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The Vault Sep 2019
Jump without a parachute
Don't look before I cross
Take more pills then prescibed
Will this make the pain in my chest go away
Will this make my face stop crying
Will death take a failer like me.
The Vault Sep 2019
The guilt in my chest.
But I can't go back.
I know.
The future is unhealthy and unstable
But the guilt of disappointing everyone that liked us.
Do I go back?
Fake it all
Act like everything is alright to make everyone happy.
What do I do....
The Vault Sep 2019
No one cares about you
But it is fine
  Sep 2019 The Vault
I shouldn't be up this late
I have work in the morning
I hate my boss
I hate my job
I'd quit if I didn't need the money
But I can't stop the drinking
And I can't shake the feeling
Of you on my lips
I'm cursed forever
With the taste of your kiss
And your hands on my hips

I need someoone to help
Did I tell you I'm drinking
I hate this taste
I say hate too much
Is that why you left me lonely
But I can't stop the drinking
And I can't shake the feeling
Of being alone
I'll guess I'll get use to this
Or at least try
Everything feels so strange
And I know I am up too late
I'm smoking the buds of your cigarettes
Just to be where your lips have been
I'm only doing this all because I think that I need it
It's as close as I can get to you

Yeah as close as I can get
(As close as I'll ever be)
As close I can get to you

I'm smoking the buds of your cigarettes
The ones you left in the ash tray
During our last conversation
I'm wearing your t shirts
I'm listening to your favorite mix tape
I'm only doing this all because I think that I need it
It's as close as I can get to you
Written as a song
The Vault Sep 2019
Smoke into my lungs
Deep and painful
But breath it out as if nothing
Death a gift
Given from the smoke
But here I go
Straight into my addiction.
The Vault Sep 2019
A sinner
But that is what I am naturally
I will take this road
And see where it goes
And if it leads me to you
Then it is so
But I will not drag you along
For I love you so
And I will not cry anymore
For I am crying
Of what I did to you
And I don't want to cry anymore

I am not perfect.
I never have been.
I am ****** up
But don't talk to me if it hurts
Don't talk to me for an answer
Cause I have none.
I don't have a answer.
And I don't have a soul
The Vault Sep 2019
We are broken up
And it is all my fault
But somehow
I can't seem to change my phone
To a picture
Other then us.
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