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Jan 2022 · 69
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
When Can Bird Whistle Finally Become Silence? Peace redeemed forever from universe kisses ?! Our mundane words tick like bombs only in human hearts and teary-eyed stars serve to protect instincts! Crazy in the meadows of bone fields, ku has lost his entire life, and you can never find the solutions to survival again! V.I.P. night drowned in bubble night; the slow destruction of themselves was signaled by the timed hell machine! Fragmented, the sight glasses were broken; the Present is bent on its glass tiles! Instead of a multitude of friendly faces of people, yawning skulls greeted the homesick everywhere!
- Our weary fears also sin against us in this way; in the cool masks of faces we often get lost if we can’t see the differences! In the shadow of our silence, we know nothing but we are fleeing! By law, Being rips out your Dreams of Silence; a line of falling shadows plunder in Time! If your faces are already cast, your soul will sin! It closes in itself the many hopeless moments through worldly labyrinths, there is hardly anyone who would do your common detour with you! - Naked squirming can squeeze so night-shroud! Moonlight bulging on an ax haunts you when you have to be alone!
The meaningful years listen to you as an accountable prisoner! The night of the flu soaks with you in piles of trickled lights: No-Time the conceived Fate can fall through if you are not careful! Someone is diligently tearing the shackles of your humiliation to get in! With a disgust of rotten miracles, a world that counts to the core is vomiting out there! Day-to-day sensation and fog-people are rolling and eternal Friendships are breaking up.
Dec 2021 · 73
The Bark of Being
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Everyone in Being crashes like wolf traps are the researcher wild! Behind the face, another cleaner and more sincere look besieges our beating hearts! Because in a sensationalist world today, Minute Blue people continue their handball gang time and the looming danger also comes from the smiles of artificial liver! He who confesses and reels is forced to wander into other circles! They freeze in a rush because it is no longer possible to get out of bribed robot tempos! Many people bribe from bribed careers overnight because they stifle everyone and fame crumbles!
At the crossroads of fear, heart attacks are pounding and you can feel the silent killers already threatening them all! - A child plays on the rails: even the sure Death laughs! The word fluttering on his lips is still but not laughing; as a little survivor, Man has already surveyed the spatial relationship! All orphans have childlike faces because they proclaim Peace by themselves! Behind our stuff is a lying fog motoz! These now furry Truths are already teaching everyone! Why is it necessary to incite escaped game to fleeing fugitives ?!
The happier paradise shores of the Future have also fallen to Atlantis! Prophet fever cannot tame the guards anymore! The gaping sermons of the lattices are listened to by the crowds, and the Truth is lost on every needle! "Beyond all the roots of the Shadows of Time, I stand in front of closed gates without a shadow!" Only the stupid can have the courage to stand up for myself with more courage.
Dec 2021 · 73
Blurred future
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Where will you hide if the iron hands of raging gorillas get stuck in grabs and you break out of this time forever because there will be no one next to you ?! What kind of Soul pulsation, lost drum can drift anyway? Which of your face shadows is soaking in the water of haunting nights? Are you constantly terrified that the danger is complimenting you in your uncertain world ?! "There's no ringing in the firewall of hell for the eternal losers!" Your body orbits in a dream bay like a mutilated planetary continent, and when the spikes of insidious thorn bushes pinch, even the Angels laugh!
You know, a calculated moment of loss can surround you at any moment and devour your wounded Soul! You should look for your Underground Sun radiating within you even more boldly! The unreal in the Present amazes you! Ever since I feared the Cassandras-Report; you can't hide anywhere with your merciful gaze! Phantom pain throbs on the cochlea of my throat and in the headwinds, Fate! "The cheap little world becomes a *******!"
In Adam's costume, I would honestly stand before the Beloved: Would you accept ?! The molecular gates of besieged Eden should not be taken possession of as a colony of cheap wars! Your dreams are spurred daily to return to the ruthless reality with caracan! We mirror by blurred in black and white! Your bamboo hand worships knives when you bite into the Universe! You know: in the face of the very Hyenas Age, the "no more" instinct is in check! - Your faithful items will be waiting for you when everyone else has left.
Dec 2021 · 98
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Shadows cast a price on me like a nervously raised bow string; curved mirror tiny, miturgist dwarf! My childhood is always listening to me! In the grip of a confused, uncertain Tomorrow, Loneliness falls on me at any time! Happy rains in your drops of tears I can not find myself! I exist even when I have to hide in disgust; the flock of insane people will not let go unless I surrender to My Truth! Who will hold my hand in a starless, eternal night? Who raises to comfort me, lest I fear the conscious uncertain ?!
Cowardice that wakes up in such hesitant movements and I can't know what it's worth in me ?! - Teach and subdue this **** World where one immediately sells the other and the Honesty of the People is a squeaky matchstick! Only once would the cry flare up into Nothing, which cannot be bribed; my journey could only be by someone next to lead me through the flames of danger! The shimmering moonlight palms to death, yawns at me in countless emaciated Solitude; with my selfish, petty life, konok defies! Height s Depth back again and behind me sensation-biting cats chirping with two jaws!
The madness of fame in the lives of ordinary souls is a contagious and condensed way; Times rolled sawed Hamlet's skull cherished by Yorick; among mazes, I am still rethinking my fragmentary options! The silence of the stamps will take me and the coral flower will not be obligatory; We should confess with apostolic lunatics who have remained faithful to themselves! "A shabby fugitive is looking back at me like a deliberate fugitive from the skin of a nightingale panther!" I am building a world on my own and I cannot show it to anyone!
Dec 2021 · 103
When Time vomits
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
How ungodly is this land that wildly Hyena's footprint Angel can barely enter ?! The inner soul-night falls to ashes, the pain sizzling into your soul screams! Because the moment thickens to an explosion; every barren Face is another cunning mirror from which we can fall out of our dreams! Those who can guess the plague of the Jackal of others can be fooled to run! Teasing the columns of light, the pathetic Giants of Indifference spit on the Present! Cosmos-space homestead in broken hearts as the only guest!
The one who sets out on the essential path behind mirrors wanders with a cherub face to see what really matters! - The breath of unavoidable questions obscures you! - Maybe Love is a hand grenade ?! The nuclei of the Universe unite in volcanic eruptions in superstitious moments! The tunnel is torn through the moonlight by lasting fear! Man, the eternal One-Inventor, bleeds in performance on angry scales! Existence: A recurring, flawless mistake that can be made many times?
And who makes more, more harmful mistakes ?! No one can protect you! Is that why I opened the borders of my palms ?! - Out there now knocking on closed-door societies you want to seek refuge! "Rings of the year on me and angelic shell-hahota!" - Vigilance over commonplace issues; desert sand has been thirsty forever! We call Death to ourselves in different forms every day; a proud and delicate game that can eat even raw meat and is constantly swallowing!
Only the sure, calculated End who doesn't run away from it can understand! "Time always vomits in its own fright - that's why I may be scared every day of the ghosts of my selfish shadow!"
Dec 2021 · 85
Passing cradle
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Pass-wise rock, since My shipwreck is linear; like a sprained, bald string of numbers!
Dozens of childish playfulness clings to me because I assume Peter Pan syndromes rather than absolute strict adulthood! The petty warts of wild times burn in my body, immortal Universe would be given by all my words of compliment; it is still intolerable that we will also exchange our principles as used underwear! "Misfortunes approach me with determination!" The official indifference binds its negotiated, alamous alliances with Nothing, and the reserve pleasures already lack all the absolute Promises of Goodness! "I have a lot of useless promises and Van Gogh's ears cut!"
Scandal if weeds and those fighting with themselves are already pathetically ridiculous! Man's transition between an animal's slaughterhouse ?! Why should this be the case? Bus stop people can only stare puzzled if someone collapses in front of them! Perhaps every Being showcase is being prepared for litigation, and the pain has also usefully acclimatized! - Many times our rails break during our journey and the switches can break; even the legendary train is wasting its trajectories!
The mirror looks at itself on a vigilant examiner as the other childier looks in: the Future passes into an inedible surprise if we no longer take care of the Present! My faithful exploratory amazement would set off again into unfamiliar imaginations, while joy appears unintentionally on the chalkboards of my years! All honesty is another test under a sharpened Guillotine; my hesitant crying face is an all-around little boy clinging to him if I can't do anything else!
Dec 2021 · 68
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
If I were to gather my courage I would gladly be comforted among the rose petals of my lips; the cherished Universe, as a kind, caring Mother, would extend her sacrificial arms for me and comfort her with her kisses! Our wonderful words would wander into our eyes in the tunnels of secret telepathies; phenomenally laughing stars! "I know I'm still strangely ridiculous today, and yet the eccentric inertia of men in love as men in love;" I would protect myself from self-damaging disappointments and yet cling to the tropical atmosphere of love tendrils!
In the selfish depths of my childish soul, patience is wasting patience! Thinned hugs revolve around Procrustean beds, like notched knives! Disturbed innermost compulsion is chasing me to confess with open mouths of surprise to many who thought they were not even known! "Pebbles of stars stared into the black water of my eyes!" - Silence will be a white spot! In my weeded life, I match myself; the transient Time stretches itself to the bone wings of heaven as a victim! Every kiss will show golden figs, I just haven't noticed so far?
As the rootless flower, the moon is in the water of the sky! The dream stumbles at the moment of imaginary surprise plans, and blinded rainbows run at the crossroads! Toothless traps make this ******* Laugh laugh! - Crushed silence anesthetized for a long time, even the Humpback of Humanity! Under the stepping, half-silver shadow of the Moon surrounds the unbearable visions of the Future of Nineveh.
Dec 2021 · 70
Unopened surprises
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Inexhaustible is growing in me your fear! I build a skeleton in my mind for every bagatelle nothingness! I am inexhaustible in me dwarf despair, unbearable dread! The fingers holding accusations to the Present are already pointing at me; my lion doubts are inexhaustible in me too - carving square signs on the mounds of the universe of the twilight, ghost midnight pillows…
In my soul I carry a little boy dissected for his memories; chubby, feverish grimaces on his feverish face! I hesitate to drop star ***** of tears! The Happiness you find may not even be reserved for me! I can't watch limelight's chirping babes anymore because I immediately capture my explosive temper! Pawnshops give laurels a five-minute reputation: intentional jerky free-mouths scare you to death!
Everyone prefers a thick mask of indifference to phlegm; I'm running on my back! All those who once stood up for their individual beliefs turned into an empty-eyed, canal-shaped, massed tadpole population! Pain also divides understanding sounds into Judas chalices! The events that have taken place look like black unopened baskets: instead of surprises, they give birth to an inherited complaint, unintelligible quarrels!
I am a heart with a shadow of pain: whoever knows me honestly can know his confidence I measure his humanity! Everything is out of control! The responsibility that People would have to glaze apologetic words settles as excuses! Milky-toothed wolves squeal and tear the incomprehensible ramparts around themselves
Dec 2021 · 84
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Fallen, Oldster-shadow-wise sure Deficiency; breakers are trampling on the abyss of my attentive presence! Career-hungry celebrities will soon have a promising gate of opportunity! On a thin rope of pain, you are forced to balance Being, while the ironed shadow over your head recedes! They step on my naked soul immediately, without question, the False-honest who have not learned to profess the Truth! I am no longer amazed, but every day I am disappointed with an important little slice! In whom can I ignite the flames of the Universe again to make our hearts pound at a pace ?!
As a child of the nyapic half-nail of human-leaning grasses, it would be good to cling to the love stars of hopeful gazes! I live in a city of uncertain swings, and I have to realize every day I can barely make it! All Life: two-walled, closed room! Prisoners and captors interrogate each other in the murdering Silence! And in each thief's hand, Humanity and Humility are blackened! Who may know that the relative of fear is always one step ahead of Death!
Listening to battered faith, I was forced to put up with Man and didn’t even ask what I wanted? Massive armies of intruders push aside the thoughtless incomprehensible, while stigma patches of shame burn on the other’s purple face! The one who has grieved with his loneliness is embarking on a long journey and can hardly reconcile! - Jackal, nobody's house Jackals are brushing their saw teeth on saliva-free prey: In a world of fame-chasing, **** monkey world, we are sparing mercilessly! A storm could finally escape my sail, if I could have someone next to me holding hands.
Dec 2021 · 69
Epistolary Humana
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Like a shipwrecked, he clings to unknown shores on the last soul, but he may never reach shore; my throat was hoarse silently many times and my voice continued to sound like a muffled sigh! As a rodent worm for my heart attack-stressed soul, the greedy and insatiable Compulsion settles like this! I would have to, even if I had to be selfish for myself, sure of Man
survive! The haunting moonlight tattoos my face like shards of silent shadows! And while you ask, asking with jagged tentacle teeth useless, "What happened to you?!" "The sure answer will be written on the trenches of my wounded Face if the glass bead of True Beads trembles again in my soul!"
My broken body guards the burdens of tough-konokan and what many discover on me as a redemptive smile - Suffering! I feel like he is howling every day with the intention of squeezing my muscles, numbing Nirvana-Dark, erupting from the depths of Executioner of times! I am already struggling with selfish, selfish pride: how could the man-trying burdens of this Being be better solved?! Suicide - if there was one - didn't even hit a wooden stick! I cling to the consoling-hopeful shreds of blissful days like this; I stare terribly at the Report with trembling blood-eyes! The Nobody's House, which slowly frees me from everything and deliberately lootes it!
Wandering, fast stigma-Souls are plagued by coding, vile evenings: it would be good to unravel the chains of my ominous pains to be redeemed - I listen in the present pregnant fog of the bottomless cavity of Time that it gapes Damocles executioners!
Dec 2021 · 69
Dropped beast
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Accompanied by sorrow and danger, a seagull scream splits through the air with lightning speed! The silly mood of happy hearts was soon challenged; trapping, false promises! With the unstoppable temper of the sea waves, it swells and the slap of my chasms and all the petty old-fashioned blows, the blade-sharp criticism of the sword against another deliberate Judgment against My Humanity are growing in me! The suffocating Solitude is already decomposing in everyone; trusting hearts are revealed to you with traps!
The wandering wanderer of split spaces: something constantly pursuing and encouraging, with my wandering destiny, deliberately confronting itself in the deserved dreams of the Universe! It breaks into pieces year after year, month after month My soul narrows boyishly and squeaks in its uncertain chasm; your gentle shock only a few researchers can’t understand! He who carries my chubby face lives in me and as a copy kid you get after a lost star! A swallowing career vortex flashes in the wreck of the unpredictable Future!
Sensationalist World spits on everyone first, then chews well on daredevils, minute-human, hysterical cedars grab fame cheaply! My selfishness can keep me awake alone; I stumble hesitantly, cluttered with myself, I confess my things are done! "I became a fugitive-wild as an alien emigrant among the former Human-Celeb craze!" My soul refraction is dull, I have suffered timed wounds on the lies of fools!
I guess if I die as a counterpoint in the rich, spawned light, will the immortal Beloved be lifted up with his golden-hearted nobility?!
Dec 2021 · 55
I'm calling you ...
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
My dear earthly friendship is a glorified Universe! When I looked at you with hesitant, squeaking trembling after the winter-smelling aftermath of windy March idus; my incredible despair, and my selfish self-pity calvary — Intentionally you could feel yourself — if you wanted to — I didn’t go there to you! My chubby bones were rattled and crackled by the wind of the ordas: the crouching shadow on the line of my heel turned into an ugly bat wing and the peoples of the gentlemen were dressed like a *****! With ringing, friendly letters every day
I honor you and the sure doubts continue to make you uncertain: Are you still reading at all? And your redeeming tender Gioconda pillar glows again to a noble thought and we can become Friends!
But fearful: My life-giving, broad hope fades like a rotten straw in my silently killing Time, because you are not by my side to lift me up! The silly whims of tinsel trends are driving Man to my fashion monkey camp today! I would like to glorify understanding and Peace! Crying with humble humility I call you Dear to lift you up close to yourself! My stupor and my soul might be able to successfully confront those who sin against me, the marchers of my soul! "Without compromising on hateful compulsions, I might want to trust you alone when everyone else has left!"
Your quiet Universe being would glow on the hearts of my beating heart if you could, and honor me with the Angelic possibilities of your empathy! - You know: When I cry, a Child in me whines with you who needs to be comforted! My joy might be able to wake up alone next to you…
Dec 2021 · 59
Dissatisfied Faith
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
A rock of torment has become my daily bread! I move homeless among the screaming traps of trapped wilderness! I pack valuable books on my bookshelf ribs every day! The noble soda coats of the spark-igniting intellect! In striking, deepening sand, a wise Sisyphus follows a scroll passing within me with edible diligence; my shoulders often crack! Janus-faced leashes stagger at me while fiddling with responsibilities! From the rich sunbeams of bud-radiating eyes True beads swirl!
Muses and Gods will hardly shake hands with me! - I bow myself many times and my heart-pounding heartbeat warns me; it can't end well! I would scare the ugly Death with the Beloved I found! Dissatisfied fat on the verge of life! - My dead end is a birch wolf stack; as a blind mole, I can only cling to possible answers!
I can seldom enter a world surrounded by a cloud-padlock: its butterfly shadows appear to be the beautified Future; the No-Compassion is impatient to sneak up every day! Where should I straighten my existence is the Order of the Deniers! Suicides are pleading with begging sonatas between clashes! My tormented face is painted with a rainbow; you can only smile when exposed to a cherishing sunbeam! - The vile exclamation mark of piles of mud: How could you survive on this sensationalist earth when many are the God of money alone ?!
Continuous, lustful readiness becomes a stateless wanderer; ****** stars would curse my vulnerable soul! As an eluded, whimsical Shadow, when can you call me with your Dear Loyalty Kisses?
Dec 2021 · 94
Delayed soaring
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Encircled by the speakers of Uncertainty; it would be good to break out of the universal anxieties of deep storms of silence with certainty! I dreamed of the sparkle of the universe for myself in the depths of immortal deer eyes! A cursed poet with a doorknob in me in a great crouching darkness; calls for a duel! The lasso of my transience is not cherished by Ariadne's hands; his greedy greed drove out this now-life-seeking world! Sandals are still torturing me from the choking edge of the world!
Trappers in pain captivity after some achievable goal; diminishing hope every day spikes a spike-blade of pain! We had to march in mud and I don't know cheap dog kennels or parade palace suites will be mine! - Just the insured For nothing, I can be pretty cowardly! Spark-sharing proud smiles don’t give me their sacred flowers! Toothless wolves are still hunting for my orphaned life: the Stars are sobbing in the proud star field of my soul! A limp limping belfry at my feet, I could never run fast!
I had to live: stray ban trees grew again! A whipping question is a question: why doesn't someone do Good and purposeful instead of signing a line every day ?! I am a lightning lurking among the clouds in whom childish defiance is regenerated; there are tears on my pale blade of grass! Who will heal my wounded heart beating in a terrible fever ?!
With a soothing fever of joy, I would snuggle up to a kindly baboon-hugging lap while our budded twilight lips hint at the sacred flame of the Universe! As a small child, I can hide in my sensitive solitude without asking: why am I behaving especially?!
Dec 2021 · 58
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Listening is still ticking, but he would confess his throbbing memories of the Unstoppable Heart if he could speak! In a rotting ***, the leaves of the blood that are damaging to the soles burn with petal flame! Arterial muscles quarrel with mischievous blood vessels; the stressful Nervousness orders with a squeaky heart attack alert! A cracked envelope rages frantically in a haunting ominous night! An exclamation voice sobbes in me as many times as I can; I lived in anxiety between my shackled body walls; in a turbulent world I should still be consciously alive to see the flames of eternal Friendship in cometary rose souls! -
A prisoner with a winged voice would often be released from the prison of my rebellious chest! "My darling's immortal gaze is drifting beside me!" The nightmarish melancholy light of moons is marching more and more unpredictably as he is constantly tempted! The fever of my patience can be overcome only by my human humility! Fear of Death increases the massive **** that leaks in a bone prison; his fat glass beads always appear on my face! "A shaggy storm will soon pass over my heart if I let my Being things happen in time!"
Painted nail queens run through life; scooter Shadow of doom haunted behind unlocked stiff eyes! On a UFO-suspicious night, even the car horn is like a Stranger; in all my spoken words only the Silence lies and grows; flourishes in its destruction! Even in earth mirror lights, desires sleep and instincts flatten! Tunnels are dug with a sure career consciousness by blind moles; among silent, moist roots, they are sure to matte to the Finish! It takes an unstoppable push s who is not rubbed enough in this present world is easily trampled before being led.
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Sleepless Night splashes of Light; in a haunting lunar world, a little boy swells with tears! The silent pearl drop of rays sticks to his face! In his troubled soul, Angel marvels and hesitates over the mortalities of the present World! The lush mane of wise trees still boldly hides the darkness, but there will be a time when the ****** parental hand will create a space shortage around you again! The fish-stepped Twilight also knocks the rusty canal to the chattering word of falling dew, while re-mixing with the juices of the life-giving earth!
As a familiar, familiar friend, Sorrow greets me with sorrow; the driving force of my pessimism! And if it weren’t for the wounded consciousness in my self, perhaps the happiness found in me would come out too! The melting mood of the evening is haunted by horrors; rest hesitant, my boyish soul rocking in foam foams Cheerful Universe kisses when wake me up ?! My slowly aging lonely Pygmalion face wipes away the cautious laughter! "What is happening here today cannot be enough to bring life-giving, gentle tears!"
The fever was still dancing in wanton-rogue's eyes and I had to explain the firm laws of Humanity again and again to the deaf ears that had stopped! Human hearts and talkative eye-stars are now lurking! The insidious, little-style rats of Time are running around us on kangaroos! And the orphaned Spirit already attracts like a starving pooch! The seemed Time scared consolation! Rib-crushing passions are still raging in me; I have yet to see that trial-and-error hearts of hero-loving hearts of Bliss fail! "We couldn't stay true to ourselves enough!" My tired heart still watches and guards the intoxication of Despair…
Dec 2021 · 53
If you ask ...
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Petal-white elastic *****; all your photos are another fatal blow to my heart! I want to confess to you with an eternal heartbeat that walks you through Allness, if you listen and listen to my fallen words! Today, the small-style monkey choir likes to cling to shreds and scolds someone easily! Complaint-ready supplication wounds puncture holes in the atrium of my soul when it is incomprehensible to my compliments "what is it?" - the answer! "In the lighthouse solitude of high rock walls, it would be good to tremble with you!" Facing the rocking pearls of the veil waterfall, we would kiss each other's Universe-shaking bodies and rejoice in the conscious emotion that our petal-heartbeat is pulsating and vibrating!
Hungry Greed ignites his tiny candles in the eyes of Hyenas! As an escaped stream, your deer cherishes stars; With his righteous, unconditional goodness, he comforts the Child who is stuck in me! And as if he had intentionally swallowed a knife; your superstitious kisses of being sobered up and encouraged to learn to grow up for Human-scale tasks! My brain is still wondering: Do you succeed ?!
A screaming sparrow was buzzing around me, but I knew if you stood by me you couldn't get in trouble! I still have to live on this earth! I can hardly do anything else! I'm starting to slow down the rules of Being's chess game, and many times the result has been nausea! "That's why I invented my strange fads in defense!" "You're still rushing in the dark, fooling yourself if you think you deserve Career Success, and then everyone will serve you!" - Our Will depends on hesitant threads; sit down next to me and I will confess to you everything
Dec 2021 · 68
Little philosophy
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Who guards what ?! Illusion of pink syrup cravings, another five-minute fame and career opportunities! Cheat-blind Teasing hope is teasing and advocating for those who bribe themselves at any time! Your purple heart must also be a wounded pincushion; home of dozens of stinging needles! Who guards who ?! Forced democracy among hen cages, a silicone puffed cake miracle, a lurking night that flattens or betrays and betrays everyone!
Lust and pain sprout from certain moments! An orbiting planet can only be my wounded, melancholy soul! I can't dictate when to create what! I would like to smuggle a living, karakan will from the kind gaze of a heart-worker as a heart-worker in the depths of conscious labs of consciousness! Greedy Time lends itself to the fat obscurity! He stepped back to the feet of the World as a muttering stake! Everything is repeated with a squeak!
I can have no less fear of Life than is absolutely necessary; I can hardly find refuge in running or schooling so far; heaps of desires scattered in the prison of desires lurk while they call upon creation! The Earth is now full of sizzling sniffers everywhere! The confidential crying voices of little men can be challenged in the same way if one considers himself and does not bow his head to the camp of delicate little kings! Anyone who spreads a card with a bribe card can lose at any time!
Bubble-lifted minute-blue people with balloon egos and inflatable biceps abound in their exposure! - I still fish in my past and present; among the memories of nebulized glows, who can preserve who, if Memory is already light-hearted?
Dec 2021 · 57
Pilgrim pain
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Shame-weeping precious sorrows are embodied in the tear-battered trenches of my eyes! Annihilated Figure withered between the treasure chunks of dwindling sunbeams - I find myself less and less! Hiss has an abundant alley-scented, ominous Tomorrow in which snake-tongued weeds and hyena hear a killer-marching laugh! The far-gliding count of rich minutes is busy on the dial of the tick-clog clock!
My bed - if I don’t care - will be embedded in a bottomless abyss for me! - Fattened by the noises of Darius, this great World of Indifference is puffing: my heart is becoming more and more lonely! Grumbling, annoying, "some" temper swearers scare me at whom Literature has become a useless useless thing! That's why I'm deliberately running behind my pilgrimage walls! Her lung-pumping lung pumps rattle a expelled Silence! Midnight Wraith Shadows Evil Down Ghost Dance! What else can my crocodile tears falling like a shower tell anyone?!
For the time being, I am holding my growing pain as a guard, swirling to myself! Scraping my soul in the shelter, it rides like the food of a rodent, sanda worm-parasite, can be obtained from ***** of blood molecules - while it demands and dictates in me! "I once received eternal service to the angel wings of sensitive dew!" Fearful, soon the Nivan-Soul will flirt with nothingness, and if we don't appreciate the rain enough, the simplified razor blade can get in the way! - I would like to give my precious tears as immortal glass beads to my Beloved while on this earth and to know: I could not live in vain…
Dec 2021 · 61
Choking infinity
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Infinity is still waving but consciously playing with me! I'm tensed in as a toddler with a small child. I would love to caress the cheers rose finger of mornings to protect blankets - who will be able to kiss a redeeming healer on the cracked wounds of my lips?! Tamed into a tamed Hermit by this vile, interested Age with vile lies, which are not authentic! Even conciliatory serenity rarely surprises me when you can sit on my crusty heart with a few good words! The horror-like Fate is a present horror image: as a hard hard-headed, I rarely dare to listen to his words as a novice! Choke, killer Night is bribing me! I would seek refuge if I knew and know about myself: I could be happier if I let the spark-igniting joys of this Being surprise me even more mischievously!
On the drift of my prisoner's days, it hangs between gaps - without safety ropes - I hang on a Death-flirting, fluttering! Could no one Good and Noble have been left out of soul-torturing maxims, spiritual compulsions, would he overwhelm me with the absorbing darkness gaping even at dawn?! Most of my first joyful joy with precious and immortal deer grains
he had passed away, and who could have borne it with his child's eyes and received it again, and would have happily spread my arms so that I could hold the blessed, earthly copy of this Universe in my arms again!
Peace-crying silence cries with children's eyes at the Peace… Deceitful kidnappings; they hit and beat every day if they need the Honor wasting on the ruins! As an ugly ghost, I am scared every day by the conformity of everyday life, an evil disadvantage!
Dec 2021 · 98
The magic of calls
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
A double, twinkling candle flame flies in our eyes; ash ***** two movable hemispheres! Your palm-shaped spine tightened like a bowed-nerve in the moments offered by the Universe! A tiny tadpole heartbeat thrives between the muscles of your ***** and the blessed bones of your pool! Light-adolescent instinct stimuli will surround you and not let you go! I see the charm of your beautiful, exotic motherhood in the distant Future and a part of my being will calm down with confidence! I can know myself many times in you: Peter Pan syndrome - which can only grow slowly! You take Eva's nakedness as a spark-breaking female body, even I am overly mundane and prudent!
In the blind-mirror desert, it is increasingly difficult to find True and Sincere emotions! We tremble immortal in our own audible heartbeats! There is a short circuit between each other's proud detainees and superstition! A purple snake scroll in our gothic cavity mouth; search for decipherments with your beneficial teeth! Pecked stars are our smiles and it would be good to cling to the Possible, which hugs and keeps you safe! In bird-throated Twilight, rose sleeves caress jungle hairs on my lush chest!
You already live in me somewhere! My fallen little boy essence has become one with you! "Serious Angels have invaded my bones!" The ash wing arch of your collarbone rises audibly and sinks to the music of subtle sighs! We can boldly cling to the path of encrypted telepathies without words
Dec 2021 · 73
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
In the interactions between the human body, as he is mesmerized by a smile of Heaven, his eyes stray as flirtatious Angels stared at Jacob's ladder! You have to move from hardship to hovering and you don't feel that everything has happened in vain! Eyes superstitious with respect to the weight of the earthly Eden are bound, and the refuge — apart from the Universe — is all uncertain! The psychological fire of attraction pulls our wounded souls back into the Present! "There can be no shadow of impending Death, only fear!"
The enchanting rainbow of eyes can only be blinded in faithfulness in love! In the depths of dusk, how does a Star of Bethlehem guide us ?! - What is left of your fatty breast milk on urgent request? You would eagerly **** the life-giving kisses of Being that has bound itself to you with its love! An orphaned stalactite cave has also become the donated teary eye that sees everything awake! Scattered fates remained in the scattered knots of Destiny! The bone-dry wave depth of Silence addresses you as a minute; the rhythm of the drumming echoes in your ears!
Only your dear can guess where you are! With two arms, you would surely embrace the peace you find; you would not be so vulnerable to Nirvana's loneliness! "The roaring basket of skulls is sprouting today, instead of sparkling intellect!" Instead of kisses, a thickened membrane is strained on the withered boards of worn-out palate floors! The seductive Light tolerates under the jawbone…
Dec 2021 · 63
Sand grains of denial
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
I know I should finally cling like restless grains of sand in the cracks of rocks, like a stream bustling in the thin veins of stones, like the esteemed promise of the Truths! In hurricane storms sweeping the seas, the defiant sailor, or like a True Pearl-sized tear on truly sincere faces! I still crouch wordlessly in rose petal hearts and I would wait anonymously for the right moments! I still don't know what this uncertain expelled Fate can want with me and can I still find the secrets of Happiness ?!
As if in gravitational gravity alone I would fall; grabbing the two ends of Being, I pulled with me the ingrained shadows of my past! Many times I couldn't be good enough with petty Differences! Brown blinking dots smiled from laughing deer eyes and I imagined that; it can be found in Harmony! The walls of a selfish prison, I feel every day, lean inwards: the trumpet of Jericho calls for selfish revenge and I know that as the shadow of haunting nights, like a crouching animal, I cannot drop my panting head! Like crooked spider legs are the cages of my breathing ribs; and it would be good to know and feel! I would already step out of the usual World if I didn’t have to look back as an account!
In my heart there will always be a knife in pain anytime I break it! Among my hedgehog spikes, I can only extend a friendly hand to Angel! If almost every dawn is a torch, my Hope can stretch its arms again! And **** is always accompanied by trendy method ?! "As a hesitant fool, every word burns your soul!" It would be good to believe again superstitious eyes really
Dec 2021 · 49
Fate and star tickets
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
There are dreams in the purple cup of our hearts; the Lights are spawning! Honest True Pearls can be fished out of the glittering lake of eyes! Almost every movement can last and remain a testimony! The Universe could open as a mouth if two hearts come together! To what extent are we ourselves in the flames of superstitious smiles on the open signs of faces and gazes ?! "Our bare-hearted dreams could be burst into cool, sincere tears!" How much of everything we intentionally gave up! Years wander over our heads like witnessing memories! Our hearts are purple and I would still knock on the closed gate of Love: in search of the One-Who would let go!
In times of extinct silence, crying often hurts, breaks bold will and new desires! The Savior Light often falls into a chasm; I always find myself in the judgmental blow of hours! Yesterday's thinking ******* does not let go! Your petite soul would break your petals so you could fly again! This way you can always engrave the work of your days in mortal Time! - Restless Being Foams are beating your heart! Are you waiting so long for a heart attack ?! - Reality will be collapsible if the happiness you find is worthy of you and you accept it!
You are always holding your trembling golden heart like a pearl in the hands of an angelic Spirit caressing your face! The shame of your body, it doesn't matter anymore: you will be one in the drumming Universe! - Fate and the Brilliant Star Tickets are still shattered today
Dec 2021 · 75
Chess mat
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
People are slowly crawling beside me! Like insidious, undergrowth hatched from the underworld who have sins; in themselves, even the mirror drops of the tumbling Light always fall up! As if it were sticky cell plasma, Being! Attention in itself to worn-out, useless heartbeats; Discipline struggles with distance and presents new tasks every day! The worked-out minutes blur through the hurricane waves of sounds! Liars' lure hand explodes more possibilities!
Phlegm indifferent rotting reigns even in more alert spirits because my intellect is overcome by trendy ****; all self-knowledge can disappear if the personality cannot feed his own thoughts! There is little self-criticism on the masks of very plasticized larval faces, a defeated will trembling like an apostate on the street corner! - Many people are moving on a self-destructive path while the sure Career is also an iris! White-sponge desert is a vision burrowed up with empty brain ecstasy! The Sight Eye is also the sand of a white needle; marching in the dark!
Treacherous stars wink at me too Makeup falls from the betrayal of this now ******* World! Nowadays, is selflessness also quan ?! When the conscience dies, Man rapes himself and begs in every body for another refuge of Happiness! The Face can only measure in the truths of broken mirrors to admit for himself how much he may have scored on the sieve of Life! He appropriated all the gifts he received as a caress.
Dec 2021 · 200
A crack spilt
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Heart murmurs are done with the People of Golgotha! Every survivor-day is a day more scared! They know every second can count, and that they can always pluck Tomorrow! Uncertainty is also consciously terrifying our senses! Even the crisis of continuous existence that we could not learn the rules of survival enough times! We can only be perfectly free if our beating hearts rest in the arms of our Beloved and are redeemed! In every silent knocking True Pearl, a singer of a rain - like curious explorers, attracts People with unattainable post-Happiness!
In the stubborn Time, all Shadows depend and Life lives on until then, we deliberately deceive ourselves! - Sea-deep beats in the content-excited Spirit; the Desire can preserve and preserve if the eternal present star shines in the other's eyes! Forced on stairs, you step on it, even if they are constantly hooking, and by the time you get up you will realize: Your career, if it had, has long since sunk, because you have been held accountable for the blunders of others! You’re still just proud and yelling like an immature child, instead of making an exact plan!
What opportunities did you have left? When your dreams are finally shattered, you can find out all the calculated dimensions! Wolves are still troddenly selfishly snarling at you; you could be happier with every moment of happiness - even within you, a built World shakes and hurts! Your trouble: self-incense World follows the ornaments of a sensationalist, phlegm! Pessimism always takes root in your thirsty soul! In days spent waiting forever, when can you finally learn to thrive on your own and grow up to the task of staying alive?
Dec 2021 · 55
Something starts!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
A single superstitious deer can fit an entire human life! A star shining like a glory in the darkness left alone! The humanity of moments pierces into enchanting gazes and argues with immortal Love! We see tiny swan ducks appear in the silent future, and certainty stretches between trembling lips: a talkative army of faces rushes through the tactile fabric of Time! Already all of them are bragging! It jeopardizes every request and every sequel! Falling always leads close to ourselves! Tons of heavy loads sit on our shoulders; our urgent years just don’t rest!
The Memory will also be an endless, silent caravan if the given minute calls! Peeping, finite lines are rearranged into the Arc s with Time-intersecting folds! Everyone can be a child-adult again if they don’t know the rules of survival! Hurricanes of fate come together and always come back! The invisible Truth culminates with true tears! - In the superstitious mirror of eyes, when all the illuminating, proud flames go out, deep-water mud peaks! Crowded madness washes away the interests of the worldly sensation! Man can be tired if he is vulnerable soon!
I am embraced by myself, human law, and it does not leak - crushed into colors, retained Promises my confidence and tomorrow! I still have to face recurring, threatening days anyway; the eternal friendship can still keep a vigilant separation from Being! In immortal throbbing sighs, it would still be good to believe hopefully; aloof, for human luck if you can boldly turn your back! Smile: a conqueror of tamed, small pleasures, can you return to the gray ordinary?!
Dec 2021 · 75
Crushing Times
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
In the depths of murderous silences, the haunting dawn gradually grinds its teeth: the Brain dreams of love when everything is forgivable! Old-fashioned pink-syrupy worlds thus rest in sentient hearts; singers' immortal poet-soul circulates in boats! Sparkling sparks still keep the eloquent listening deep in the hearts! From the milk mist of growing nights, when can the only Dear one come to give us, who cherishes the eternal child in us? You are asking your destiny while rebuking yourself: what could have ruined you so far that you have sunk your Will into yourself?!
The cheapened era of endless promises will be heard through the glass of your windows! The shadow of the depths often swings from the otherworldly surfaces of the walls! It always embodies, but the Dream itself grinds! He often got lost among your shouting thoughts; gap-idiot Celebrity chirps chirp even more jerky party faces chirping! The looted intellect is sobbing when it has to be; comet lights to pieces! Your inner, dying light also falls asleep like a suffocated flame!
The expected happiness cannot be achieved! The stuttering of days is still cold! Your beating, heart attack heart has long been rusting! Let them dust off, let them shake off if you do the beauty in the way of knights! The narrative petals of bouquets of flowers fall into tears! Jingling at you staring at the infected Present! Even your sparkling hopes are already sinking! The never-before-promised Promise superstitious lips have been overwhelmed by the giving of the Word! Crusher Times are a breath of dust or just, but you still exist
Dec 2021 · 62
Between two stops
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Between four walls, the whispering moonlight tattooed monster figures in my heart! From him I am so difficult and often speechless! Filled to the brim with the words of the Prophet, I deliberately trip myself from the pitfalls of obstacles! In my entrenched loneliness, I often associate with my memories! The eternal Child who could have stayed seems like a split mind! Defend and indict everywhere! The world has extended above my head! my true face would donate to the immortal Beloved with the true pearls shattered into many pieces!
There is an eccentric smile and a quiet song! Between the cages of my ribs, the pulsating throbbing of the World can be heard crystal clear! The broken tidal wave rumbles in the place of my heart attack and I am often afraid to live and hope! It is unbearable for people to often become more phlegmatic! "Perhaps it would have been better if I had made a separate emergency exit while there was still room to escape!" Celeb centrifuges to be vomited to fainting in feline-mouse ***** of V.I.P. party faces; as if this Age were constantly experimenting with those who have a dot of hazelnuts in place of their brains!
Many are just vulnerable puppets in a sphere of crosshairs! Renegade self-pity is already captured; The philosophies of death circle and often threaten! Above all chance, webs of secret connections float; scratching the wounds of the earth who really wants to plow! With the burdens of the world on my wing-shouldered shoulders, with the smile of posterity! I can't bathe in the shower of lukewarm rays, the cell grids are richly needed to shock me with a sure mind!
As a flock, this present society can be captured and driven at any time; As a shepherd of the stars, it would be good to endure more tolerances and humiliations
Dec 2021 · 66
Tunnel hell landing
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
If they giggle for a long time, have fun, I quit Life without charge! They are beating flowering nails into my Heart of Calvary, which is constantly dropping petals! Toxic strands grow under my damaged skin; jackals are also matching killer laughter destroying my inherited cells! An understanding conversation depends on the nature of the day; i stop in one place like a chubby celestial body! The hardness of the Spirit goes hand in hand with the garbage roasting that is rooted in the World!
Cause and effect breaks the connections of the intellect into parts; and the prophets who have negotiated with themselves can scarcely shout, "How have we come this far?" - The lowly pains of bullet-hit wounds cannot be reconciled; between the avant-garde liturgy, the Human Man should learn to think again! There can be no more stakes in self-deception! Claustrophobic blood clots are pathogens on the plateau of my brain, like a million-year-old solid plaster! Between dams and ramparts, like a grundy little child, I wake up alarmed to the Real!
The question of “how to proceed?” Is in doubt and threatens suicide! The scam of Life immediately awakens; nausea avoids the bulk seances of many obscene curses! Murderous careers are pushing each other and they will soon be trampled on early! They looked like friends, loyal Strangers holding out their hands! - The scary vase of Life, which faces daily, has survived; stigma-beard grows on my face with the non-negotiable Hermit!
The organs allow an infarction-barrier ban in front of the mouth of bumps! - Fumigable critiques s and repeated Executioners of Executioner trophies! Is there still a way out of the tunnel to hell, or is it just me imagining?
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
In the ring of memories, there is silence bribed silently: Behind its soul barricade, his life is squeezed out like a juicy lemon every day, but even then it is not broken, and he holds his faith hard! He is a self-contained, selfishly locked prisoner, yet he is forced to look down on this shaggy, swampy attitude that the vast majority has now established! They are convicted daily in public hearings; the ridiculous role of judge and accused is all measured on him!
You can't be a mortal and just be judged! He understood the bled pathos of human falls early on when he felt a lack of empathy! - Magnetic couscous loads are tested to attract soul-toxic Sisyphus; seven-test rocks, if pressed to the brim, not even the falling-star-eyes will cry. “Idiots disinfected with idiots are in vogue, while many are chasing the single-color rainbow for no purpose!
He wasted loyalty to sincere friendships and immortal Loves! He felt a lively, breathing body amid the petals-dismantling kisses superstitious of the Universe; a brain shaker that flowed out of open wounds sooner True! - In his own case, he never asked for apology or forgiveness; yet he could not serve with his life whose death they had already forgotten in his life!
There could be nothing to be ashamed of in the fall of Sisyphus! He died with dignity a billion times, and somehow, leaning on a stick like an aggastyan, he stood up slowly; carried the unquenchable Calvary in his shipwrecked heart! “He tried to stay clean inside so that people could say: he faced Cassandra’s ominous future many times! Living with one Spirit without deceit is a human task worthy of heart! "In our handshakes, the betrayal of Judas is secretly and insidiously being prepared!" As a final greeting, the Savior Angel also falls, falls on his face!
Nov 2021 · 51
The song of the tramp
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
An unshakable ***** of this mihasna to Earth; he puts his coat together with needle showers on his face and goes on gritting! Kneeling-blowing, roaring winds blow into the eyes of tearful Calvary! The firm confessions of his wounded soul can be humbled to tears! It forces insidious evils, committed, brazen sins, to account! - He still goes to the ***** and is not reluctant to arrest human objects either; indifferent, phlegmatic texts would rock the crumbs of Truth witnessing in his soul! In his fallen eyes, he carries a Judgment woven from a branch of blood lilies against traitorous bitangers!
His face is still a long-forgotten Stranger! Trembling in the fog! As a deliverer from the ancient depths of caves, the silly does not interfere with Being; as the Hermit Prophet listens and gathers into himself the experience that has taken place of facts! "Black, melancholy herds are trampling on your aching stigma wounds!" His tempers, which fall into silence and beat to the soles of his hands, are still in store before the strained explosion! He reserves words to deliver the fear of fall only to the eternal Universe!
My pleasure creeps behind the coat shadow! Woe to the Winners now! - his judgment creeps! All the supplies of adolescence were taken from him! The chicory wreath of anecdotes is no longer watered by the immortal Dear! He never wanted to crash into the camp of skewers who swallowed skewers with infallible faith! "The ***** goes on: he's a raging native and a staring stranger, he's the only one in the Guardians' camp!" On the cross of immeasurable times, it revolves around the gears of eternal self-repetitions…
Nov 2021 · 53
Continuous reflections
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
A stateless, orphaned planet orbits itself! An invisible body to the outside world! Foreign matter in the mess! With a restrained spin, shake off the unnecessary frills, false Promises! He would entrust His selfish Judgment Truths to frightened deer eyes if he could! He would cling to a desperate survivor in the icy Cosmos space! Faceless trembling abandoned and alone!
It does not completely lose its Sunlight, which is still foolishly glowing around its axis! - The unspeakable number of measured sins, and no matter how hard the dwarves would try, is covered by the public media: the scapegoats may have remained perhaps the true Heroes: they do not escape their responsibilities! The innocent supplications of the lived truths float in interstellar space with importance! One could humbly learn to wear human proportions: not to grow and not to sink beneath them!
We will be identical with our sins and testimonies once; you should believe, learn and always be afraid of conscious insecurity! - Your self-deceptive loneliness is still breathing: Morality and Humanity are useless here! In time-carved nests, death alone works! Do you want to be a silly victim or a treasure-preserving skeleton? You would cut yourself out of a multitude of people so that you would not be left stateless buried permanently! He will solve and sum up a patient, despised bed-pit, if indifference is shattered: you have already put down Balsors and blind luck!
Your begging child smile no longer affects anyone, even in your freezing self-discipline! He is exposing himself today if he shows the essence of the Spirit! Fear s fear bends like a chronic stomach cramp! - Your responsibility has been in eternal readiness for many years as an embezzled responsibility! Reality degrades itself into a troublesome appearance.
Nov 2021 · 68
Spartan nipper
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
The superstitious gaze of the Universe will flirt with you if you let it! They dig their flesh into your floating rubber flesh! Every immortal kiss refutes Reality! A rocking cradle stretched over uninterrupted depths swings; including a planned line of stations! Flower petals appear on the palm of your hand as a sure pledge of eternal Loyalty! Shivering squeezes the pulsating heart petals! The Silence walks zigzagging on the edge of the Infinite: the Death Consciousness pulls you deeper and deeper, wings-broken!
The power of the Never Happened tears up our years! Even washing weights hang on the liberating Hope and you should learn to trust again! The shadows of the Past haunt you in your cells; your molecules are therefore zigzagging! As the crazy division of cells accelerated, Time accelerated! Today the Truth is still very cheap s the lie is astronomical! "Puddles stick to you like blood-******* mosquitoes!" Zeng is the murderous phlegm of old-fashioned self-incense! Man always believes in vain to cling to this now-counting, starving World, constantly humbling and kneeling!
Under the poisonous cages of solariums, hissing chicks are marinated, while their gorilla-brain knights pump themselves up in gyms! No more vigilant ghosts! Time has already challenged everything with its Hangman claws! It’s still harder to conquer on a donkey than with a Ferrari! - And whoever sees the Deficiency and Essence in me one day, I can boldly get to know him! - Care for creative poetry is barely falling! The bubble-inside of Man is soon enough until it finally bursts! Grimace flesh smokes on my face, so he can even grimace
Nov 2021 · 63
Wax faces
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Man always throws away his lost self! And as snakeskin, it immediately clings to new ideas, more bribing opportunities! What could be on the other side of compromising, hypocritical puffy faces? Everyone who called himself the Emperor of Life in the crosshairs of another court Celebrity-fool cameras! Another witty smiling wedge of idiots! What is in place of noble principles, redemptive ideas? On the battlefield of destinies, like the bowling puppets grinning, there are lines of teasing failures!
Could there still be boastful Hope on the chilled Bone Mountain of the Dead?! Every ****** sermon is just another trap of dogma, a sacramental deception! Only by the law of the heart can we be truly Good and Humane! Shards should be found in never-up-not-mapped restless souls, if they could! Those who look through the surface of things can never watch vigilantly the rose chalices drumming deep in their hearts!
Money and fame have become creatures above beings! Who would be ready to break out of their earthly rest and want to find the redeeming harmonies of the Universe? It will be easier to discover a precious Star in the dust of everything! He sets out with the solitude of the brave on the helping wing of Angels; He looks at the alley of worlds and caresses: could Humanity have remained on earth? "Dancing to suicide cowards on top of glass tiles that are shattering like shards!" Trademarked, alamus jaws among V.I.P.-party faces would look for themselves, search but are afraid to look inside themselves to find the answers!
Every TV channel produces idiot cans up to its pre-fabricated core and the vulnerable man can hardly believe the wax faces grinning under the Witch of Honesty.
Nov 2021 · 76
Convicted of innocence
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
The forgotten handshake is already embarrassingly serious; as the imprint of chalk-faced faces will you be an aggressor, or perhaps a conciliator who will redeem your loved ones?! Conscious fear runs through the rails of your laid soul! The effort to get there is everywhere! A family home may not be waiting for who really deserves it! Everyone stops near the top of their careers if there is no broker or protégé behind them! Confidence can also be gained with insufficient professional qualifications!
What makes a man of shipwrecked spirits disappointing and wild is the prediction of ****! Fashionable idiocy, which, like a good thing, sticks to the human character and leaves a pimple behind as a cold! - Chirping nymphs, flirting with prostitutes as flirting prostitutes, while having a solarium pass instead of a mind! Fallen prophets, as a rigid rule, tend to flee from wolf laws; the Vibrant hits the exposed concretes of firewalls!
In the throbbing glands, the vigor arises; phlegm disguised as help Promise! A crisis that replaces ambiguity; awareness is roaring among sizzling critics! The double cordon raises an objection if you really want to know others! Kushadnia wonder why in every Age a person should be, who is average?! The child of flattening compulsions is back! In the vegetation below, everyone is scratching and flattening their own benefit and there can be no more procrastination; what kind of pathetic over-regulation binds us to the Present, in which the living is forced to bribe ?!
It is always a surprise to snag a bump! "The temporary throbbing is tired once I have the ingrained fear in me!
Nov 2021 · 87
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
For every judgment of condemnation is spoken upon thee by the world. Small-style eggs for stinging criticism! There is always humiliation and addition! Love is both a nuclear reactor explosion in the catacombs of the heart and a self-destructive suicide if not reciprocated! And the gates of the Universe will also be destroyed in their selfish immortality! - Intoxicating word operas fight a fierce cat-and-mouse battle with monumental fattened vain monkeys Monkey!
Between distinct, penetrant odors, it strikes the head and the uniformity prevails! Birds and canaries chirping in vomiting, glittering cocktail dresses sing! The stuck Time also wanders crying and decomposes into atoms! They would come up with an alliance of intelligent spirits — a kind of audience — unworthy years deliberately collided with the captivity of nothing; like one who is inside at the same time and yet was born outside the concentric circle! Orphanage should be adopted!
Conspirators with each other's secret of war betray themselves very easily! Catching gentle buzz immediately bury me! - Confrontation is shattering! In fact, it bathes its victims in unnecessary fear-provoking; screams of shouts! "That's why the Guardian is deliberately cheering in his overcast minutes!" The puffing arrogance is rooted in his morality! "The half-dark can only be confident in the accident of those who are lost in the prison of selfish dreads!"
There can be no more arguments to silence the Will in the sunners! Censorship has once again taken hold in everything: who does not play sports and is not attractive enough to show off his elaborate and exotic goulash cubes! He who is bound by the Human Rules of Being and who cannot therefore give himself up!
Nov 2021 · 83
Life of insiders
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
From a budding eye romance, from a hot flame of deer eyes, a ****** circulating romantic seance ensues! The throbbing of the Universe is secretly hidden by our talkative face! Giving donation ruffles and excites the playhouse of our curious subconscious; can the immortal Infinite be felt with each other's bodies?! A dwindling, balmy moonlight kisses the knife-splintered grids on our donor body so that we can feel the fall of heart-petals in an eternal, holy minute and stay together!
Our bodies are secret self-defense armor with which we protect and cover the other; our faces still glow with faith in loving pleasure, we cherish the image of the distant, imagined future in his contemplations! As curious as mischievous kids who are themselves explorers, mini Colombians; superstitious, with our Heavenly kisses we try to weave our secrets even closer! Enriched in ourselves, the trembling Summer refreshes; True pearls are immortal jewelry for our lovers!
We forgive each other for our sins and our shameful neglections! You shaggy, primeval Enkidu body, my pear-breasted tiny, jingling rest; your giggling desire screams! Can we both arrive in the proud Light? If we let go of each other's hands, how long can we be alone in Life to survive Tomorrow with confidence! The sure motto of our silent muse: I want to! We take care of each other and keep the night of mortality moving! "The prey-tomorrow, as a prey-earning vulture-animal, lurks on us to surely capture our eternal feelings for one another!"
Between whispered deceptions and false intrigues, we can be sure that each other's committed emotional integrity is healthy! - As a noisy silent partner, we already feel everything and know about the other, because his beating instincts are incapable of lying!
Nov 2021 · 62
Guardian of the Canon
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
A pre-dancer would be carved out of me in vain by the faded, sloppy World: a jerky cord! A flattered prophet and a witty eccentric, I would rather never bargain with his selfish laws if they sounded! Let the rebels breathe without me! In the open, many times I still feel bribed by my dreaded fear! As a startled little boy, I am already ashamed to go among the people who keep promising! As a disillusioned light, I would look for my prosperity, who if thrown out the door isn’t sure it will climb back out the window yet!
The insidious eyeball of blindfolders flashes like a loot and strikes every second; double handshake often turns into strife when there is no Eris nearby! - I ***** in the ambiguous obscurity as a stray dog and I have to beg for the pondros that have taken on human faces: "It would be good to gain experience and expertise as a friendly favor!" "One fateful day, I will eagerly be my own destiny and a compromised accomplice with a terrible organization!" The world is already facing slow motion warping; I would wait awkwardly for the right moment so that the flame of the Universe minutes could wink at me again!
As an unwanted payer, can the captivity of elevator shafts be left to mine alone?! Incompetent weakness surprises him by surprise; no one cares about my cared limbs! Silent, konok interest strains me and recreates my imagined dreams every day! I enter the crater of unknown moon courts in a spacesuit body and I can no longer bother that my worn shoes will smell at most! Soft intrigue, konok closure is gradually following me! Even now, as an adult, I imagine my precious Time to be spent with my loved ones!
The camp of the disabled did not help to find new opportunities! - Wandering mortals thrive selfishly into the gaping cavities of piles
Nov 2021 · 62
Double denial
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Now the ***** lantern light washes around in one place: my vulnerable orphanage follows the footsteps of my legs silently, following with faithfulness as a Shadow! I would put my trust in True-Eternal friendships like one who hopes for comfort from others! Their donor conversation could be a redemptive balm in an alley-smelling state of despair; I would cling to my fingers with barely known chivalrous virtues as I kneel before the Dear and send the encrypted telepaths of words out of my eyes to my petal-heart: Do you still love me?!
Our treasure-laden existence begins to fade if we only see what the insidious, biflowering mass culture projects before our eyes! In the house of fame, perfect happiness still lives on: flattening sneezing who only waits for the *******'s vulnerability to sacrifice herself daily on the altar of her prosperity! Tabloid newspapers and TV shows need to be taught about the juicy scandal that has befallen daily scandals - the more rubbed have been able to learn this for a long time!
Special attention is given to those who show off their puffy, fuller charms and alternate their passions like others in worn-out lingerie! "I have to hesitate to step into the scattered, twisted light, because I'm really just a scared kid in the adult playground realm!" I keep balancing s Get up like Jancsik I swing for myself! Sizzling envyes are still peeking at me with increasingly killer jealousy and I begin to murmur myself to the well-deep echoes of myself: will there still be Someone for whom I would also travel to the Moon if our destinies crossed the other?
Nov 2021 · 63
Without order
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Goodness awakens in a draft, lends water to a chubby face, and goes to serve for Literature! It is not listed as a deliberate surplus in the public consciousness! At times, it is surrounded by unworthy dishonesty that, as a Columbus scout, he stands out among piles of manuscripts! He never forgives the Past lightly; misery-grievance travel with him! Snarling Celebs look out of the overheated testosterone air in gyms! They judge lightly and waste their obesity! Chirping, cheap kittens laugh and scam Judas money again; puffy whimsical presenters print the jagged, brainwashed text; infected idiots peak their minds instead of their heads in place!
Very useless years follow in the marshes of the surface; free-thinking thinkers are nailing it modestly, and they may know that the Truth may come to light one day! "Defiant, gnashing of revenge - fearful - would hardly be enough, even the Sunbeam is wilting into a pitch-colored pool of honey!" Stepped by the selfish fear of hopeless romantics! Everyone is already surrounded by the saltiness of money and the desire to bear the one from whom you can still profit!
Expensive Treasure is becoming less and less common among nurses today! It is no longer possible to build a card castle from the camp of sour disgusts and malevolent critics! Sloppy leeches would hide in their circles on a leech; all-pervading cloak-turners, slender pribes! Among fiery, light-blooded women, it is increasingly difficult for the eternal Child to stay afloat, who is hurt by his selfish vulnerability! Soft willers even caretakers decide their destinies and further careers! In lukewarm scandal chronicles, you can rarely even have a Happy End! - Even with a little evil, a lot of everyone can catch up: a volunteer emigrant is in captivity wrecking a shipwreck
Nov 2021 · 59
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
The exotic beauties of schools are also grouped into selfish, small-style sects! How many have already called themselves ******* Virgins?! He coded helplessly on creeping street corners while longing for true Immortality! Léah taverna-pimps gather Judas swags, which are easily obtained with insidious intent; who will drive the industry to nausea sooner or later, and it will be too late for those who can be saved! You can get a slap in the face for a cheap overnight swing! The usury ushers, small-style house angels, preach with responding lap-jaws! "Even a calculated crazy crouching Shadows turn into a camphor with dreams of whistling!"
The non-Golden Medium carries the shadow of swaying hangovers the next day! Light on the powdered faces of deaf people closes and the botox collagen starts to spawn; it can be lean consolation just for the risks of survival at all times! Hordes of men, with overbearing arrogance, scatter insidious handshakes, cheap promises, and when the age of proof comes back, they step down! Even today, disaster-prone melodies make us ******* dances, and it is not certain that the life-giving Light can still cling to the depths of darkened algae!
Great mouth heroes, diligent throwers can only scrape out the orphaned chestnuts for this present-day Present! The crimes of leisure pumpkins are swept under the rug with a calm heart! "Unruly, otherworldly brain evenings split into shards, and among the millions of small glass pots, gurgulans are the many pieces of the throbbing True Pearl!" Vigilant squatting dogs in the barn of vigilantly guarded alleys roar; themselves themselves can scarcely know who can be friends and enemies? Some troublemakers have retired already, and now it would be so good for a prophetic eccentric to be able to lead the way for sure
Nov 2021 · 59
Vigilant wakefully
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
They hate the vigilant guard today! Gnats also work out of whim! The official decision may seem a refutation! And a stray current of alternating tendency still circulates in the brains of Man, and it is possible that some sacrificial baptisms will always remain if the martyrs have all retired! Enduring the siege of angry friends and unfaithful cedars is still harder than settling down compromisers in peacetime! The secured path of escapes can rarely be open; honesty rebels cannot be taught by rival ant crowds to prosper!
Who is disobedient and soft can not feel good in the sun! The possible route of intrusion was shattered; full of debris and who replied that the brave had cut him barefoot with their blood beads to the insecure holding the unknown! The room for maneuver for Free Thinkers is also increasingly limited; inanimate hordes also drag themselves with ****** backs! Idiots' promises of beauty are plagued by common sense! The inflation-adjusted budget keeps a slight cure and stadiums are inaugurated during lightning visits, but all?!
Bream females are onions, with a-body still sweating themselves in the gym! Life is hanging on me like a skinned porter, and I should defend myself if I can! I always have to live the story and the idea on my own - that is why I am and will be a billion-year-old, apostate Aggatya! “There are still puffy wind-shadows, and I’m getting caught up in them as I waste myself in the flow of an unchanging, rooted coral island when I have to defend myself with a murderous conquest! I could never come to terms with Celebrity’s cheap rims!
Even now, if possible, fat trout chase me richly in front of me; sometimes i need to see I have no way up
Nov 2021 · 62
Stumbling loops
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Gitty deniers, allied with dacha, do not intentionally step on the Light today! Everyone is crowded and just sneaking in! Here, everyone can be a victim-culprit just for cheap success without relationships you can hardly know! Night Celebrity Owls need diligent prey; illuminated moonlight is nestled in their eyes with ever-breaking envy! For those leaving the career, merry widows are waving! Jealous gossipers hate anyone who still keeps the laws of his chivalry! "I could have been the immortal Universe;" I could have felt the kisses of blood petals as I filled my everyday life with redemptive confidence.
Witty, self-bored, jampec-siherers exchange theater tickets and thrive like guests of ****** bachanalias! Being always pushes before man's purposes; project an unavoidable map over the heads of its victims! He laughs at the messenger and the warning prophet! Their nasty taste buds alone honor the omnipotence of Money! The lips of collagenized porcelain dolls fall to pieces from self-sealing adhesives! Where the tabloid media is loud from career-mimicking bazaar monkeys is actually a wilderness at stake too! They show whistling alpha males and fitness kittens with non-stop complex continuity!
And he who cannot worthily strike the pedestal standard set up to be an attractive enough *** god or ultra-hot goddess can no longer be worthy enough to prosper worthily among the pitfalls of Life! "I have to be stunned to stare at the lattice lights of bohemian nights as the zigzag knife flashes - maybe you can easily cut my throat!" "Chirping, idiotically smiling leeches, like the tax collectors of an insidious age, make their lives easy on a hanging foot!" Morality and Goodness are found in a state of extinction.
Nov 2021 · 57
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
When critics pierced my tar skull with pieces of ice drumming! Not a single missing shore could be reached without being so shipwrecked! Vermet-digging careerists threw killers and daggers, and the merit became caressing puppets because they could get an opportunity from Being to start something that had begun again! Anointed redeemers could not keep the Order, and the guarding prophets also slept and listened in silence instead of their Judgment words!
Thick-necked and small-style stici pups were plowed in narrow mouse paths; to become unfaithful natives to demotion who is Man because to stay?! Boiling jampec squirrels and disco kittens are making their way up the donkey ladder of the fashion trend, while their hazelnut brains are getting narrower! Even the proud civis proves only by text and not by his deeds; insane, no-man's-house Aarnoks get the job first because they know: the brain-shrinking **** has become fashionable! - Wrapped in flag jacket wings, you can't make a difference with a single garaboncia!
You can only run and tolerate like you know your loss! He who has constantly professed his convinced Truth is all being branded a treasurer and trampled wherever he matures! Lampshade is all about preparation! A worthy accomplice may still be skillful, but he cannot catch scapegoat mice! Rats zigzag between familiar pairs of eyes and easily betray each other when it comes to getting them!

- In the channels of the night ether in the Eve costume, Angels parodying with single-stranded petal bodies offer their superstitious charms; perhaps they unconsciously imagine that they can get to know anyone in this form! Is the time of the guardian heads of families wasted?
Nov 2021 · 79
Debris in the Century
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
I couldn't grow up! Doubt shook to the bone! My vulnerable being is peeling, like the sun phobia! Brain-shrinking silly idiots echo on modern channels as clamps! Your vigilant reminder woodpecker is on your forehead! Your conscience is constantly interrogated and addressed! "Out of the desire for adventure out there, out of greed for careers, they ******* the Sanctuary of the Earth Universes!" Form breaker XXI. cheap Celebecskés dream of lustful immortality in the 20th century!
You can also fall out of Paradise quickly, and not just by tasting forbidden fruits! "The" camp of those who know everything better "is bouncing off me, shouting loudly! Human wrecks shrinking into fetal pores like crushing vultures and jackals are brawling in drug addicts that cause serious addictions! Even my existing cowardice in my shed little boyhood cannot be intentionally unnecessary! My onion peel self can only be reached by those who approach with empathy and friendliness!
The perceptible point decomposes into a thin translucent eye for human eyes: as endless crumbs, only sporty-**** titans and goddesses can kick into a ball! Snap-out, bachanaly party queens will instantly free you from your longing dreams! "You know: the Guardians could hardly stay awake, who could still be honored with their sincere friendship!" "This is how I intentionally turn to myself: a spiral inward spiral staircase!"
I am forced to lurk among the constantly grinning flower and gorilla heads like a prodigal traitor many times! "Even among human-shaped caresses, there was hardly a person who couldn't take responsibility for what he did intentionally!" - Disco rats offer occasional drugs and services in the form of profitable hyenas, and for those who are still looking for a place, they become pale. Jerky and phalma-manneredness developed into a way of life! Only the most successful heroic heroes can be
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Sooner or later, everyone on the kies island of Loneliness will be forced to reckon with their sentences! Alpha s Omega starts from the center of human colonized law and quickly crashes into the fidelity of the heart; uglier work can hardly exist than Betrayal! Reason-nourished intellect degrades into a aggravated obstacle course; devastating Alzheimer's phlegm, bred **** soon reaches! Five-minute-famous Celebs host and dream singer careers in business!
Everyone who has been offended many times is enveloped and finally immersed in his self-mutilating thoughts! Instead of tiny puddles, I should have sprinkled fresh dew on my soul wounds; fist deposits and crater colonies formed in my heart basin, they started to puncture! Dead Sea sand looks into my eyes, maybe you can still feel compassionate with ***** pains! I deliberately became a Shadow Friend myself and broke away from companies!
Let the social life of new chirping ***** be organized only in peace - but without me! The lie and the sound of the roast pigeon promise began to gain weight in every member! My painful leakage can no longer be opened to anyone and ruptured enough! Convincing improvisation - fearful - may no longer be enough for this world today! Ghost hotel specialists give birth to this land; a developing country is in a deliberate coma in the middle of Europe! The camp of the top ten thousand melancholy is suddenly growing and common sense norms are immediately overridden by Star **** s and Celeb idiocy!
Cheap kitsch pushes the boundaries that everyone wants to be a singer and presenter already, and he talks at English in slang-spotted talent scouts! - Androgynous oligarchs are already money producers; in which they cannot sniff the smell of success with sharp instincts, they soon shovel it! What an everyday loss of prestige in seconds!
Nov 2021 · 62
Jerk starts!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Non-****** macho, dice-bellied Adonis-Titan chicks tend to lurk intentionally and escape the attention of bikini fairies! They themselves feel that losers against murderously stimulating exibitionism can be absolutely just brought up! Who is not on purpose, and his movement cannot be convincing enough between two chairs waiting for the captivity of floors! Democratic D.Js are pocketing their horses for bakelite shifts, while cosmic noise is raging in the ecstasy vortex of dance halls! Inhibition and anxiety cannot be resolved clearly: it is the manifestation of everything!
Every day, losers and a seven-rehearsed, petty Nobody dream of themselves as self-appointed pop stars; think if they get a record deal maybe they can even run overseas! Then come puffed-up petting, one-man Spanish wax makers, with a flag of allied fire in their eyes; because you always need another, incomprehensible, bribed sensation that infects just like good-neighbor gossip! Institutional conspirators are forcing the crowded idiocy and the rampant Chaos! When can there finally be Peace Empathy and Tolerance?!
The silly moth sets mine traps in the yard of our constantly creative brain! An unstoppable rumbling convoy is approaching your heart attack! Everyone is gradually becoming a livelihood nomad because they can’t know the avoidable answers! To survive, they need long-term hunting! You are growing around you who is not finest enough to survive Tomorrow!
Dogs snarling at their unspoken accusations are trotting after free-leaning fat columns! Overbearing bad faith can always find asylum seekers.
Nov 2021 · 81
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
In the throbbing cauldron of the Spirit, a restless heartbeat tickles over the silent petals! A heart attack dread can knock at any time if the victim can no longer keep their competitive weight! As a bribing agent on a parallel track; a crater would have been born from a crater depth, not a shipwreck break! Bottomless sadness consumes itself every day, and a long remorse drives suicide to those who may have remained vulnerable intentionally!
The eternal-immortal superstitious whisper of the Universe flows down to the dreamy body of the dripping, spawned honey bronze-brown Muses! The healthy flow of open embers disputes is still increasingly lacking; conflict avoidance preferred! - We should go into deep flight, ignoring the obstacles that are renewed every day, and we should perceive all the boundaries around ourselves with listening ears! The heart is an innocent pocket cutter, and it is not possible to know exactly who you can fall in love with again; it is still difficult to get used to the fact that place fees exist and money already dominates everything! - They pretend to give each other dreamlike kisses gently!
Whose detailed chubby face and every stigma-wound like ever gained in the battle of criticism seems to still show on him that he is gambling with his emotions, and his emotions are benevolent clowns! When the chalice of the heart-petals opens in the flaming bestowal and sings the ode of trust; we divide our own garden of Eden into billions so that we can remain harmless! - To be forever exposed to a foolish whim in the midst of solar flares! The joy of deception has become bitter for many times: the crumbling plates of dawn-cold eyes collide quickly when all resistance on the paths of the soul has ceased
Nov 2021 · 67
Age today
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Every partying party gives birth to a fanatical bachanalia! Dip their juicy stomachs into the liquid rivers of hysterical canary warblers, collagen kittens and chocolates carved with round, shaped figures and let them be immersed in lustful pleasure. If pounding belief proves to be a burden, and the fate that can be taken over, will force the babysitters into handcuffs, they will soon exchange their emotions and the ******* will be made vulnerable by love!
Carrying the One-Choice in the Loyalty Hall of Hearts is still harder than going to bed with cultured stallions in a variety of ways every day! Fairy person s and commonplace furies in one person are also prima donna; friendly-acquaintance phrases are only offered to break-up businessmen or bored billionaires!
Whose heart is a donor, an invaluable treasure like a coral island forced to exist in the interest-driven jungles of big cities! Life cannot provide its own coniferous plans if the other does not dare! The idea of goodness is revealed today instead of helping us in it! In a self-destructive closed-shell, one can only remain oneself until he listens to the Deficiency! Fracture symmetry is also increasingly lacking due to formal deficiencies!
The selfishly terrified person seems unprotected! - It is difficult for the profiteers to transfer to the secret frequency of human wavelengths! Exaggerated, confidential contacts can further damage the wise experience!
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