,
Pastels of passion,
for my eyes to behold.
A Rainbow of love
even more precious than gold.
(HELL! To Be Honest)
You're like Skittles Baby!
And I wanna taste the Rainbow!
To be honest this poem was giving me fits.
I couldn't figure out how to end it, so I just decided
to have a little fun with the last lines.