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 Mar 2015 Thato
 Mar 2015 Thato
I miss the way my name slipped through your lips the way water slips through finger tips
 Mar 2015 Thato
Crushing Love
Being a ***** means.......
I stand up for myself and my beliefs
I stand up for those I love
I speak my mind, think my own thoughts
or do things my way
I won't compromise whats in my heart
I live MY way
I won't allow anyone to step on me
I refuse to tolerate injustice
It means I have the courage &
The strength to allow myself to be me
So try to stomp on me, douse my inner flame,
Squash every ounce of beauty I hold within
You won't succeed
And if that makes me a *****, so be it
I embrace the title and I'm proud to be a *****!!
 Mar 2015 Thato
He'll love you more than he loved me because with you, you're perfect. Being your everything it's the greatest thing he can give to you.
I just want to say a few things, I want to tell you how lucky you are because you and him? You may as well be a perfect match and with that I want you to appreciate him. Appreciate his presence because girl, that's what I'm longing for. Show him how much you care and how much you admire him despite his imperfections (I tell you though you'll find beauty in them too)

I could never compare to you. The way he looks at you, it's much more meaningful. You are the sun, moon, stars that give him warmth when it's cold. When he thinks of you he just can't help but smile because you are his sunshine, something to look forward to everyday. You will be gravity that holds things perfectly in place, you will be his queen. All the things I never was and never could be will be you.
You will be his Juliet,
his Cossette,
his Elizabeth Bennett.        
And I
Will be no one.

Take care of him, love him with a love greater than mine. If you can.

The girl he loved before
My mind is just sooooooo messy. My thoughts are killing me. They're drowning me, torturing me, cutting my heart and skin exposing my faults, downfalls and my shortcomings when it comes to loving him.
 Mar 2015 Thato
I'm sorry that things have to be this way
That you have to feel this way,
But I will never be sorry for falling in love.
My mind is captured by all of you
And you are the on that my heart sings true.
Never will you be forgotten, only cherished,
Never to perish from all my thoughts and dreams.
I know you are the only one for me,
You are my cup of tea.
So don't you tell me to find "true love"
Because I've already found it,
It's you.

But maybe I'm not your morning dove.
If so,
I forgive you.
Maybe I wasn't enough,
That I was too tough to deal with.
Just remember,
You will haunt my heart forever,
And I will never forget
My one true love.
Don't usually rhyme, but I thought it would help me relay the message better for this poem. Its not really an ode, but close enough.
To kiyu, my one and only true love. I'm sorry that I'm not always enough... I hope you will find your one true love, whether it be me or someone else. You deserve better. Je t'aime.
I'm sorry if I hurt you...
I told you I'm an effing mess and will ***** up everything.
Thanks for bearing with me all this time.

Moon Song
By Karen O.
 Mar 2015 Thato
do not date a girl
who writes.
she will internalize
carve poems
into your eyelashes
instead of
kissing them,

she will analyze you,
calculate age
from the rings
your coffee cup
instead of refilling it.

she will memorize
the way your
lips curl around steam,
but not that you
take it
two sugars,
no cream.

she will read your
palm instead of
holding it
against her chest.

she will not
when you leave,
because she is
romanticizing it.
 Mar 2015 Thato
Poetic T
Body Parts
 Mar 2015 Thato
Poetic T
The brain is a terrible
Thing to waste, will it
Make me smart, will
It give memories of
Past mistakes.

Fingers are the digits
That have wrote a thousand
Words, think what they have
Touched the senses they felt
Around the world.

Eyes are the window to
The soul, they have seen many
Things to enlighten the mind.
To wish they would never open
Again for fear of what was seen,
But never to see it again.

A heart it beat for love, sorrow
Touched more than we know,
It beat from birth it has beat more
Than a million times, each energy
For life from the start.

Friend I ask you this, why when
We eat do you think of these things,
Don't think of there parts as what was
And what they were.

They are dinner for us, to fill are
Stomachs nothing more, there were
What they were, but know just
Parts food to feed  us nothing more.
Do you ever think about what you eat
 Mar 2015 Thato
I'm sorry I was and am never there enough for you.
Reread messages between me and old friends...
I'm sorry.
I miss them.

by roy orbison
 Mar 2015 Thato
Cranberry Juice
Why am I living?
What should I do?
Why am I here?
What is life all about?
What is the purpose of existence?
Does life even exist at all?

People say I live for God.
People say I'm here to make a difference in the world.
People say I'm here to enjoy life.
People say it's the best gift each and everyone one of us has received.
But you know what?
I feel like I'm living to satisfy others instead of myself.
written in 2015
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