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 Jul 2015 Shanijua
I just want the kind of peace
you get when
you hum to sad song

                 I just want the kind of smile
                 that slips onto your lips when
                 you hear little kids laughing

                                  I just want the kind of love
                                  you feel when
                                  someone wants you to know they care

                              I just want the kind of complete
                                       you make me, dear
Listening to something you'd probably laugh at. Laugh and do that adorable swint thing you do.
We get put into groups by the colour of our skin,
Judged if percieved as 'too fat' or 'too thin',
Singled out for looking different to them all,
Perhaps you are seen as slightly too tall,
Name calling and looks spotting is all the rage,
Ridiculous really in this day and age,
Both genders 'beauty' reviewed time and time,
This generation is certainly out of line,
They define peoples beauty by the medias conception,
Letting it alter their personal perception,
The pain they cause to the people they prey among,
Your faith in humanity would nearly be gone,
Who should show these people they are doing wrong,
What they have been causing all along,
Societies segregation and marginalisation,
Creates for us a serious realisation,
History is repeating again and again,
This same thing was happening way back when.
To be yourself today, is something they tell us is not okay,
We need to stop these people , tell them, soon it will be our day.
Bit of a long poem about society judging and pushing others to the edges of society for looking different to the majority
 Jul 2015 Shanijua
Jax levii
 Jul 2015 Shanijua
Jax levii
every time time you
Tell your daughter
You yell at her
Out of love
You teach her to confuse
Anger with kindness
Which seems like a good idea
Till she grows up to
Trust men who hurt her
Cause they look so much
Like you
 Jul 2015 Shanijua
I've fallen
into a torpor pit
swirling blackness
seals my lips
I close my eyes
but all I see is me,
there is no reason
for this smothering gray.

I feel your hands
but they don't penetrate,
Your breath is sweet upon my face,
laughter comes from another place,
this silence remains my only respite,
My words are stifled
in my chest,
My poetry shoots blanks
where ever I tread.

Motivation is a thing
of the past,
Desire's gone at last,
Being is all that's
left within my grasp.

Lavender love in
technicolor plays
out on a screen,
Life travels on the
wisps of Monarch wings -
Breathe heavy and
Breathe light and cold,
My words they freeze
when they hit the snow.

I know dances unfold,
But no dance partner knows
the darkness that's become my
trembling soul.

It is to this enclave
I go
from time to time,
the winds outside
still howl my name,
While demons
bang on the walls
of my shame.

Call it a mood,
Call it a funk,
Call it the blues,

these holes just open,
Inside I go,
No ladder
only a shovel
wouldn't you know.

Doors without keys,
Echoes without sounds,
And all there is
have constructed
all around.
 Jun 2015 Shanijua
re-elected 2 years in
emancipated from the Jackie Robinson thing
on a larger stage
causes everyone to listen
authentic  not posturing,
claiming a place in history for
America a teachable moment on the eve
of a Supreme victory,
rise  rose soar up
from the heart
spoke of race candidly the
gains we have made the road still needing travels.
He said Grace. He spoke of Grace. He spoke free as and
strong as an American President should. I witnessed, his growth
Our Countries evolving. A new day has dawned. Today.
 May 2015 Shanijua
My demise
 May 2015 Shanijua
From your lips fell a sugar so sweet,
It left me spoiled and rotten and unable to keep,
From your eyes a gaze so warm just like the sunrise,
You were the very art of my demise
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
 Apr 2015 Shanijua
Joshua Haines
His dog chased her
through the woods.
The rifle can **** from
three-hundred yards.

Watch her leap logs
and sidestep
sticks grabbing
at her shoulders.

There are three Gods
in the woods,
behind any tree.

No one is as ruled
as the lawless.
No one is as sedated
as the frenzied.

Sympathy couldn't be
measured in screams,
but measured
in her breaths.

Beyond the
honeydew horizon,
the senseless cease.
The half-life of eyes:
her only escape.

Where the tree-trunks
are furnished by the
candied corpses.
Her feet chomp at the
prostituted ground.

She will die, here,
whether she lives
or not.
For what is stolen,
 Apr 2015 Shanijua
DaRk IcE
Darkness is upon me again with its radiant stare bottling up my sorrows as I distantly glare.
      Summoning strength from ancient Gods with endless power beckoning sanity.
                                             Heart retching screams come fourth from my soul in search of you my love.
                           My love... I know I must release you from the pits of my heart, you yelled I was in your way. Im sorry you were my world, there is my confession.
                                     Fear resides inside my chest cavity and grows undetected, spreading like a wild fire on a dry day.
                                               Anxiety ridden through and through I now obey thy master. It is he who rules my sleepless nights and uncontrollable storms overflowing from my eyes.
     Depression threatens to hijack my thoughts so I can do his bidding and have blood on my hands.
       The loneliness is inevitable, as is my aching heart begging to die.
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