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 Jun 2017 Madison
I’ve shred open my own skin,
I’ve insulated myself and I have searched to
find answers at the bottom of empty pill bottles.
I’ve abandoned the nutrients from my own stomach.
What I’m saying is I am no stranger to self inflicted pain;
I am an expert in punishing myself for existing.
 Jun 2017 Madison
The same darkness
The same tears
The same mental torture

They play an infinite
They play the nightmares
They play my fears

The memories that need be forgotten
The memories that haunt me till the end
The memories that bring me back to darkness

It destroys me
It kills me
It steals away my soul

Until I am no more
Until I give up hope
Until I give into the night
 Jun 2017 Madison
There was a poet on HP
Who had alot of ♡
He tried to stay
     out of the fights
He kept himself apart
He had a love of poetry
He lived for his art.

Talented, he made "the grade"
As "minded" poets do
But he didn't try
     to "people please"
And so mean writes
When he encountered
     "lesser lights" he didn't
     make them blue
But put ♡s on them as well
For their hearts were true.

Time went by... how it did fly!
As if given wings!
He found he had "The Daily"
(When there was
     such a thing)
He tried to READ all poets
     but could not, everything...
So he decided just to read
The small group
     within his ring.

He would NOT be purchased.
He would NOT be sold.
He was TRUE to his beliefs
Of his Faith quite bold.

Not only did he ♡
He gave "thumbs up" as well!
He reposted and was good
In fact, the man was swell!

He had a grateful following
But, as fate is wont
He couldn't keep up
     with the load...
Found his health was shot
But he tried to be a light
He tried to give folks thought.

His readership got smaller
It seemed like every day.
He still tried to be genuine
And true in every way
But nobody wanted
     him no more
He began to fade away...
Where the
     rubber hits the road
He began to PRAY.

If you don't know
     who this is,
Replace the "he" with "she"
She believes
And truly grieves

That poet would be ME.

♡ Catherine
My health isn't good anymore
my friends. I try to keep up,
but I just can't. I'll read when
I can, and promise to be
generous. Please don't be offended if I don't read as
much as I used to. Thanks!
Eyes open
Upon the silent abode
Marvel at me
The heavens echoed

Predicaments dissolve into the trivial
The mind is spotless
You forget the greed, the hate
You remember only the love which intoxicates

Their watchful eyes
Shining upon us since antiquity
Embedded into the skies
An ever lasting source of serenity

Their melody decipherable to wanderers
Providing solace to the adrift
A message from our ancestors
Whispering that clear will be the mist
 Jun 2017 Madison
Cold water
 Jun 2017 Madison
As the freezing water fills my hopeless lungs
I am reminded of its darkness once again
My burning heart steams from the cold edge of the knife
I gasp for air that is far beyond my reach and sight

Beneath the water where the sun don't shine
My helpless body sinks deeper and deeper slowly
And my eyelids close with fear and pain slowly
Slowly, unlike when I fell in love.
 Jun 2017 Madison
I have all the time in the world

For that dawn to appear

And when it’s not there,

I feel a shadow unraveled,

An unseen, hidden,

Black Shadow,

In verge of disappearing.

Oh! Dawn… Why don’t you hark

What my heart says,

I just seem strong,

Not I’m… Yes. I am.

Go away. But don’t bring calmness of your shine, ever again. Go. And never be there again.

Black Shadow let me be,

Let me stay. Here. Here forever.

Go away. Go away… ©err1585

— The End —