What is wrong with me I was fine Now I am not Wanting to dress myself in red And drown in it I miss things I guess Or maybe this is just a episode That I want to suffer from Not die I love life I just don't like this moment Right now
Bumblebee Sweetheart You have stole my heart The poetry you write Seeps into my soul A beautiful cup of tea Hot and ready And I will drink deeply And give my tea Back to thy My perfect Bumblebee.
Taking a break Is that what we are doing? I don't know I guess we are But I don't know if I can go back But you seem to know I may not return Into your loving arms Other then a friend Anymore
My teal hair The perfect color A clash from my sea green eyes And ivory skin Attention seeps into my skin I want to change everything Everything about me This year has been a change Let's end it With a bang.
Anything I will take anything to get this feeling out of my chest This headache out of my head I can't take it. I want it out with blood with a pill with cancer in a stick. Anything please Just make me forget I exist. I just wish I loved life a little less.