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Seems everyone has someone
Seems like they can keep that someone in their life.
Why is it .. I'm alone..
No one wants this body as their own
Why do I cry so much
Missing out on loves true touch.
What is the reason guys want me
But don't want to have me as theirs

My magical place is lost in time
Past mistakes create a rip in the fabric of LIFE.
My tears trickle down my cheeks
My mental state begins to rattle and shake..
A earthquake it seems
Beats my soul down in defeat

Seems I'm just a puzzle piece in this
Nothing I can fake
Nothing I can take
My life is junk yard
Where the unwanted things get thrown. .
Seems my life is not really a source
For someone heart to breathe
Just a messed up battlefield
Where unneeded unwanted unnecessary things end up..

(Why is it that I am not good enough
Am I really that bad)

(I took them away from the life they wanted  n needed)

I ruined my babies lives
I ****** up so bad
I don't know where to go
I lost my mind
Now I know
I can't take it back
My world is so black
I wish that I wasn't  so ******* stupid
Like thaf.
I guess that's why I'm so alone
Because I deserve it
I walked down this road
(Mersadie, mawell, molly..
I'm so sorry..
I failed U
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
one day you'll ask me why
i hate the smell of beer,
and i'll have to tell you
it filled the air when he hit her,
then you'll notice
how i avoid red wine,
and i'll look away to say that
she reeked of it when she screamed at me,
you'll pick up on
how much ***** makes me gag,
and i'll be ashamed to tell you
i washed it out of my hair at 3 am while sobbing,
i'll push away jack
and you'll be sure to ask why,
and i'll cry and tell you
i can't remember why i hate it,
that i can't remember much at all

and then you'll know who i was
when i wasn't me
"i'm better now."
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
everyone associates the sound of silence with calm
the sound of silence can be terrifying
the sound of silence is not silent
the sound of silence is unbearable pain as those voices scream out in agony

“youre worthless”
“no one cares about you”
“you should just **** yourself”
“youre the ugliest thing ive ever seen”

the sound of silence
the sound of
the sound

the sound of i wish everything would just **shut up.
I saw you.

Squeezed between sentences,
In semi colons and calibre comas,
On page twenty six.

Smudging word after word
With vagueness,
And I lost track of the story.

Couldn't find a full stop,
Couldn't find you.

Help me.
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
Autumn Rose
Diamonds reflecting on the sun,
rainbows on my skin.
Seeking the lost light of my
empty black sky.
Pearls on my neck.
He stole my star, just visions of
galaxies left scattered.
He threw water on my flame.
When it's gone, i'm not alive.
No! I saw the light inside him.
Summer is still in the air, smells like vanilla.
Heaven's in his emeralds.
White gold lines my heart, but burnt
from the dead memories,from the dead life journey
leading me towards the dark abyss.
Unknown,stranger,stolen images.
Can you buy me more diamonds?
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
Autumn Rose
Maybe it was the
call of springtime,
but the sweet melody of
the flute seemed to
bring the secret garden
back to life...

She wore a dress
of white lace.
Whiter than the lace
were her pearl earrings.
Sleeping peacefully
on a bed of
thorns and roses.
Cherry blossoms
in her hair.
One heavenly morning,
a beautiful melody
rised above the pine trees.
The tune of the
mysterious flute
player was that,
And the rose buds opened,
        The nightingale began to tweet,
The fountain was
filled  with water
        And the statue of an
angel began to pray.
Eyes of sapphire slowly opened.
Dew drops on her lashes.
The grass whispered
her precious secrets
to the silver
bells that chimed as
she sang her lullaby
to him, through the gentle
wind in the oak leaves.
Every morning while
the little kitten
chased the
pretty butterflies.
But now, when the
melody is gone and
autumn faded her garden,
she went to dream again,
under the shade of the willow.
Still their love song
can be heard,
where drooped roses wilt
and swans swim on
the shimmering pond,
near the little wooden bridge.

The secret garden knew
she loved him,
for her laughter
stirred the
dried rose petals...
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