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  Feb 2016 Sisilia
its gonna make sense
to be the light,
carry with you
a heart filled with
fiery burning passion
to help

and seek no reward
for thyself

lesson #3 from firefly

you may be small but you can be big as you can be through your light

Note: the italic last line is from "R k"

tap or click the #igmslessonsfromanimals tag button to read the other lessons
  Feb 2016 Sisilia
home is not
him, her, & them
home is where
your mind, soul, & heart
connects to make you whole

you are your own home.
your bones are shields.
your smile is the sun
seeping through these
curtains every hour of the day,
and when these days are coming to an end
your garden has already grown
the most beautiful flowers.

to believe home is everything
but yourself is asking for a disaster
to break down the walls
you have been building for years.
home never lies in the hands
of another but your own.

- *CPM
  Feb 2016 Sisilia
MS Lim
Reason walks half the way
and complains: 'I'm weary'
it asks the heart-
I don't know why,  please tell me'

The heart is quick to reply:
'  You don't know
  why you are taking this journey
  as for me--my dream I faithfully follow'
  Feb 2016 Sisilia
Ronnie James Corbin
Sometimes tears just don't happen.
Sometimes you feel your soul crack like glass
And watch the pieces fall in glittery shards
To a floor that's as unforgiving as those who made you this way.
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