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3.8k · Apr 2020
I wonder where the prayers went...after years spent sitting in the darkness looking for a change that never never came...and...
Where Is My Diamoonnnd!!!!???
All I Have is coal...
And why....
Why can't I have 3 wishes at least?...
Because change never never came...
Only the Storm remained.
But when being present was a requirement, there transpired a lucid calm...
If only it could be grasped like bed sheets the night the Storm was conceived...
Oh I wish those knees could have been broken!!!...
So they wouldn't have opened to receive...seed...or conceive...
Forgive me..
I pray for a mime to be a fly on the wall of these thoughts!!
I pray the clouds part so the sun can shine and you find rest..
Everything's better when you are asleep...
Suffering through your Own nightmares...
What happened to the maternal instinct purposed to protect you, nurture you to a point of functionality?
Is there such thing as functional with you?...
Did you wear out your place of origin to where you're no longer sought for or welcomed?
Was it a joy to desert such a never ending storm?
Is there no remorse?
Not for your abandonment...but for society...
No thought for the trail of derailed strangers who will never forget the name of the tornadic soul who impacted them tragically...?
Your calms last long enough to fall in love with the beauty in between..and it is so beautiful.
Not long enough to prepare for your next season...and...
Why won't you learn to warn your lovers?
So they may brace for...
The sun...
The sun is coming...
The heavens still love me...
Since the sun is out,
I love you...
Sweet dreams.
~Say Dat~
This is dedicated to those who have suffered emotional abuse....
A woman sits in the dark, talking to her drunken sleeping abusive lover...
430 · Apr 2020
He Spoke
He spoke and his words lit up in my eyes like diamonds...
Hmm...felt like a spark of life had been ignited...
I had walked in dark places all of my life...
Turned on my light..
And...saw it in my eyes as I twinkled brighter than the stars that light up the darkest night...

He stared into my eyes and smiled...
He watched me...sigh...on the inside...
He spoke...
And every word that came from his mouth lightly touched my body like a cool breeze in the summer time...
kicking back with nice music and a  glass of cold lemonade...
In the shade...of course...
He relaxed me...
And I?...
I wanted more...
He spoke...
And his smooth sounds of wisdom drowned out the surround sound of blissful ignorance...
And I closed my eyes and listened...
I listened to every word and phrase that cut through the haze of *******...
You know those empty promises meant to sway me...
So many times I've watched words fall to the ground like dying fish gasping for air...
But... he?
He came to deliver... And those words from his soul kissed my neck so softly...
It made my mind shiver...
Why is he doing this to me?
Can't he see that's my spot?...
I prayed...
Ohhh...I prayed he wouldn't stop because I would die if he dropped... the subject...
He spoke...
He caused my chest to rise and fall like I was in need of a breathing treatment...
He exercised my mind with his thought patterns...
And ooh!
My skin began to shine and I produced jewels across my forehead that he gladly received...
He also....
Gave jewels back to me....
He spoke...
His adjectives, nouns and verbs stimulated mountains...
And...peaks were revealed...
And conquered...
To tell you the truth he could have planted a flag to mark unchartered territory discovered...
Mmmph and I
He spoke...
Like ocean waves riding tides before crashing onto shore..
His dissertations stimulated my awareness...
And caused my consciousness to breathe in And...
I tilted my head back... eyes closed,  and let His inspiration lead....
He knew I was listening...
I felt like I was in school again biting lip trying to take notes while listening...
Trembling...trembling like a fiend looking for her next hit....
Loving his diction...and though his disposition never predicted that I would become addicted...
I was...
I was intwined and he was fine with that...because I would not be the one that got away.
He...plays...for keeps...
he wasn't into fish stories anyway...
He spoke....
Causing earthquakes and aftershocks from the wisdom he dropped!!...
Shattering richter scales!!..
And ooh!!
He broke...
And I knew...
I knew I would lose my grip.
But...he steadied me.
Held me close and smiled as I trembled...
Then he stopped talking...
And kissed my soul so deeply....
I smiled....
as I tasted myself...
~Say Dat~
422 · Apr 2020
Uncover me...
Strip me of my
Will to fold...
Make me naked before you...
Let your breath lay me prostrate as you orchestrate your symphony upon me...
May your rhythm be pleased and encompass
My confessions upon this altar and devour me...
All of me...
May the music of this moment fill the air with sweetness that is pleasing to the nostrils...
And promises to repeat this process becomes our affirmations...
And the residue..?
Let it rest upon us as we absorb each other's comfort...
illuminating our golden hue...
Glowing after the rapture of our passions...
Whisper in the afterglow...
401 · Apr 2020
I was left...
A gift to be unwrapped...
By wandering eyes...
A specimen on a slide...
Under a microscope...
Studied and defined.
Every inch of me...
Nothing sacred nor anything hidden...
Experimented on...
Changed into something I am not.
Not my own...
By my own...
But now owned...
By  strangers..
With...wandering eyes.
A species that I now identify
With and as...
From and because of...
For the cause...
Unknown cycles remain unbroken...
Continue to grow...into...
Splitting images...of carbon copies....
Until it's the right size for rage...
Thin lines of demarcation are drawn in the sand...
Inciting double dogged dares of spiritual warfare...
And war wears down the soul...
Not unto death...
But repair...
So that the poison dries and withers away like the chaff in the wind...
And wandering eyes are left...
To wander again.
~Say Dat~
April 2020
375 · Apr 2020
I hope you don't mind...
I'd like to...
invite you...
to become one with my idle time...
So I can trace the outline...
of your divinity...
With a kiss...?
~Say Dat~
118 · Apr 2020
My soul thinks she knows you...
When she mentions your name...
The pause in time makes the silence after speaking it beautiful...
And you are...
I've rehearsed the sound of your breathing...
Your touch near places of royalty...
Causes me to lie thanks...
Living in this moment...
In glorious grandeur.
~Say Dat~
April 14, 2020

— The End —