Mixi, I love you.
I burn for you
Whoever said
Love and ***
Are not ex
Is in denial
And so lied
I can't believe I believed it
Again, when the rest were as cold as ice
My soul is only measured in
Motions that my heart can supply
For you I fell
Now hell
Once more
Has found
Its sneaky
Way home
My knees drop
For the carpet
Racing for
The ground
To put me
In my place
Tongue inside
Your leaking
Body just
For the smell
And the taste
I drink you
I please you
Can't help but
Crave your most
Sacred of
Sacred space
I move you
And through you
My soul finds
A sacred way
A secret way
For only
You reserved
For your come
On my face
And in me
Down my throat
In hopes that
I'll swallow
Part of your soul
From your body
Then take it
Into mine
Then in your
Fluids find
What it means
Truly to
Be human
It binds me
It binds me
You hesitate
You turn away
Choose to live
In your fear
You wallow
I follow
All my loves
Treated me
Like *****
Water trash
But I refuse
To treat you
All the same
I find that
The truth is
If you treat
Me like I'm
Then I'll be
If you treat
Me like I'm
Then I'll be
For years you
May have met
Me halfway
Now I lie
Awake at night
Now I stand
Asleep in day
Wishing you
Would have tried
I can't believe I believed it
Again, when the rest were as cold as ice
The soul is only measured in
Motions that the heart can supply
Every year
You moved less
Til you let
Your passion
For me die
And never felt it