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 May 2017 JS Clark
Jim Davis
Sand in my toes
Can't get it out
Five tours
Does that to you

Sand in my mouth
Can't get it out
Five tours
Does that to you

Sand in my nose
Can't get it out
Five tours
Does that to you

Sand in my ears
Can't get it out
Five tours
Does that to you

Sand in my eyes
Can't get it out
Five tours
Does that to you

Sand in my brain
Can't get it out
Five tours
Does that to you

Five tours
With a bang
Does that to you

©  2017 Jim Davis.
Prompted by a friend who did five tours!  Even one tour is sometimes enough!
 May 2017 JS Clark
Richard Grahn
Today, I found an old friend
on Facebook.
Or rather,
he found me.
It’s kind of amazing
that he found me at all.
How in the world did
this world get so small.

30 years
can take their toll.
It’s a passing memory
at it’s very best.
We had our mutual friends back then
but that’s looking back to so long ago.
It seems like an instant where we’re apt to pretend
but the world has been turning around since then.

We said our hellos and our how-do-you-dos.
Things clicked into place
and we caught up on news.
It was short but so sweet,
those moments we spent.
I’m looking for more
in the days up ahead.
This one contact actually resulted in the finding of three old friends in a single day. People I’ve been trying to reach for years.
The only thing
  that spreads faster than hate,
    —is love

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)
Are we constantly building
  circular walls,
  —that we feel safe within

Are the threats contained,
  as our minds abstain,
  —in our fortress ‘void of sin’

Does the air we breathe,
  serve to then mislead,
  —forming words that echo back

Now inside a prison
  where we must serve,
  —as ourselves, we then attack

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)
 May 2017 JS Clark
phil roberts
Slow-motion blood
Aging carcass
Pain strewn
All well earned
No station missed
Time sodden gift
Rumour laden
Balancing the edge
Twisting the knife
Flashing backwards
Fun on the run
Stand and Fight
Following the way
Way of the wayward
Aimed at the graveyard
Hammered to hardness
Til nothing breaks
Still grinning

                      By Phil Roberts
 May 2017 JS Clark
Benji James
Once in a lifetime
You'll meet that one in a million
And you can't help but drown
In such divine beauty and grace
Lost for words
with every move that she makes
Feels like I was falling deeper
This girl she was a keeper
Never thought I'd ever mistreat her

Oh honey can't stop
Crying over you
Straight from my heart
I'm breaking in two
Still, can't bear that I lost you
And memories of you
Are playing on repeat
All these thoughts
I can hardly sleep
Oh honey
Still crying over you

Everything fell,
went stone cold sour
Go through this situation
In my head for hours upon hours
How did we grow so close
Just to be torn apart
Words I should have left unspoken
We're put out in the open
And that's when we slid
into a constant fight
I'll never forget that night
Because I was so wrong,
And you were so right.

Oh honey can't stop
Crying over you
Straight from my heart
I'm breaking in two
Still, can't bear that I lost you
And memories of you
Are playing on repeat
All these thoughts
I can hardly sleep
Oh honey
Still crying over you

And it's here and now
I realise just how
much I messed up
If I could do it all again
You know I would
Let my insecurities
Get the better of me
Resulting in the hurtful words
I put you through
And I'll never forgive myself
for the hurt
I've caused inside of you
So much heartache
In watching your heartbreak

Oh honey can't stop
Crying over you
Straight from my heart
I'm breaking in two
Still, can't bear that I lost you
And memories of you
Are playing on repeat
All these thoughts
I can hardly sleep
Oh honey
Still crying over you

©2017 Written By Benji James
 May 2017 JS Clark
Some people are old at 16 and some are young at 90.....
Time is a concept that humans created...
You are appreciated, and Loved.
You are important, and very Loved.
You are needed, by God and I.
You are Righteous in Christ eyes.
There are no one that can do what you do.
For Christ gave you talents and gifts.
For the purpose that you were created for.
He uses you to bless others through your gifts.
With verse in debt to time enslaved,
  its prophecy of doom

Whose curse to sling like darts and arrows,
  destined for the tomb

All words in red, as blood they drip,
  from wounded hearts and minds

My breath to scorch with fire and salt,
—damnation still unrhymed

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)
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