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3.4k · Jan 2015
Like Dick
The Good Pussy Jan 2015
                          Like  Like  Like
                        L ike  L ike  L ike
                           Like Like Like
                           Like Like Like
                           Like Like Like
                           Like Like Like
                           Like Like Like
                           Like Like Like
                           Like Like Like
                           Like Like Like
                           Like Like Like
                           Like Like Like
                           Like Like Like
              Like Like                  Like Like
         Like Like Like          Like Like  Like
          LikeLikeLike            LikeLike Like
             Like Like                    Like Like
The Good Pussy Jul 2015
                                1. You
                            only get laid
                          once.  2.  You o
                         nly  get  *******
                       ce.  3. You only get
                       eaten once. 4.  The
                        only one who sits
                         on  your face  is
                            your mother.
3.3k · Dec 2014
A Cute Girl
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                            **  w
                       about I come
                     to your place to
                    night,so I can ******>                  w  you  the   growth
                     ofmy natural log
                     I'm  not being ob
                     tuse, you  are  be
                     ing a cute girl . Y
                     ou mustbe the sq
                     are root of -1 bec
                     ause you can't be
                     real. The  derivat
                     ive ofmy love for
                     you is 0,  because
                     my lovefor you is
                     constant.  Why d
                     on't we use some
                     Fourier  analysis
                     on  our   relation
                     ship  and  reduce
                     to a  series of Sim
                     ple     per io doc  
       Fun ctions.                I wish i was
 your calculus home  work, because then
I'd be hard and   you  'd be doing me on yo
ur desk.Hey, baby     want to squeeze my
  Theorem while            I     poly   your
       n   o    m                        i   a     l
3.2k · Dec 2014
Verbose Vagina
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                           e      e r      e
                         r        b o        r
                       b          s e          b
                      o            V             o
                     s              e               s
                    e               r                 e
                   V               b                  V
                   e             o      s              e
                   r            e        V             r
                    b           e        r             b
                     o            b     o           o
                        s             s            s
                              e       e      e
3.2k · Jun 2017
The Good Pussy Jun 2017
                   o    ov     o
                 v      f e       v
                f        f e         f
               e         c            e
               f        o  v         f
               e       f     e        e
               c       f     e        c
                 o      c  o        o
                  v       v        v
                       f    f      f
3.2k · Jan 2015
Love Triangle
The Good Pussy Jan 2015
                              Love Love
                         Love Love Love
                      LoveLove LoveLove
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
                        Triangle Triangle
          Love Love                     Love Love
     Love Love Love           Love Love  Love
  Love Love Love Lo       ve Love Love Love
    Love Love Love             Love Love Love
       Love Love                        Love Love
2.9k · Nov 2014
Pussy Pussy
The Good Pussy Nov 2014

                            *******br>                              P U S S
It is what it is.
2.9k · Oct 2014
Guilt Free
The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                                6mg Fat
                             11mg Carbs
                           150 mg Protein
                            7% of  US  RDA
                            Potassium and
                             3%   US   RDA
                             zinc and   cop
                             per.  It is both
                             Pre ven tative
                             and fights can
                             cer. Particular
                             ly. breast  can
                         cer.  Only 20 calories   .      
                per    serving!      ingestion of
               seminal    pla       sma          is
                  called *****      ophagia
2.8k · Jan 2015
Tough Love
The Good Pussy Jan 2015

                             D       D  S      D
                          S           M B          S
                         M            B              M
                        B          ­    D                B
                       D               S                  D
                      S               M                   S
                     M            B      D             M
                     B            S         M            B
                      D            B       D            D
                        S             S    M           S
                          M            B            M
                              B         D          B
                                  D     S      D
                                      S  M  S
          ­                                B
                               ­           D
2.8k · Jan 2015
The Grouchy Ladybug
The Good Pussy Jan 2015
                             a    a   d      a
                         d        y   b        d
                       y            u               y
                      b             g                b
                    u               L                 u
                    g               a                   g
                   L            d       y              L
                   a            b       u              a
                   d              g    L               d
                    y                a                  y
                     b               d                 b
                       u             y                u
                         g            b             g
                           L          u           L
                              a       g         a
                                 d    L     d
                                     y a y
2.8k · Jan 2015
The Hungry Caterpillar
The Good Pussy Jan 2015
                         Hungry ***
                      Hungry Hungry
                     *** gry   H ungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
                      Hungry Hungry
             Hungry                    Hungry
       Hungry Hungry       Hungry Hungry
    Hungry Hungry Hu  ngry Hungry Hung
      Hungry Hungry         Hungry Hungry
           Hungry                        Hungry
2.8k · Jun 2015
Fact or Friction?
The Good Pussy Jun 2015
                          Friction Friction
                         Friction Friction F
                         Friction Friction Fr
                            Friction Frictio
                            riction Friction
                            Friction Frictio
                            riction Friction
                            Friction Frictio
                            riction Friction
                            Friction Frictio
                            riction Friction
                            Friction Frictio
                            riction Friction
                            Friction Frictio
                   Friction                 Friction
            Friction Friction   Friction Friction
           Friction Friction     Friction Friction
              Friction Fric           tion  Friction
                  Friction                    Friction
2.7k · Dec 2014
Cunt Coach
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                         ­  o     o a      o
                        a        c h         a
                       c           C            c
                      h            o             h
                     C             a              C
                    o              c            ­    o
                   a               h                 a
                   c             C  o                c
                   h            a     c              h
                   C           h      C             C
                    o           o      a            o
                      a           c    h           a
                          c          C          c
             ­                h       o     h
                       ­               c
2.7k · Feb 2015
Love Tunnel
The Good Pussy Feb 2015

                      ­        o     o  v       o
                           v        e  L          v
                         e            o               e
                        L             v                L
                       o              e                 o
                       v           L     o             v
                       e          v       e             e
                        L          L     o             L
                         o           v  e             o
                           v           L            v
                               e       o        e
          ­                              e
2.7k · Feb 2015
Venusian Vagina
The Good Pussy Feb 2015

                      ­         e    e  n    e
                            n       u  s        n
                         u           i  a           u
                        s               n              s
                       i                V                i
                      a      ­          e                  a
                      n                n                  n
                     V              u     s               V
                      e              i     a               e
                       n             n   V              n
                         u               e               u
                           s             n              s
                              i   ­        u            i
                                 a       s         a
                                     n   i    n
              ­                            n
2.7k · Oct 2014
Rude dick
The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                               shut up
                            **** that 's
                         some  *******
                        your    mom ma
                          ****  YOU up
                          yours  shut up
                           ****   mother  
                           ******     ****
                           sucker   that's
                           some  *******
                           *******  ***
                           hole    fat   ***
                           ******    white
                           trash  w ** r e
                *** wipe            ****** bag
             **** slit **** shut up **** that's
            some *******    your  momma
                *******          *******
The Good Pussy Jun 2015
                             j      j o      j
                           o       r d        o
                          r         e s          r
                         d        c     o        d
                         e        r       r        e
                          s        t       f        s
                           c        j     o       c
                            o        r  d       o
                               r       •       r
                                   t    •    t
2.6k · Apr 2015
Pussy Cactus
The Good Pussy Apr 2015
                     ­            a    ac     a
                               c       tu        c
                              t          s           t
                             u       C  a          u
                            s        c     t          s
                            C       u     s          C
                            a        C    a         ­ a
                             c         c  t           c
                               t         u           t
                                  u      s       u
                                      s    :    s
2.6k · Jan 2015
Bored Stiff
The Good Pussy Jan 2015
                       Bored Bored
                      B ored  Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
                       Bored Bored
               Bored                     Bored
        Bored Bored           Bored Bored
       Bored   Bored         Bored   Bored
        Bored Bored            Bored Bored
             Bored                         Bored
2.6k · Dec 2014
Art Fart
The Good Pussy Dec 2014

                  f               f               f
                      a          a           a
                            r     r       r
              f     a      r     t    a    r     t    a  
                             a    a     a
                       r           r           r
                  t                 t               t
2.6k · Jan 2015
My Pretty Pony
The Good Pussy Jan 2015
                        Pony Pony
                      Pony Pony Po
                    Pony Pony Pony
                       P o n y  Pony
                       Pony P o n y
                       P o n y Pony
                       Pony P o n y
                       P o n y Pony
                       Pony P o n y
                       P o n y Pony
                       Pony P o n y
                       P o n y Pony
                       Pony P o n y
                       P o n y Pony
          Pony Pony         Pony  Pony
     Pony Pony Pony  Pony PonyPony
         Pony Pony            Pony Pony
             P o n y                  P o n y
2.6k · Sep 2014
The 24th Chromosome
The Good Pussy Sep 2014
                  ­             xxxxxxxxx
              ­                   xxxxxxx
                     ­            xxxxxxx
    ­                             xxxxxxx
                            ­     xxxxxxx
                            xxxxx      xxxxx
                         xxxxxxx   xxxxxxx
                            xxxxx       xxxxx
2.4k · Apr 2015
Brain Damage
The Good Pussy Apr 2015
                             Brain Brain
                          Brain Brain Br
                         ain Brain Brain
                            Brain Brain
                            Brain Brain
                            Brain Brain
                            Brain brain
                            Brain brain
                            Brain brain
                            Brain brain
                            Brain brain
                            Brain brain
                            Brain brain
                            Brain brain
                            Brain brain
                            Brain brain
                   Brain                  brain
             Brain brain         brain brain
          Brain brain bra   in brain brain
            Brain brain           brain brain
                 Brain                      brain
2.4k · Nov 2014
Blue Collar dick
The Good Pussy Nov 2014
                             Collar B lue
                          Collar Bl ue Co
                         Blue  Co l  lar Blu
                          e Collar Bl ue Co
                         Blue  Col lar Bl ue
                         Collar Blue Collar
                         Blue Collar   Blue
                         Collar Blue Collar
                         Blue Collar   Blue
                         Collar Blue Collar
                         Blue Collar   Blue
                         Collar Blue Collar
                         Blue   Collar  Blue
                         Collar Blue Collar
                         Blue  Collar  Blue
                         Collar Blue Collar
                         Blue  Collar  Blue
                         Collar Blue Collar
                         Blue  Collar  Blue
                         Collar Blue Collar
               Blue Collar           Blue Collar
         Blue Collar Blue  Collar Blue Collar
           Blue Collar Blu    e  Collar   Blue
               Blue Collar          Blue Collar
2.4k · Dec 2014
Schrodinger's Pussy Cat
2.4k · Aug 2015
Tongue Twister
The Good Pussy Aug 2015
                              When a
                       twister a-twist
                   ing will twist him a
                   twist, • For the twist
                     ing his twist,  he
                     three times  doth
                     intwist; • But if o
                     ne of the the twi
                     nes of the twist d
                     o untwist, • The t
                     wine that untwist
                     eth untwisteth th
                     e twist. • Untwirli
                     ng the twine that
                     untwisteth betwe
                     en,• He twists wit
                     h the twister the t
         wo in a twine;       • Then twice
   having twisted the  twines of the twine,
    • He twisteth the   twine  he had twined
    in twain.• The  tw   ain that  in  twining
       before in the tw   ine • As twined we
          re intwisted he  now doth intwine
2.4k · Nov 2014
Sad pussy
The Good Pussy Nov 2014

                              a   sad    a
                            d     sad     d
                           s      sad        s
                    .     a       sad         a
                        d           a            d
                       s             s              s
                     a              a               a
                    d               d                d
                   s               s   s               s
                   a             a      a             a
                   d            d       d            d
                     s            s       s           s
                      a            a   a           a
                          d          d         ­ d
                              d      s       a
                                   s  a  d
Hey *****, why so sad?

Going down will bring you up.
2.4k · Oct 2014
Pussy Bud
The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                                b   bud  b
                             u      bud    u
                           d        bud       d
                         b          bud         b
                        u             b              u
                       d              u               d
                      b               d                 b
                      u            b   b               u
                     d            u     u              d
                      b           d      d      ­       b
                       u            b   b             u
                         d             u              d
                           b           d            b
                             u          b         u
                                d       u      d
2.4k · Oct 2014
Tip of the Iceberg
The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                            iceberg iceberg
                           iceberg   iceberg
                           iceberg   iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                            iceberg iceberg
                  i c e b e r g              i c e b e r g    
              iceberg iceberg     iceberg iceberg
            iceberg iceber g      i c eberg   iceberg
             iceberg iceberg       i ceberg iceberg
                  i c eberg                     i c eberg
2.3k · Jun 2017
Don't Swallow
The Good Pussy Jun 2017
                   ate chlorpyrifos
                  glyphosate chlor
                  pyrifos glyphosa
                  te chlorpyrifos gl
                     g l y pho sate
                     chlor pyrifos
                     g l y p hosate
                     ch lorpyrifos
                     gly phos at e
                     ch lorpyrifo s
                     glyph o s at e
                     chlor p yrifos
           glyphos             ate chlo
       rpyrifos gly       phosate chlo
     rpyrifos glyph   osate chlorpyrif
       fos chlorpyri      fos glyphosat
          e chlorpy            rifos gly
Scott Pruitt head of the EPA under Trump refuses to ban neurotoxic pesticides like glyophosate and chlorpyrifos which is in the fertilizer Roundup.
2.3k · Jan 2015
Pussy Riot
The Good Pussy Jan 2015
                          e     e   v      e
                       v        u   s          v
                     u             h              u
                    s               s                 s
                   h               k                  h
                   s                i                    s
                  k      ­       D     e                k
                  i            v         u               i
                  D           s         h              D
                   e            s       k               e
                    v               i                    v
                     u              D                 u
                       s             e                s
                         h           v             h
                            s         u          s
                              k       s        k
                                  i    h    i
        ­                               s
2.3k · Apr 2015
Plato Penis
The Good Pussy Apr 2015
                              " ' The god
                               of  love lives
                           in a state of need.
                          It is a need.  It is an
                           urge.It is a homeo
                           static   imbalance.
                           Like  hunger  and
                           thirst,  it is almost
                           impossible  to sta
                           mp out.' • 'Love is
                           a  serious  mental
                           disease  ' •  'Every
                           heart sings a song
                           incomplete,  until
                           a  heart  whispers
                           back.'At the touch
                           of a love,everyone
          becomes a poet.'     'Life must be
        lived as play.' 'Po   etry is nearer to
       vital   truth  than     history'. 'You can
         learn more abo     ut a  person in an
            hour of play         than a  year of
                conver                     sation.' "
2.3k · Nov 2014
Shaved Pussy
The Good Pussy Nov 2014
                          s­     h a      s
                       h       v  e       h
                   ­ a            d            a
                    v            !              v
                   e             s               e
                  d           h    a            d
                  s           v       e          s
                  h          d       s           h
                   a           h    a           a
                     v            v             v
                       e          s           e
                            d     h      d
Boys and girls, having your ***** can be LOADS of fun!


The operative phrase being "your *****"; as in, I want, no I need you to own my *****.
2.3k · Feb 2016
Cleopatra Clit
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                                l    l e    l
                             e     o p      e
                            o      a  t        o
                           P      r     a       p
                          a       C     l        a
                           t        e    o        t
                             r       p a       r
                               a      tr      a
                                    ~ a  ~
The Good Pussy Oct 2015
                          Fountain Fount
                       Fountain Fountain
                      Fountain   F ountain
                     Fountain   Fountain  F
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                        Fountain Fountain
                 Fountain                  Fountain
     Fountain Fountain     Fountain Fountain
    Fountain Fountain Fountain Fountain Fo
      Fountain Fountain   Fountain Fountain
           Fountain Foun          tain Fountain
                 Fountain                 Fountain
2.2k · Jun 2015
Fountain of Youth
The Good Pussy Jun 2015

                            Fountain Foun
                           tain  Fountain F
                         ountain  Fountain
                            Fountain Foun
                             tain  Fountain
                             Fountain Foun
                             tain  Fountain
                             Fountain Foun
                             tain  Fountain
                             Fountain Foun
                             tain   Fountain
                             Fountain Foun
                             tain   Fountain
                             Fountain Foun
                             tain   Fountain
                   Fountain               Fountain
          Fountain Founta      Fountain Fount
          n Fountain  Foun      tain    Fountain
            Fountain Foun          tain Fountain
                Fountain                     Fountain
2.2k · Mar 2015
Nirvana Vagina
The Good Pussy Mar 2015
                           i        ir        i
                         r         va         r
                       v           n             v
                      a            a               a
                     N           N  i             N
                     i             r   v              i
                     r             a  n              r
                     v             a N              v
                      a             i r              a
                        n            v            n
                            a        a        a
2.2k · Dec 2014
College Cock
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                         co llege  college
                        college college co
                          college college
                          college college
                          college college
                          college college
                          college college
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Nice Guys Finish Last
The Good Pussy Jan 2015
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A good thing, no?
2.1k · May 2015
Vogue Vagina
The Good Pussy May 2015
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2.1k · Nov 2014
PMS pussy
The Good Pussy Nov 2014
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Parking ineptitude
Map - reading challenged
Satisfaction not guaranteed
2.1k · Jun 2016
Cockroach Pussy
The Good Pussy Jun 2016
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*Hey, it's a fact of life for coaches ... if you win everyone loves you.  If you lose you get squashed."
June 3.   "In the Bleachers"
2.1k · Oct 2014
Twin Towers
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Dali dick
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2.0k · May 2015
Pop Up Porn
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2.0k · Sep 2014
Organ Boner II
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"because it's there"
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1.9k · Nov 2014
Pussy Envy
The Good Pussy Nov 2014
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"What does a well-dressed ***** wear?"

"A slit skirt perhaps? "

I will put that in my notes.  But, that's not what I meant.

Playing off of course, '***** Envy', which I have been informed all women have at one point in their life, '***** Envy' is something  only a man could have.
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