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You said you would chose me
Above all else
You swore to protect me
With every breath

But I am beneath
And you do not breath

So we are left
With a house
Divided against itself
And a city
Torn apart from the inside

The gates are broken down
And trust has left all of our hearts

But the Lord he is faithful
To renew all spirits
And so I place my confidence
In him alone

For he has never failed
Anyone before
He has never left
Any of his children
On the battlefield

So I call
Upon his name
And he answers;
My daughter,
I have walked this road
My child,
I am beside you still
I am your strength
In this dark hour
I give you rest
Drink if my living water

To confide in the King
And stand in his presence
Humbled by his grace
And blessed by his hand
And he speaks to me;
Oh child, I did not spill
The blood of my son in vain
It was for you
It has payed the way

So now I claim
All victory in Christ
Because what sweat of the brow
Or toil and trouble
Or earthy treasures
Of foolish hope
Or love of flesh

Can ever contend with
Or ever fulfill

The promises of God.

Pinned to the cross
Nailed to Gates of hell
For death is fleeting
And sin all done in vain
For a mortal man
Who's home is heaven

Oh saint, take your place
At the foot of the throne
For peace is found
In heaven your home
Ryan Holden
Perhaps One day
our love will d
           ­             p
Like rain from washed up gutters,
But perhaps, one day,
All of my love I've given,
Will be thrown into the air
Like flower petals
for our constellations.

into a puddle
Of mud and mulch,
Like the heart inside
My forever drained and washed
Out chest.
Anderson M
I believe that
There are people who’ll
Not believe that faith has
Got teeth, Sharp incisors
And canines that tear into the
Flesh of doubt with razor sharp precision.

It’s got premolars and molars
That crush the bones
Of hardy ignorance.

Mountains too are no match
For one so formidable a foe as faith.
A single monumental hurl
And they’re displaced.

Faith’s a kind friend
Who never forsakes
Sticks around in times of need
And of melody and cheer.

Faith’s faceless and multifaceted
In the same breath and is formless
Maybe that’s why it takes
The space of whatever it’s inhabited in
What convenience?
If faith's not your friend,maybe it's time you sat down a cup of tea in hand
for a  tête-à-tête
Ryan Holden
Whilst sun rays beam,
on this longing cement,
Grass and nature perk,
leaning towards goals,
waiting for rain in drought,
As dry as deserts,
Like gunpowder to a musketeer,
Dry, explosive in heat,
Skin and fur are touched,
by her light feathery reach.

Soul and hearts enter zones,
of tranquility and peace,
Blackest of seas,
Appear as turquoise overtones,
Yearning over this land,
we call home,
When its truly her house,
of sanctuary, her humble abode,
Birds sing harmonic tunes,
through gaps in trees,
Minds are opened,
like gates to a throne,
From a plethora of clouds,
That weigh us down like anvils.

Within our persona,
we expect greatness,
over uncontrollable forces,
But she grins and laughs,
like a sinister angel,
of giving and forgiving,
All the while,
Earth remains spinning,
She sustains extant,
And keeps us living.
In a world presenting a hoisted  stage for our acts,
Surrounded by huge uninvited audience,
Pleasing all the audience would mean a total disregard for your script, That is disobeying your programs Director.
The desire to amuse audience is great
But greater is the need to not forget the script from the Director
Remember because He recruited you into His crew,
He owns the right to question your performance after all the play is done
I  walked  past  my  old  house  today
it  had  changed -  new  modern  windows
And  doors.

The  garden  looked  the  same
Although  it  wasn't  as  well  kept  as  I  remembered  it.

I  passed  the  old  Co-op  shop
Where  I  started  work  at  fifteen.
Sadly  it  is  now  an  antique  shop.

I  climbed  Woodbank,  a  steep  hill  in   the  village
The  landscape  had  changed  little
Except  for  a  motorway  cutting  through  it.

The  old  canteen- where  I  used  to  deliver  groceries-
Had  disappeared  without  trace.

Also  the  indoor  tennis  courts  had  gone
Replaced  by  new  bungalows.

Yes,  a  lot  of  changes  have  taken  place
Since  I  left  in  1957.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.  

Let me tell you something about life,
It is too short
Too short to think about yourself as anything less than amazing
Too short to sit back when you get afraid to leap into the unknown
Too short to beat yourself up about mistakes
It is too short
So get out there and live each moment
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