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Death undoes itself like a woman undoes her dress
With knowing look and shrewd-salt of beguilement
Of supple shoulders and bared back, of life shimmying
Down the legs of the longest dark road of disappearing.
Dissected lines
A special selection
Death by design
 Mar 2020 SheWritesForYou
I grasp for the air
Trying to catch it

Choking on my tears
As they race down my face

Leaving skid marks on my cheeks
Heading towards the end

They call this place cold
The unknown

Some say this is peaceful
Because being alive is suffering
 Mar 2020 SheWritesForYou
To me
Is Love
I am the best thing in the history of the world!
I will fix everything that's wrong in my life!
I am brilliant
I am strong

I haven't slept in days
that's normal ,

I just bought tons of art supplies at walmart!
Sure it cost a lot of money but art is my calling

There is an argument in my head
can you make it stop?
my brain is split into two

I just want to sleep
please tranquilize me

this is mania
Only some glances
     nothing seen in full view
     broken sentences
     written in dark-blue
I keep the things I love
Hidden within a box
Little things I love the most
Things that to me mean so much

Fathers old pocket watch
Momas golden mothers ring
Carefully put away
Safe in a box unseen

A precious letter written
By a loved ones tender hand
Gently wrapped in an aged cloth
And tied by a ribbon band

A photo from long ago
Taken at a special time
Kept through so many years
Brings back a memory fine

I keep these things I cherish
That can never be replaced
Inside a box of memories
Where there I think them safe

Today, I take them from the box
To look upon them every day
So that the memories they recall
In my mind shall never fade

January 22,2017
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