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234 · Jun 2021
Quote 43🌷
All love needs is love
to exist
To grow, to survive.

Shell ✨🐚
234 · Dec 2022
Three- dimensional
Looking at the sky
I see my mind
Blue …..

Shell ✨🐚
234 · Apr 2021
Full circle ⭕️ - haiku
From seed to green trees
Trees giving fruit giving seeds
Full circle of life.

234 · Feb 2021
Ultimate freedom
Of body and soul
No one , nobody  controls
Be as free as you can be
In spirit and mind
Go where you want to go
Do what you want to do
Say what you want to say
Only then you will see
what you were meant to be
So be what you want to be
Only then you can say
Yes this  is truly me!
Shell ✨🐚
A life lived under control of someone else, isn’t living
233 · Feb 2022
Moon lover
At day time I am asleep
angel of the moon
I close my eyes
in the warmth of sunbeams
I dream
At night I am awake
I visit my moon.
I visit the garden
of the dream
of my passionate lover
in the light of the moon.

Shell ✨🐚
At night I visit my moon where your dreams are.
233 · Apr 2021
Quote 30🌷
For some
Home is everywhere and nowhere.
Free spirit.

Shell ✨🐚
232 · Jun 2021
Haiku- quiet
~when all is quiet
then you can hear the whisper
deep inside of you.~

Shell ✨🐚
231 · Sep 2022
Blurred moon
Are there tears in your eyes
Or is it me crying?
Veiled vision,
Hidden pain
falling raindrops.
Tears from up above
Sadness in the air.

Shell ✨🐚
230 · Mar 2021
Quote 2🌷
Let your heart be
a never ending well
Full of love
Full of compassion.

230 · Sep 2023
Quote 168🌷
Wear a bling and it becomes a jewel.
Something is as worthy
as the worth you give to it.

Shell ✨🐚
Nothing and no one gives  you
status and prestige but yourself.
229 · Feb 2021
True love,
God and the universe
are infinite.
Maybe they are the same.

What do you know that is infinite.?
229 · Mar 2023
Quote 145🌷
Embrace nature’s pure.
There is where you’ll find
the healing herbs for the soul.
Harmony within.

Shell ✨🐚
Healing power of nature.
229 · Apr 2022
Quote 108 🌷
Being kind to nature
Is being kind to yourself.

229 · Nov 2021
Quote 76🌷
Don’t be blinded by your eyes
In life it’s not all about the things you see
but about the things you feel.

228 · May 2023
Dance of life
As long as I have breath
My love will lift you up
In many colors I’ll be
your melody in life.
Surround you with
love’s vibrations
To sing and dance on the tune
of life.

Shell ✨🐚
227 · Jun 28
Now that you’re gone
my scars are like beautiful tattoos.
Going with me forever.

227 · Mar 2021
Quote 8🌷
To be able to be good to someone, anyone, you have to be good to yourself first!

Shell ✨🐚
227 · Jul 2021
Haiku- moonlit🌖
walking in the dark
finding  long longed destiny
lead by moonlit ways

226 · Dec 2021
One seed
Everything starts with
one planted seed
Let your heart be fertile soil
for  the seed of love to grow creating this beautiful flower splendor.

225 · Jul 2021
Prestigious bird of color
You are what you eat
Beautiful pink feathers
and long thin yellow feet
A reflection of how fit
and  strong you are.
Doing the circular dance ritual
to find your suitable mate.
Beautiful big bird of nature
Only God can create.

225 · Mar 2022
Winter no more
Velvet rug of white is melting down
Under warm smiles from early sun
Peeping buds are coming through
Opening eyes to see sky so blue
Fresh green leaves bringing life to trees
All kinds of colors making me happy setting me free.

Shell ✨🐚
224 · May 2022
Tulip sea
The world can be beautiful
as a tulip sea,
living together with differences
in harmony.
If only we try harder
Love unconditionally.

Shell ✨🐚
224 · Feb 2022
Haiku (Earth)
holy ground spirits
Ancient footprints energy
still around on soil.

Shell ✨🐚
Earth on itself  is a museum
everything that was is still  in it.
223 · Jun 2021
when you feel a breeze
with the scent of red roses
love is in the air.

Shell ✨🐚
221 · Aug 2022
Love lost in darkness
Low hanging flower
From the sun you hide
Afraid losing yourself  completely
In butterfly eyes.
Sharp pain deep within
when true love stays hidden from

Shell ✨🐚
221 · Feb 2021
Be loved beloved
Sitting in the dark.
Nowhere near ,a light
Eyes filled with tears
Falling silently
No sound to be heard
but the  pounding
Of a heart
In pain
For he will be going
All the music gone
No laughter
No song in the heart
For she will not know
The feeling
To be loved

Saying goodbye to the one you love
220 · Jun 2021
Quote 58🌷
Why won’t you save someone
Love and acceptance is all it takes
to heal any kind of trauma.

220 · May 2021
Clover 4 🍀
Symbol of all that’s good.

Little wonder of nature
Four little leaves in one
Every leave holds its own
Crutches of life under the sun
On peaceful living
With innerpeace of mind.
That it will be better tomorrow
Hope on life of  better kind.
In each other always
To live together as one,
Looking after each other
the key to become one
By which everything good begins,
Everyone together  
An era , a  new begin
     Good luck
To everybody
to each and every one
Who ever you are or where ever you’re from

Little Green clover of nature
A present  to life in all its ways
Beautiful symbol of mankind
Freedom in every way .☘️

Good luck symbol
220 · Apr 2021
Quote 17🌷
What really matters in your life is YOU.
Your inner child.
Your dignity.
Your conscience
So give yourself a chance
Be good to yourself.
Everything will fall in place
You are worthy.

Shell ✨🐚
You can’t give what you yourself don’t have!!
219 · Mar 2022
Yellow canary
Fluttery yellow passerine
Spring green is here, calling
Spread your wings
Fly high and
sing nature’s songs.

Shell ✨🐚
219 · Oct 2022
Birth of sunset 🌅
When Sun sets in
****** sea of sky.
Hidden pearl comes out
when shell of twilight opens.
Wave like clouds drift apart
welcoming birth of dusk.

Shell ✨🐚
Beautiful sunset
217 · Jan 2021
The power of education
Read, learn
When you don’t read
When you don’t think
about what you read
You will always be
like a bird in a cage
Waitng to be freed
Read , set yourself free.
Let no one control you.

Shell ✨🐚
Education the most important way to
freedom. We must help each other to achieve this!!
217 · Aug 2022
Will you walk with me?
Take my hand and walk with me
Till end of Earth till end of time
I will always hold your hand
If you want me to.
Will you?
I will always be beside you.
No matter what .

Shell ✨🐚
True love
217 · Jan 2022
Midnight rendezvous
Like valleys low and mountains high
I lay me down and watch nights sky
Under sickle moon and sparkling stars
Await my loved one from afar.
Secret midnight rendezvous.
Looking up above I dream with  eyes open wide.

Shell ✨🐚
216 · Apr 2022
Quote 110🌷
Born under this dark galaxy
Your luck is yours and can  never be mine
As mine luck is mine
and can never be yours.
It is  written in the stars.
Give someone their light of eye, don’t steal it.

Shell ✨🐚
In loving memory of  Sjonko  Jeanette.
A wise woman
215 · Apr 2021
Haiku of love ❤️
Featherlight being
To be driven by the wind
To temple of love.

Shell ✨🐚
215 · Feb 2021
Longing for the days gone by.

Sometimes out of the blue
it hits you.
This special feeling coming over you
from long ago
when you were a child
When you were home
A longing for what was
but has gone by.

It’s still inside you.
makes you happy
makes you cry.
It defines who you are
and why you are
the way you are.

Shell ✨🐚
Special feelings  from your childhood never leave you.
The child in you always stays in you.
215 · Jan 2021
First prayer
Behind closed doors we all are.
Can’t find the way out
Locked  inside.
Now is  the time
To  not fall apart
To start  praying
To find a new door
For a new beginning
For a fresh start.

Have faith, never lose hope!

Never lose hope no matter what!!
214 · Nov 2021
Ode to the moon 🌙
The moon and I
We speak a silent language
For me it’s a lamp
between the stars
Every night I look up at the sky
I search for my moon
To make me smile.
Like a devine decoration
you light up
midnight blue ceiling
every time
Seems you’re only there for me
Never have I ever
wished upon a star
when all I do is look at you.

214 · Feb 2022
Quote 87🌷
He who isn’t heard,
isn’t seen either.
He is lost inside
Because in the world outside
he doesn’t exist.
Use your voice
Be visible.

Shell ✨🐚
By speaking for yourself you can make a difference.
Bubblegum breasted robin
remarkable quiet male bird
Nest with spiderwebs
lavender spot eggs.
Stay safe.

Shell ✨🐚
now in light of day
sunflower s bright golden field
fallen stars carpet

212 · Feb 2021
To shine
face the sun
To glow
Come out in the dark
let the moon
enhance your colors
let  the stars sparkle
you with showers.

Shell ✨🐚
If you want to accomplish something you have to do your part
212 · Jan 20
Healing herb 🌿
From the seed of love
Only alluring blossoms
will follow.
Let your intentions be
fertile soil
plant the way
to infinite humanity.
Instead of ruins
everlasting flower gardens.


Shell ✨🐚
Only love for one another,
no matter race, color or religion,
Can save this world.
211 · Feb 2022
Bird in the hand
The passerine sits silently
Nights are cold and there isn’t always enough food.
Every night,
quietly she is waiting
She knows he will come
She waits and watches
The man sits and watches the bird too
Every day before nightfall
She will come to the porch and sit quietly
It’s the same play every day
An unspoken bound
Closer and closer she’ll come
In need of company
A hand
Reaching out
And there she was.
Slowly she descends
Right into his inviting hand
You better enjoy the one  bird in the hand then two in the bushes.
Let’s be good to nature and nature will be good to us.
Life always has a silver lining.

Shell ✨🐚
211 · Jul 2
The old and the new
Pearls of blood in eyes of Mary.
Waves of sadness hit me all the time.
What once was, now gone without a proper goodbye.
Pray for health to watch you grow,  bud of life.
While praising by living healthy.
Try to be kind and grateful all the time.
Live life with grace and elegance.
Like a flower in the wind.
Always staying in the wild.

The wildflower liked being in the wild. Flourishing in silent peace.
While dancing in the wind.

While we bury  a loved one we are blessed with the birth of new life.
flower splendor sight
buds peeping in spring of life
blossoms in the mind

Shell ✨🐚
Spring Haiku
211 · Mar 2022
Pink jewel by the lake
Between white blue to pastel nuances I stand
My roots big , they  go deep beneath the shallow waters
Giving me the life to be,
to make me what I am
All you hear is the sound of soft waters
streaming gently between my sisters and me
Still I’m blessed with strength and deep color to bloom away in spring
As pink Sapphires my leaves sparkle not even one green leaf is there to see.
I am the Queen between the trees and yes I weep pink cherry tears.
Elegance is what you see when you can’t take your eyes off of me.
In light breeze I sing
my song sad as can be,
of the love I lost  forever,
while still waters will weep along with me.
Pink leaves
as glittering  tears
like shiny jewels on a tree.

This world is your jewel box
go and find your jewels.

Shell ✨🐚
Pink weeping cherry tree
210 · Mar 2022
Quote 103🌷
In simple language
winds carrying my words
meeting you.

210 · Jul 2022
Sleeping sun
Early morning view
The city is still asleep
Most people not awake yet...
Blushing colors in the east
Promise of golden sunrise
to be born soon.

Shell ✨🐚
Early morning view
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