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I'm a hopeless romantic.
Trapped in my own mind.
Wanting romance,
Listening to music,
Reading web comics,
Wanting to feel the sensation,
Of romance.
What do I get in return?
Sadness from within,
Seeing others happy,
With what I want.
It truly is a want,
Not a need,
For romance.
But I guess we'll have to see,
If I truly am destined for romance.
To fall for you,
Not your looks,
Your personality.
You to make me smile,
Uncontrollably smile,
Even when I don't want to.
To not feel alone,
Even when I am,
Just to know that,
You are there.
To be happy,
With you,
Because of you.
But what is us,
Because us hasn't happened.
To deserve you,
No matter what happens,
I'm not deserving of you,
I'm not deserving of happiness.
I want you to read it right. Only use the title after every period.
You knew, you knew,
That I've been waiting on you
Because you are stuck
In my head
Just there
I've told you how I felt
I just want you to say yes
Test the waters
I wish to help you
Overcome what you have feared
Commit to a possible happiness
That's what I'm doing
I want to be happy
And you appear to be my solution
But am I yours
I don't want you to feel pressured
Because let's be real
I don't deserve you
But I want to try
And see if I can
Get myself to feel good enough
To be with you
But until then I'll be
Waiting on you
Inspiration from a friend's song
What happens when
You become the center of my world
My world changing
To include you in it
In it for the long run
Not sure why I want you
Want you to adore me
About as much as I do you
Do you think we'd be happy
Like I see it in my head
My head flashing your image
Am I in your head
Your head sealing my heart away
I wish to seal a part of you
Of you and your mental
Drives me crazy
Me crazy to think of happiness
Whatever happiness you bring me
Bring me home
Let me show you my soul
My soul begs for this weird connection
We seem to possess
I want us to
Walk on the beach in Lilycove City
Watch the Luvdisc swim by
Dare each other to go into Lavender Town
Hold your hand in Floaroma Town
I want to be Volbeat
And you Illumise
In reality you're Milotic
And im just Carnivine
It'll hurt but relax in Snowbelle City
Spend the day at a Poké Spot
I'd figure out your favorite
Travel to the region and get you one
Us living happily in our roles
Our love growing through time
My Croagunk loving you
What more could you ask for
In a Pokémon world
I don't deserve you
I don't see how I would
There's many things you do
That I couldn't begin to repay
The smile you force upon me
I couldn't give you one half as big
The full feeling you give me
I'd only be a false half
The way you supercharge my heart
Yours probably slows down
I want to be in your embrace
You probably withdraw from the thought
Your laugh giving me such joy
Mine scratching your ears
I want to hold your hands
Your hands get uncomfortable at the idea
Thinking of us together a dream
You think of it as a nightmare
You make me feel less than a failure
I'm just another person
I love seeing your texts
You probably could care less
You make everything feel amazing
I'm probably a sour taste to you
I don't deserve a relationship with you
You're to good for me
Be careful where you look,
For you might peer,
Into the Eyes.
The window to the soul.
The eyes that draw you in,
Might be the same that end you.
Look away
Don't be fooled
Trouble is what follows
For my eyes,
(Yes my eyes).
Sweet enough to
Make your mouth water.
A taste so enticing
Wanting more
Yet, wondering
What a taste is actually like.
From my eyes,
To yours.
What do you see?
Do you see
My eyes,
Mesmerizing you?
Captivating your soul?
Entwining it to mine?
Together maybe for a while,
Maybe for life,
Who knows?
Just beware,
My eyes!
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