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Sam Aug 2015
gangly even but, frankly, perfect
perfect skin
or a cherub at the inn
(do or don't believe)
with no original sin
and therein
I saw the angel in evangelism
Sam Jul 2015
If you have all the egoism of a child and none of the innocence
try bringing your body back from the wild and pen it behind a fence
Instead, pen the page with your ink
-its your new sweat and blood-
Don't stop to think
let it come out in a flood
and throw in the kitchen sink
trust me. This growing bud can't get enough drink
once your words have been spoken
you may feel empty and broken,
your soul ****** up the plant's phloem
and that is when you have written a poem
Still waiting
Sam Jul 2015
I heard your giggles filled with lust
you sprinkled me with fairy dust
said 'hold my hand, come to Neverland
lets leave our footprints in the sand'

You Hooked me in and Tinkered with my feelings
the clock was ticking but it was more than time that we were dealing
because you hadn’t cut your shadow loose
Now i’m just a lost boy tying knots for the noose
This fairytale didn't end well
Sam Jul 2015
love's leaves leave lovers, leaving limp, languid, limbs. Loathed. Lonely
summer always ends
Sam Jul 2015
sons die as the sun drowns on the horizon in its daily execution
love's leaves leave lovers
each unique snowflake turns the same ***** brown
spring breaks the spring step
just playing with words :)
Sam Jul 2015
Like a rose petal falling off its stalk on February the 15th
Sam Jul 2015
So i have this little room behind my ribcage
swamped deep
in fathers hugs
and mothers smiles
and an uncle teaching me to fish
a brother teaching me loyalty
and a sister screaming fashion tips from the top of her lungs
'but SAAAM black tutus ARE the craze right now'

Its a mess - as its meant to be
I can't file or discard
grandma sneaking me a hot chocolate after I've been put to bed
or grandpa eating my vegetables while mum and dad were distracted
(peas were the worst)

So you must understand that this room isn't just for you

I love you

but I love my mum, dad, uncle, sis, brother, uncle and grandparents
I love Angus for carrying me home and putting me to bed with bourbon smelling ***** staining my shoes and shirt at 4am in the morning
I love Ms. Wells from third grade
Heck, I love my dealer - they have their place in the mess

If you can handle that,
the door is unlocked,
come in and throw a memory on the pile
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