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1.6k · Jun 2018
Taijitu Jun 2018
We are so focused on being strong
that we usually forget about compassion
We are cautious to trust
and quick to judge
We hide and run from feelings
yet can't handle being alone
We build a wall to protect ourselves from pain
but that also prevents love from reaching out to us
How far until we realize we're stuck in the same place?
How much weight until we can start letting go?
1.1k · Jun 2018
El día que te conoci
Taijitu Jun 2018
No se si te acuerdas cuando nos conocimos,
porque a sinceridad, yo no
me imagino que fue un día sin mayor relevancia
de esos que pasan desapercibidos
solo para agregarle mas tiempo al reloj
yo, quizás sintiendo mi usual dosis de ansiedad
tu, quizás gruñendo por algo sin importancia
ambas ajenas a las aleaciones de los astros
las jugadas del destino o cualquier otra estupidez
con la que disfraza uno las salvajadas de la vida
ni puta idea que ese día marcaría mi antes y después
que tu mirada jamas dejaría de ser mi buenos días
ni tus labios la única fuente para saciar mi sed
en mi opinión, diría un día demasiado normal
para desprender con tanta fuerza un alma,
así que si logras recordarlo, te pido,  no me cuentes
déjame el sabor a simpleza con la que una salvajada de la vida
me regalo el mas bello amor

- Custodio
684 · Jan 2019
1 Mes
Taijitu Jan 2019
Cientos de estrellas contamos juntos cuando era niña
y jamas imagine que un dia te buscaria en cada una de ellas
Tu ausencia hoy me acaricia como la brisa de aquellas noches
en las que llena de historias me dormia junto a ti
Tus memorias son aventuras que se vuelven mi refugio
Tus dulces palabras, la unica melodia que me hace sentir bien
Se que el tiempo jamas podra curar el dolor de tu partida
Pero se que tu sonrisa me dara las fuerzas para continuar
Donde estes, te extraño, te pienso, te amo Papa.
597 · Apr 2018
Do it
Taijitu Apr 2018
Whatever it is you want to do. Just do it.
Stop spending time doubting, over thinking, worrying.
Don't let your current situation distract you.
Just do it.
Move forward, even when it's only one foot in front of the other.
That's a progress.
Push yourself.
If you can't find the way, create one.
If the door closes, break in through a window.
Use your fear to push through. Use your pain to motivate you.
It's not easy, but you're alive so that's already on your favor.
You don't always have the option to choose your path, but you do have the option to customize it.
Be your inspiration and your motivation.
Be your purpose, be your leader, your investor.
You and only you are responsible for the work, but you'll also be the owner of the results.
And Whatever it is you want to do. Just do it.

590 · Jun 2018
Taijitu Jun 2018
I am a work in progress
a public draft
often edited
for the wrong reasons
by the wrong  people
with the worse grammar

489 · Nov 2017
Another Sad Story
Taijitu Nov 2017
You said goodbye
And a flashback of
Noneexistent memories
Came to my mind

My heart stopped
My voice stuttered
everything was nothing
and all I had was pain

I was standing on my porch
Breathing the ashes of your soul
Deaf-mute to any reason
Trembling between the how and why

You said goodbye
******* the light of hope out of me
Leaving me with another sad story
Missing pieces and a broken heart

- Custodio
452 · Jan 2018
Your Smile
Taijitu Jan 2018
I can feel your smile
Full moon on the doldrums sea
Absolution to my deepest demons
Undeniable mystery, yet such an infinite peace

Yes, your smile
Addictive remedy to all my sins
Warm love
Annihilating my melancholy
Fading away every hidden tear

438 · Jun 2018
Friendly Reminder
Taijitu Jun 2018
Stop looking for Perfection
Pursuit Happiness
Pray for Enlightenment
Enjoy Life
Embrace good Energy
Appreciate good Health
Act Childish
(It's NOT that Serious)
Allow yourself to make Mistakes
Celebrate the small Triumphs
Find what you Love
And Do it with Passion
Keep an Open Mind
Respect Diversity
Be Kind
Give Love

428 · Jul 2018
Taijitu Jul 2018
Quiero que seamos por siempre dos desconocidos
que se encuentran todos los dias por primera vez.

418 · Nov 2017
You are
Taijitu Nov 2017
You're the smell of blood running through my veins
Slowly clotting my lungs after we kiss

You're the cry for help coming from my guts
When I feel you getting closer

You're the terrifying sound of the words stuck in my throat
A lingering goodbye I never get to say to you

You're the hate I desperately crave to feel
Towards you... towards us

But you're also the sweet taste of the love you pretended to feel
And that I deeply knew could never exist

- Custodio
399 · Nov 2017
Stay Calm
Taijitu Nov 2017
It's okay not to have all the answers
The universe always finds the way to show the truth
When we're not looking is when we truly find
Let time do and undo
Heal or breakthrough
Understanding is more than logic to our common sense
It is the peace after accepting things beyond our control
So Stay Calm, Be Strong
It's okay not to have all the answers
There's also beauty in the world of the lost

368 · Nov 2017
Back to the Dark
Taijitu Nov 2017
I see it now
This is your trick
You hold my hand then wave goodbye
I take a zip of wine
Look at my watch
Where do you go when you’re not wanted?
When you can’t hide
I light a candle
I make time stop
Lifting me up while our hearts crash
Nothing to find
I will not cry
Where do you go when there’s no love?
Back to the dark
It feels like home
As every time.
- Custodio
327 · Jan 2018
Lo Siento, Te Amo, Adios
Taijitu Jan 2018
Te dejo ir
Soy fiel creyente de que los corazones deben ser libres
Retener nunca ha sido para mi una expresión de amor,
por el contrario, solo demuestra egoísmo cuando ya no se quiere estar mas en un lugar
No mentiré
Escribo y puedo sentir mi corazón desintegrarse como pólvora dentro de mi
Es siempre mas difícil respirar cuando no encuentras razón para seguir haciéndolo
Buscando aliento, pienso en tus besos y recobro la tranquilidad
Por un segundo todo vuelve a tener sentido y te siento nuevamente junto a mi
Te Amo.
Se que lo has escuchado muchas veces, pero te aseguro, jamas con la misma intensidad
Te Amo.
Y podría decir que es por el verde color de tus ojos que me deslumbran el alma, o por tu sonrisa que cada vez eriza  mas mi piel
Pero la verdad es que te amo aun en los momentos en que tus ojos no me miran o aun cuando no estas de humor para sonreír
Así te amo... porque si
Y presiento sera así para toda la vida
Aunque, como lei hace poco, este sera el amor que llega envuelto en el Karma
El paso a ciegas que puede dejarte destrozada al fondo del precipicio o regalarte las mas hermosas alas que te enseñen a volar
Duele que ahora solo queda sentarme a orillas del nunca sera
Sintiendo la brisa de tu ausencia. Escuchando las palabras resonantes de tu Adios
Ojala volver fuera tan fácil como dar vuelta al reloj de arena
A veces el amor no es suficiente y las acciones no se pueden siempre retactar
Te dejo ir.
Pretendiendo que soy demasiado buena para imponerme en tu ahora, en tu después, hasta el final de esta puta vida
Lo Siento
Te Amo
307 · Jun 2019
Taijitu Jun 2019
El tiempo no es fiel a los recuerdos
La ausencia es el sublime toque del olvido
Tu voz ya no se escucha en mis memorias
Tus abrazos cada vez están mas fríos
Esperanzada creo replicas de tu retrato
Aferrándome a la luz que me dió tu sonrisa
Amándote con la misma intensidad con que te extraño
Esperando el día en que vuelva a estar contigo

275 · Nov 2017
Taijitu Nov 2017
thousands of miles
hundreds of phone calls
many goodbyes

empty beds
cold nights
lonely dinners

rainy days
tears of fear
mood swings

- Custodio
271 · Feb 2018
Locura y Serenidad
Taijitu Feb 2018
Adoro tus olores
y las sensaciones que provocan en mí

El sabor de tu piel
desvanece la amargura de mis días

Tu mirada causa estragos y acaba con mi paz

Eres la montaña rusa de mis sentimientos
El calor y el frio que no logro controlar

Te amo
Con desesperación y locura

Te amo
Con elocuencia y serenidad

263 · Feb 2018
Te vas...
Taijitu Feb 2018
Te vas...

pero dejas tus gemidos resonando en las paredes de mi habitación,

el olor de tu piel recordándome lavar las sabanas de seda,

tu humedad en mis labios y tu sudor aun sobre mi piel.

Te vas...

pero dejas impregnada tus ansias en mi cuerpo

y tu voz como un susurro quemando todo mi ser.

257 · Jun 2018
Taijitu Jun 2018
La culpa es del tiempo por aferrarse tanto a las memorias del pasado
por haber pausado mis amaneceres y quedarse colectando los pedazos que quedaron de ti.

238 · Nov 2017
War Zone
Taijitu Nov 2017
The taste of blood on my bitten lips
Your hair strands all over me

Created under the silk sheets of your bed
A Deep look behind a smirk

Kama Sutra tactics in a territory of love
Destructive chaos between our legs

Suffocated by the flames inside your mouth
Human candle melting to your touch

234 · Feb 2018
Now days...
Taijitu Feb 2018
Now days...
Rush hour is the daily routine
We wake up to the weather channel
but won't stop to feel the sun on our faces
Smiling at Facebook and Instagram feeds
but walking with a resting ***** face in the streets

Now days...
Our Moral values are based on a trending topic
Authenticity is an endangered specie
Social acceptance is our top priority
And love, just another lie to proclaim an ownership

No days...
Pride is the riffle
And money the ammunition  
230 · Mar 2018
In a perfect world
Taijitu Mar 2018
In a perfect world
I find myself surrounded by my love for you
There is no track of time
Only the space between your lips and mine

In a perfect world
I wake up to the warm touch of your hands
First light of my days is the smile on your face
And my body trembling while you kiss my neck

In a perfect world
Our world
Collateral damage is just a myth
There is only me, you and the moon
Sometimes the stars if we let them in

Maybe one day
Our reality will be a once upon time
A bedtime story to tell the kids
maybe... and just maybe
It'll finally be just you and me
228 · Jun 2018
Taijitu Jun 2018
My heart was a property you owned
you filled the dull spaces with interesting stories
hanged frames of happy moments on my empty walls
using our plans and dreams as perfect lighting
you made it feel like home
YOUR home
where my feelings were then segregated from your needs
and speaking was no longer an option
my interest faced the closing gates of your daily grind
our ***, casual interaction between acquaintances
our love, a confused outsider, staring and taking notes

- Custodio
222 · Nov 2017
Dear Me
Taijitu Nov 2017
I'm not a person of regrets.
My motto: "everything happens for a reason",
just to avoid keeping track of the time I've lost.
Moving on, is my thing.
No sneak peeks. No glances to the rear mirror.
No holding back to what's left behind.
That's me!
The badass ***** always giving the "keep it ******* real" speech,
"cut the crap" speech, "put yourself back together" speech...
Blah Blah Blah
Always ready to fight the battles on everybody's war.

So I congratulate myself everyday
for being so committed to this role I've created.
An amazing character,
thoughtfully put together to be able to survive.
Thank you dear me
for making sure that my eggshell castle (aka ******* feelings)
stay safe and sound
Thank you dear me
for the facade of a well played performance
full of *******, pain and hidden fear.

- Custodio
217 · Dec 2017
The Burden
Taijitu Dec 2017
Are you gonna make a scene?
He whispered in my ear
I could feel his fingers running down my lower back
And my dignity fading away with every heartbeat

Where is everybody?
Desperation lasts so much longer when time flashes
It won't be long until it's over, I comforted myself
Trapped between wrongful guilt and his misogynistic behavior

Is this really happening?
Within seconds my world shrank, the air got heavier
Confusion was an understatement
My weakness started to grow, the strong woman disappeared

What should I do now?
Their bond will be stronger than my pain and anger
My word will be silenced , belittled by her blinded love
So he walks away with the piece of me I never really gave him

I get to keep the burden and the bitter taste of his lust

217 · Nov 2017
Taijitu Nov 2017
You knew I wasn't looking for light...
But a warm heart to share my darkness

211 · May 2018
Taijitu May 2018
Soy las palabras que he escuchado
los poemas que he leido
las peleas que he evitado
los gritos que he provocado
los consejos que no he pedido
las lagrimas que he derramado

Soy las experiencias con las  que bautizo mis errores
las excusas por llegar tarde
los nervios antes de un beso
las pausas entre mis abrazos
los silencios cuando suspiro
los sueños que ya he olvidado

Soy las preguntas retoricas que esperan la respuesta
las cortesias que no agradezco
los momentos amargos que no supero
las intenciones que no desifro
las personas que no tolero
las que quiero y las que aun anhelo

- Custodio
211 · May 2018
Sinfonias de mi Cuerpo
Taijitu May 2018
Quiero conocerme.
Desde mi precoz sexualidad hasta mi ultima masturbación.
Quiero saber la reacción y sensación de cada punto de mi cuerpo.
No porque estoy obsesionada conmigo misma,
sino porque tengo como meta explotar todas mis fuentes de placer.
Quiero saber donde tocar, rasguñar, presionar...
buscar una explosion que sea provocada por la sinfonía depravada de mi cuerpo, para luego reinventar melodías de pasión
Quiero cruzar las frígidas lineas creadas por la sociedad... y disfrutar
Contigo, Conmigo, o Sin Ti
210 · May 2018
Taijitu May 2018
what if I want to play around with destiny?
what if I defer from what is meant to be?
what if I decide to go against all odds?
what if I give karma the *******?
what if I stop being scared?
what if I say yes?
what if...

202 · Jan 2018
Be Here
Taijitu Jan 2018
I don't always need someone to pick me up
Sometimes I just need someone to lay right next to me
To feel the cold pavement on their back
And who won't mind the dirt on face
Don’t cheer me up
Don’t dry my tears
Don’t cry with me
Just be here
Make me believe you also taste the poisonous air around me
And share the stabbing in my chest
Let me be hurt
But just be here
173 · May 2018
Taijitu May 2018
Mi filosofia de amor es estricta y se rige por una sola ley


172 · May 2018
Dear Friend
Taijitu May 2018
Can I be a part of your good days?
Can we share the rainbow rays…
After I hold your umbrella?
Can you invite me to your 2am after-parties?
As you do the times your heart gets crushed
And your trust violated?
Can I see your smile?
Can you call to just say hi?
Make it less obvious
That I’ve become your hotline.
Can you come back?
Can you please notice my candle wax dripping
From the last time I lighted up your darkness?
My dear friend…
Can you also be mine?

168 · Feb 2018
Taijitu Feb 2018
La Felicidad no va a venir a ti... viene de ti

166 · Jan 2018
Taijitu Jan 2018
Love is a unknown world without gravity
A breathtaking view to an infinite universe
A constellation of feelings waiting to be named
You don't choose when to stay still or when to fly away
And Everything is a meteor show...

Until that ******* disconnects your oxygen tank


— The End —