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41.4k · Sep 2014
The Good Pussy Sep 2014
                              *** ***
                           *** *** ***
                        ex *** *** ***
                           *** *** ***
                           *** *** ***
                           *** *** ***
                           *** *** ***
                           *** *** ***
                           *** *** ***
                           *** *** ***
                    ***  ***.        *** ***
                *** *** ***     *** *** ***
                 *** ex ***       *** *** ex
                    *** ***            *** ***
19.1k · May 2015
Peninsula Penis
The Good Pussy May 2015
                              Peninsula Pe
                             ninsula Penin
                             sula Peninsula
                    Peninsula         Peninsula
                Peninsula Pe       ninsula Peni
                 nsula Penin         sula   *****
                   Peninsula            Peninsula
12.2k · Sep 2014
Horny is as horny does.
The Good Pussy Sep 2014
                         ***** ***** **
                            ***** *****
                            ***** *****
                            ***** *****
                            ***** *****
                            ***** *****
                            ***** *****
                            ***** *****
                            ***** *****
                            ***** *****
                            ***** *****
                            ***** *****
                     *****                *****
                hornyhorny      hornyhorny
               *****  *****    *****  *****
                     *****                 *****
11.6k · May 2015
Planetary Collapse
The Good Pussy May 2015
                           ***** Planet
                         ***** Planet P
                        enis Planet Peni  
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                           Planet *****
                 Planet *****      Planet *****
            Planet ***** Pla net ***** Planet
       ***** Planet ***** Planet ***** Planet
         ***** Planet Peni s Planet ***** Plan
               Planet *****         Planet *****
The Good Pussy Mar 2015
                            pencil pencil
                         pencil pencil pen
                          cil pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                            pencil pencil
                    pencil               pencil
               pencil pencil     pencil pencil
           pencil pencil pencil pencil pencil
              pencil pencil      pencil pencil
                  pencil                    pencil
10.7k · Oct 2014
Penis Envy
The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                               envy envy
                           envy envy envy
                         envy  envy   envy
                         envy  envy   envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                          envy envy envy
                    envyenvy            envy envy
              envy envyenvy    envy envyenvy
            envy envy envy    envy  envy   envy
             envy envy envy    envy envy envy
               envy   envy                envy envy
9.7k · Nov 2014
Sarcastic dick
The Good Pussy Nov 2014
                            A hard-on
                        doesn't  count
                      as personal  gro
                     wth.If  you  want
            ­         to  hear  the  pitte
                       r - patter of littl
                       e feet,  I'll put s
                       hoes on my cat.
                       This isn't an off
                       ice , it's hell wit
                       h florescent lig
                       hting.How do I
                       set a lazer prin
                       ter to stun? I m
                       ajored in Libera
                       l arts. Will that
                       be for here or t
                       o go? Too many
                       freaks, not eno
                       ugh circuses.  I
                       have a comput
                       er, a ******* a
                       nd pizza delive
                       ry .Why should
                       I leave the hou
      se? Stress is wh   en you wake up scr
eaming and you re    alize you  haven't  fal
*** asleep yet. I like  dogs  too .  Let's  exch
  ange recipes.  And   yo u r      c r y b a b y        
    whiny- assed   o      pinion      is?      Al 
      low me to intro       duce my selves.
8.6k · Jan 2016
My Big Fat Pussy
The Good Pussy Jan 2016
                          b      bfp       b
                       f         mbf         f  
                      P         pmb          p
                      ~          f  p            ~­
                      m      m     b          m
                       b       f        p         b
                        f        m    b         f
                         P        f   p         p
                           ~        m         ~
                             ~      b        ~
       ­                               p
8.3k · Feb 2016
Puppeteer Penis
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                   Puppeteer Pu
                  Puppeteer Pup
                  Puppeteer Pupp
                    Puppeteer Pu
                    ppeteer Pupp
                     eteer Puppete
                     er Puppeteer
                     Puppeteer Pu
                      ppeteer Pupp
                      eteer Puppete
                      er Puppeteer
                      Puppeteer Pu
                      ppeteer  Pupp
                     eteer Puppeteer  
              Puppeteer     Puppeteer
          PuppeteerPup peteer Pupp
            eteerPuppet    teerPuppet
               Puppet            Puppet
8.2k · Sep 2014
Ice Cream Dick
The Good Pussy Sep 2014
                             you scream
                          we  all  scream
                          for ice cream. I
                          scream you scr
                          eam we all scre
                          am for ice  crea
                          m. I scream  yo
                          u scream we al
                          l  scream for ic
                          e cream. I  scre
                          am you scream
                          we all scream f  
                          or ice cream.  I
               scream you scream we all
           scream for ice cream.   I scream
              you scream       we all scream
                  for ice                 cream.
8.1k · Nov 2014
Friday dick
The Good Pussy Nov 2014
                    ­    Friday   Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
                         Friday Friday
           Friday Friday      Friday Friday
       Friday Friday Fri  day Friday Friday
         Friday Friday         Friday Friday
              Friday                     Friday
7.9k · Nov 2014
The Good Pussy Nov 2014

                     b   s    b               b   s    b
               o                       o  o                      o
             o            o            o             o           o
              b                         b                      ­   b
                  o       o      b          o      o     b
This was a special request.
7.9k · Dec 2014
Le Artiste dick
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
                         Artist Artist
              Artist Artist      Artist Artist
          Arist Artist Art  Art Artist Artist
            Artist Artist         Artist Artist
                  Artist                    Artist
7.8k · Jan 2015
Sweet Pussy ♡
The Good Pussy Jan 2015

                             ♡    ♡ ♡    ♡
                         ♡        ♡ ♡        ♡
                        ♡            ♡            ♡
                      ♡              ♡              ♡
                     ♡               ♡               ♡
                     ♡               ♡                ♡
                     ♡           ♡    ♡            ♡
                      ♡         ♡      ♡           ♡
                        ♡          ♡  ♡           ♡
                           ♡          ♡           ♡
                               ♡      ♡      ♡
                                   ♡  ♡ ♡
The Good Pussy Jun 2015
                      h            h            h
              ­             o       o        o
                               l     l     l
                  h   o    l     @      l     o      h
                               l     h     l
                        o           o          o
                    h               l               h
7.3k · Jan 2015
Dream Pussy
The Good Pussy Jan 2015
                                  D  r
                            r     e  a     r
                         e       m D       e
                       a            r             a
                     m            e               m
                    D              a                 D
                   r             m   D               r
                   e            r        e              e
                   a           a        m             a
                    m           D     r             m
                      D              e               D
                        r             a             r
                           e         m          e
                              a      D       a
                                 m  r   m
7.2k · Nov 2014
Pretty Pussy
The Good Pussy Nov 2014
                        ­              p
                                r   r  e   r
                             e      t   t      e
                           t          y           t          
                         t            p             t
                       y             r               y
                     p             e  t               p
                    r              t    y               r
                   e             p      r               e
                   t             e         t              t
                   t              t        y              t
                    y             p      r              y
                      p            e    t              p
                        r             p               r
                           e          r             e
                              t        e          t
                                  t   tt     t
**** it.
6.7k · Jun 2017
Paris Climate
The Good Pussy Jun 2017
                          o   t  h    o
                        t      o t        t
                      h       h o        h
                     o          t            o
                     t        h   o          t
                      h      t     h        h
                       o      o   t        o
                         t       h        t  
                            h   o    h
6.5k · Mar 2015
A Cunt is a Cunt is a Cunt
The Good Pussy Mar 2015
                      ­         u      u n       u
                            n          t C           n
                           t             u               t
                          C             n               C
                          u           C u              u
                          n          n     t            n
                           t           C   u            t
                             C         n  t           C
                               u         C          u
                                  n      u       n
                                     t    n    t
6.2k · Dec 2014
Penis Pussy
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                                  P     P
                           e                     e
                       n                             n
                     i                                   i
                    s                                     s
                    P                P                  P
                     e           e       n            e
                      n          i        s           n
                         i           P  e           i
                             s        n        s
6.0k · Sep 2015
Picasso Pussy
The Good Pussy Sep 2015
                       p             P
   p              u               u s
   u             s                 s  y
    s              s
       y                            p u            y
                                   s      s
                                   y      p
     P                             u   s
       u                             sy
6.0k · Jan 2015
Sex Addict
The Good Pussy Jan 2015

                             d    d   d      d
                          d        i   c          d
                        i             t                i
                       c             A                c
                       t              d                 t
                      A             d                 A
                      d           i       c            d
                       d           t     A           d
                         i             d              i
                           c          d           c
                              t        i        t
             ­                          c
6.0k · Oct 2014
Toy dick
The Good Pussy Oct 2014

                            Rubik ' s Cube
                          Stress ***** Top
                         Squirt  gun  Yo-yo
                          Slinky GI Joe Hot
                          Wheels  Action  F
                 ­         igures  Col lectibl
                          e  Puzzles Etch  A
                          SketchStuffed An
                          imals Marbles Do
                          llsCards Kite Perp
                          plexus Le a p Pad
                          Magic School Bus
                          Micro s co p e   Kit
               Vibrating                Rubber Duck
           ie  Handcuffs            Oral   ***  Strip
        Glowing  Stretchy       Vibrating *****
          Doll theLibera               tor  Soloflesh
5.7k · Jun 2015
Wanna Play Doctor?
The Good Pussy Jun 2015
                       Doctor Doctor
                     Doctor Doctor Doc
                   tor Doctor Doctor D
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
                       Doctor Doctor
               Doctor                 Doctor
         Doctor Doctor     Doctor Doctor
     Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor   Doc
       Doctor Doctor      Doctor Doctor
              Doctor                  Doctor
5.6k · Sep 2014
Pussy Dick
The Good Pussy Sep 2014
                      ­  *****   *****
                      ­    pussypussy
             ­             pussypussy
    ­                      pussypussy
                       ­   pussypussy
                 p u s s y             *******br>           ************   p u s s y  *****
             *****   *****      *****  *****
                   *****                   *****
5.5k · Dec 2014
Carnivorous Cock
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                    ous **** Car
                   nivorous ****
­                    Carnivorous
 ­  Carnivorous             Carnivorous
Carnivorous ****   Carnivorous ****
  Carnivorous               Carnivorous
       ****                             ****
5.5k · Feb 2017
Open Borders
The Good Pussy Feb 2017

                            S       USA        S
                         A         USA           A
                        U            US              U
                        S           A    U             S
                       A           S       A           A
                        U          U       S            U
                         S           A     U            S
                          A           S A             A
                            U           U             U
                               S          S           S
5.5k · Nov 2014
Kamasutra Kock
The Good Pussy Nov 2014
                               T h e
                        F an t a s t i c
                       Rocking Horse
                      T h e  Catherine
                     W heel The Glo w
                      ing Triangle The
                      ******* The Nirv
                      ana  The Padlock
                      The SlideThe Ape
                      The Butterfly The
                      Ascent  to  Desire
                    ­  The Balancing Act
                      The Splitting Bam
                      boo The Curled A
                      n g e l The Bridge
                      The Clip The Clos
                      se-up The Double
                      Decker The Seduc
                      Tion The Crouchi
                      ng TigerThe Hero
                      The Dolphin Th e
    Frog The Glowing   Juniper  The  Plow
The Peg The Classic  The Kneel The Reclining Lotus The Lustful  L  eg The Eagle The Cros
  s The Rowing Boat    The Star *******
    The Super 8 The         Bandoleer   The
          M a g i c                        Mountain
5.3k · Jan 2015
Sex Pet
The Good Pussy Jan 2015

                        ­    e      e    t       e
                          t         P   e          t
                        P             t               P
                       e              p                e
                      t        ­        e                  t
                     P                t                   P
                     e             P     e               e
                      t            t       P              t
                       P            e    t              P
                         e             P               e
                           t            e             t
                             P         t           P
                               e       P        e
                                    t   e    t
5.3k · Nov 2016
Pussy Riot
The Good Pussy Nov 2016
                                 o    ot     o
                               t       ri        t
                              r        o          r
                             i        t    r        i
                             o      i      o      o
                             t       t      r       t
                              r       i    o       r
                                i        t         i
                                    o         o
5.1k · Oct 2016
Grand Ol' Pussy
The Good Pussy Oct 2016
                        ­             GO
                              O    PG     P
                            P       GO       G
                           G          P         O
                           O      G     O      P
                            P      P     G      G
                             G      O  P      O
                               O      G        P
                                  P    O     G
5.0k · Jul 2015
Presto Penis
The Good Pussy Jul 2015
                          abracadabra abr
                         cadabra abracada
                        bra abracadabra a
                         bracadabra abrac
            abracadabra          abracadabra
      ab­racadabra abra     cadabra abracada
      bra abacadabra        abracadabra abra
         cadabra abra           cadabra    abra
            cadabra    a              bracadadbra
- now you see it.
- now you don't.
4.9k · Jan 2015
You Done Fucked Up
The Good Pussy Jan 2015

                             ****** Up
                        ****** Up ****
                       ****** Up **** U
                     p ****** Up  ****  U
                       ****** Up  ******
                       Up ****** Up ****
                       ****** Up  ******
                       Up ****** Up ****
                       ******  Up  ******
                       Up ****** Up ****
                       ******  Up  ******  
                       Up ****** Up ****
                       ******  Up  ******
                       Up  ****** Up ****
                       ******  Up  ******
                       Up ******  Up ****
            ****** Up                 ****** Up
      ****** Up ******     Up ****** Up
         ****** Up ****       U ****** Up
              ****** Up               **** U
*somehow that **** doesn't  look right.
*it's ****** up!  Hahahahaha.
4.9k · Jul 2015
Happy Independence Day!
The Good Pussy Jul 2015
                       Candle Roman
                     Candle Roman Ca
                    ndle Roman Candle
                    Roman Candle Rom
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
                        Roman Candle
               Roman                     Candle
        Roman Candle         Roman Candle
    Roman Candle Rom  an Roman Candle
       Roman Candle           RomanCandle
              Roman                        Candle
4.8k · Dec 2014
Nerd Dick
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                         Nerd  Nerd
                       Nerd Nerd Ne
                     rd   Ne r d   Nerd
                   ­   NerdNerdNerd
              ­        NerdNerdNerd
         ­             NerdNerdNerd
    ­                  NerdNerdNerd
         Nerd Nerd              Nerd Nerd
      NerdNerd Nerd    Nerd Nerd Nerd        
   Nerd  Nerd  Nerd   Nerd  Nerd   Nerd  
     NerdNerdNerd        NerdNerdNerd
        Nerd Nerd                 Nerd Nerd
4.8k · Oct 2014
Gangster dick
The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                                J o h n
                       ­    "P retty Boy"
                           F l oyd "Baby
                          Face"    Nelson
                 ­          Al   "Scarface"
                           Capone  "Ma
                           c h i ne   Gun"
                           Kelly  Charles
                          "Lucky" Lucia
                           no     B u g s y
                           Siegel    Carlo
                           Gambino Jack
                           Diamond Tom
                           Devaney Jame
                           s Coonan  D a
          wood Ibrahcan       Kray  Brothers
        Demetrius Flenory  Joaquin Guzman
          James  Burke           Meyer Lansky
             Bonnie                         Clyde
4.7k · May 2015
A Fun Guy
The Good Pussy May 2015
                         Mushroom M
                       ushroom   Mush
                     r oom   Mush room
                       Mushroom Mush
                       room Mushroom
                       Mushroom Mush
                       room Mushroom
                       Mushroom Mush
                       room Mushroom
                       Mushroom Mush
                       room Mushroom
                       Mushroom Mush
                       room Mushroom
                       Mushroom Mush
                       room Mushroom
          Mushroom                  Mushroom
       Mushroom Mush    room Mushroom
        Mushroom Mush    room Mushroom
             Mushroom               Mushroom
The Good Pussy Feb 2015

                            a      a d      a
                         d         n e         d
                       n             s              n
                      e              s          ­       e
                     s               M                  s
                    M          a        d   ­          M
                    a           n         e              a
                     d           s        s              d
                       n              M               n
                         e             a               e
                            s          d            s
         ­                       s      n       s
                     ­                   s
Friedrich Nietzche
The Good Pussy Feb 2015
                                    ­  L
                             e     e   m      e
                          m       o   n         m
                        o             L               o
                       n              e                 n
                      L               m                 L
                      e                o                  e
   ­                   m           n     L             m
                      o            e      m            o
      ­                 n           o      n            n
                        L           L    e             L
                          e            m             e
                             m        o          m
                                 o      n       o
                                      n     n
4.5k · Feb 2015
Love is in the Air
The Good Pussy Feb 2015

                              o      o  v       o
                           v         e   L         v
                         e             o               e
                        L              v                L
 ­                      o               e                  o
                       v               L                  v
                       e           o        v             e
                       L           e        L            L
                         o           o     v            o
                           v             e             v
                               e         L         e
                    ­                      v
                                         ­ e
4.5k · Oct 2014
Black dick
The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                        ­  orangeorange
                         orange   orange
                         orange  orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                          orange orange
                   o r a n g e          o r a n g e
              orange orange orange orange
             orange orange    orange orange
               orange   or           ange orange
                    orange.               orange
4.5k · Dec 2014
Vegetarian Vagina
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                              e   e g  e
                            g     e t     g
                           e      a r       e
                         t          i            t
                       a           a             a
                      r            n               r
                     i              V                i
                    a            e   g              a
                    n           e     t              n
                     V          a      r            V
                      e         ­  i     a            e
                       g             n             g
                          e           V           e
                             t        e          t
                               a      g      a
                                 r     a    r
                                    i      i
                                     a  a
4.3k · Jun 2015
Primary Penis
The Good Pussy Jun 2015
                       ­      yellow blue
                         red yellow blue
                        red yellow blue re
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red    
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                          yellow blue red
                 yellow                  blue red
         yellow blue red    yellow blue red
      yellow blue red yel low blue red yello
        blue red yellow        blue red yellow
             blue red                      yellow
4.1k · Apr 2015
Playdough Penis
The Good Pussy Apr 2015
                             Playdough Play
                           dough Playdough
                         Playdough  Playdou
                           Playdough     Play
                           dough Playdough
                           Playdough     Play
                           dough Playdough
                            Playdough    Play
                            Dough Playdough
                            Playdough     Play
                            Dough  Playdough
                            Playdough     Play
                            Dough  Playdough
                             Playdough     Play
                            Dough  Playdough
                            Playdough      Play
                            Dough  Playdough
                   Playdough          Playdough
            Playdough Play   dough  Playdough
           Playdough   Play   Playdough   Play
            Dough Playdough  Playdough Play
                Dough Play             Playdough
3.9k · Jul 2016
The Good Pussy Jul 2016
                     ­         ****-up ****
                             up ****-up co
                           ****-up ****-up
                             ****-up ****-
                             up ****-up co
                             ck-up ****-up
                             ****-up ****-
                             up ****-up co
                             ****-up ****-
                             up ****-up co
                             ****-up ****-
                    ****-up.           ****-up
                ****-up ****   ****-up ****
               ****-up-up ****-up  ****-up
                ****-up ****    -up ****-up
                   ****-up              ****-up
3.8k · Jan 2015
Wrapped Tight
The Good Pussy Jan 2015
                           i       i   g        i
                       g          h   t           g
                     h              T               h
                    t                 i                  t
                   T                g                   T
                  i               h       t               i
                  g             T         i              g
                  h              g       h              h
                    t               t    T               t
                     T                i                 T
                        i              g               i
                            g          t            g
          ­                     h      T        h
                                   t    i     t
                     ­                   h
3.6k · May 2015
Mango Salsa
The Good Pussy May 2015
                                1 can diced
                           mangos, drained•
                          1 can diced tomato
                         es, drained • 1\4 cup
                           diced red onion •
                           1\4 cup  chopped
                            fresh  cilantro or
                            mint• 1\2 jalapeñ
                            o, seeded and fin
                            ely chopped  or 2
                            tbsp. canned dice
                            d jalapeño. • 2 tb.
                            p.   fresh  lime or
                            lemon juice **
                 stir together     all ingredients
          in medium bowl  Serve as a dip with
          tortilla or pita ch ips or as a topping
             for quesadillas   or grilled chicken
                   fish  or                  pork
First,   consume  mangos directly from can.

* Use fresh mangos and fresh tomatoes. (do not eat mangos before using them in recipe)
3.6k · Nov 2014
Virtual Vagina
The Good Pussy Nov 2014
                           ­ i    i  r     i  
                         r      t  u       r
                       t        a  l          t
                     u         V a           u
                    a            g                a
                   l              i                   l
                V               n                   V
               a                 a                     a
              g                  V                      g
     ­         i                i      r                   i
              n             u       a                  n
               a             l        V                 a
                V            a       g                V
                  i             n    a               i
                    r              V               r
                      t             i              t
                        u          r          u
­                           a        t        a
                               l    u    l
3.6k · Dec 2014
Pineapple Pussy
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                        o  ­   r   e      o
                    c         a   m         c
                 o               C               o
                n                r                 n
              u                  e                   u
              t               a       m              t
              C             C           r             C
               o             e          a             o
                c              m    C               c
                  o               r                 o
                    n             e              n
                       u          a           u
                            t      m      t
                   ­                 C
        ­                            e
                                   ­ a
1 cup cubed RIPE pineapple
1/2 cup  coconut milk chilled.  I use a coconut milk from Thailand which is 80% coconut milk.  It thickens when it is chilled.   I mix it with brown sugar and make my own fruit dip
1/4 cup brown sugar
* bananas optional.  I only use organic bananas.   A better flavor.

*another dreamy fruit dip,  for those of you  who indulge in cream: mix sour cream and brown sugar-just.

Bon Appetite!
3.5k · Jun 2015
The Big Bad Wolf
The Good Pussy Jun 2015

                           Wolf Wolf Wolf
                      Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf
                    Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf W
                     Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf W
                        Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                            Wolf Wolf Wolf
                   Wolf Wolf         Wolf Wolf
              Wolf Wolf Wolf  Wolf Wolf Wolf
          Wolf Wolf Wolf W olf  Wolf Wolf Wo
             Wolf Wolf Wolf    Wolf Wolf Wolf
                     Wolf Wolf           Wolf Wolf
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