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 Oct 2015 Riot
Jude kyrie
Dance me through love warm and tender
With glitter ball lights in your eyes
Dance me through all I’ll remember
in the glow of a million soft sighs
Dance  me through children and laughter
in  a place where true love never dies.
Dance me before and then after
as I drown in the pools of your eyes.
Dance with me every day of our lifetime.
Dance away all heartaches and pain.
When I am old and my eyes lose  their bright shine.
Dance me until they shine once again.
 Oct 2015 Riot
 Oct 2015 Riot
I don't want to write about how you're destroying me in ways I still didn't know I could break, but you are. I still won't say the words, the words make it real. If I say the words, I'll have to do something about it. I won't. I won't ever leave you.
 Sep 2015 Riot
I am alone
You let me or should I say us go
Lack of communication
Our problem
But you can never say I didn't love
Made me worry
That I wasn't good enough

"Say  you'll  remember  me
Standing  in  a ­ nice  dress,  staring  at  the  sunset  babe
Red­  lips  and  rosy  cheeks
Say  you'll  see  me  ­again  even  if  it's  just  in  your  wildest  dreams"

I am alone
Tho our memories feel like forever
I will continue smiling
At least I know to let go
I'm not holding on to something broken
When we pass each other in the hallway..
I wish you the best
Me and my ex officially split ways
 Aug 2015 Riot
muscle memory
 Aug 2015 Riot
It's scary. Getting too familiar with another person. Knowing just the right way to kiss them and when you've become so familiar with someone's ****** structure that your noses no longer bump and you just fit together. When you know their favorite places to be touched and favorite ways and how to elicit the best sounds. Slipping into their favorite position and simply knowing they like it the best without ever having to say it. It's ******* terrifying, mapping out the geography of their body with your hands and knowing the feel of their skin and every mark on it. Memorizing their body instinctively and naturally going to the things you know they like. Being able to tell, with your eyes closed, the feel of something as simple as the back of a hand or the expanse of a back and knowing it is them, that is their skin. Being used to their smell on you. Tracing over their face with your fingertips and being able to feel it beneath your fingers even when you're apart. Makes it feel like they're a part of you, knowing your body knows their body and some primitive or maybe too advanced part of your brain knows every inch of them, can remember the feel of them in the slightest moment. It's got me scared as ****. You've got me scared as ****.
 Jul 2015 Riot
 Jul 2015 Riot
Inevitably returning so the sickness inside of me doesn't spill out into his ears and sneak into his brain. Poison from the wounds festering in my sad soul needs to be released, and I won't have it staining the person who has become heaven in a physical body.
 Jul 2015 Riot
She offered me a trade
A bottle of wine for my midnight thoughts
My hidden plots
To take over the world
What i thought of every girl i walked by
Have i ever been high
Do i think im gay
No by the way
But all the same
My midnight thoughts
For a drunked good time
For a bottle of wine
What the hell
Im already dead inside
Might as well trade my mind
For a bottle of wine
 May 2015 Riot
I’ve been staring at this puzzle piece
Its missing a piece
Or two or three,
Its a hand-me-down.
Why did my mother think it could satisfy me?
Passed from child to child,
Charity to Charity
It’s broken and bent
Its missing
Dad you’re missing
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