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 Jan 2019 TheStartOfMyEnds
And suddenly
everything is crowding
in my head
And I’m a mess again
just like I always
will be
And I wish that
all these demons
would just go away.

in your love, boy,
a summertime of dream,
a kiss on the winter wind.


in your love, boy,
a sky of lotus,
a sea that never relents.


in your love, boy,
a jealous heartbeat  
sweetened by a kiss.


in your love, boy,
the wonders of the earth
the white mist of the hills.


in your love, boy,
the honeyed kiss of the breeze.
Pierce my spine
Bend me to look north
Words to the profits
Notes to the legacy
Grab my hands and pull
Directions of decent
Paralysis of the edge
Tipping and melting
I spill over sides
The platform shatters
The worlds collide

godly oppression
Insatiable recession
Pulled from one direction to the other there will be conflict. Finding truths in falsities, forming direction through questions.
Thrown like a disk
I follow where I am led
Not where I wish
Flying through time
Walking through life
I’ve not found my end
Nor am I willing to die
 Dec 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
A house
A street
The city
A state
A country

The earth
The solor system
The milky way galaxy
This universe

I must've told my 2nd grade teacher

I really loved her
I miss her sometimes

Sometimes I forget I use to be so small

We were all once children !

Now I teach my own
that it doesn't matter where they're from
They belong to the earth
It's a gift
from the universe
 Dec 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
You get sad
when she leaves

that I am here

I'm not leaving

/I stay/
 Dec 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
No one can see
that I'm caught in between -
my body is in the present
while my soul is in the past.
Why when we get older, do we want to make ourselves look younger
But when we were younger, we couldn’t wait to be older?

Why don’t we just enjoy both young and older versions of ourselves and be happy with whatever outcome that we may become
Embrace you in all forms of our lives
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