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  Feb 2020 Sehar Bajwa
Never say things
to people you might regret,
because it may be
the last thing you ever say to them.
  Feb 2020 Sehar Bajwa
i look at the moon
to know i’m not alone
i seek for the stars
to claim what’s ours
to the wind i whisper
words i never once utter
                    — z.g.
  Feb 2020 Sehar Bajwa
This is my first one for you,
Yes, the first among uncountable to come.
You should be ready, yes you,
Your life will change with my romance.
I am ready for you, yes, me too,
My life is scented by your unparalleled youth.
Let us make life happen - me and you!

I don't just want to live with you,
Yes, only when I'm with you, I want death to come.
You might get scared, but you shouldn't be,
Your apprehensions are resolvable with patience.
I know you are ready for me, yes, you are too,
My life is scented for you by my own set of experiences.
Let yourself fall in love with me - I'll catch you!

I shall come to your land and take your hand,
Yes, I shall propose you and your family, just let me come.
You be patient too, just like me, yes, you should be,
Your three spatial dimensions will expand and evolve.
I am a magician of the written word, yes, you know,
My life is scented by my own words that I now write to you.
Let me and my words seep deep into your sweetest heart!
My HP Poem #1737
©Atul Kaushal
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