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Raymond Mose Jan 2018
This feeling i'm familiar with,
It eats you from the inside out,
I'm screaming for it to get out,
But it never leaves,
It lives within me,
I'll never be free,
Cause i'll always be a slave to this feeling within me,
I just can't seem to shake it,
Like a disease that's irreversible,
I'm incurable,
There's no other variable,
It's uncontrollable,
Just go away,
And don't come back,
Who am I kidding,
My life will never be the same,
This isn't some game you play,
It's real life,
I wish I could end my life,
I'm tired, Stressed, Frustrated, and Sick,
Just end it quick,
These are your thoughts and feelings when you have this unspeakable feeling within yourself,
There's no help,
Nothing left,
The End.
This is a sample of what I feel like depression is within myself.
Raymond Mose Jan 2018
Did I come off to strong,
Did I do it all wrong,
Was it desperation,
or maybe an exasperation,
I ****** it all up,
I need to face it,
Memorize and trace it,
I can't fake it,
I think I lost her,
But did I ever have her,
This is just one big disaster,
That I have yet to master,
Please leave my mind faster,
I need a pastor,
Whats the factor,
This moment I capture,
So I can look back at it in the future,
And see that i'm such a loser,
I want to be close,
But fall short,
I can't possibly retort,
So I hide in my forbidden fort,
Letting Go,
I let go.
When you feel like you tried to hard and made it awkward...
  Jan 2018 Raymond Mose
I am like a roller coaster
A twisted creaky track
Taking you on my ups and downs
Never holding back
Looping through the disarray
Of an introverted maniac

You hit that final drop
Around the last bend
Then to a full force stop
Some will have fun with me
Others maybe not
But in the end,
They all well get off
And leave me without a thought

I am like a roller coaster
A twisted creaky track
Behold the out of service sign
Sorry, no more riders.
I'm now completely wracked
  Jan 2018 Raymond Mose
I remember the day how we felt the same way,
the attraction,
the passion the romantic satisfaction,
thats how the sparks lead to the mutual desire,
how the touch of your hand set me on fire,
that special connection we shared felt like no one else could compare,
until that day when you started to pull away,
preoccupied in your thoughts with A distraction,
my instincts are clear how this makes me insecure,
now bad energy is here,
all my emotions with fear have sufficed to the top and now i'm feeling distraught,
conversations reflect with less motivation and neglect,
that genuine connect becomes disrespect,
not honest nor true just lies and confused,
i walk with these tears and fighting alone with all fears,
your feelings of regret and enforcement to a threat,
questioning all emotions but waiting to see whats next
  Jan 2018 Raymond Mose
Lexi Fields
You say I am beautiful
Scars and everything
Do you mean the scars that litter my body
Or the scars that litter my mind
My heart
My Soul

Oh, baby
If you knew
How the scars came to be
Would I still be beautiful to you?
Raymond Mose Jan 2018
So there's this girl in class that I like,

I can't seem to get her out my mind,

I keep thinking how she's so kind,

Beautiful and the like,

I try to express myself to her but it's different,

I've never had this feeling before in my life,

Its feels right,

it feels nice,

yet she probably won't believe me,

It's true,

it feels good,

I've never opened myself up to someone so much but this girl,

this girl is different than everyone else,

she's special,

In a way I can't express,

I'm a mess,

trying to figure out the rest,

but it doesn't matter because this girl,

This girl is the best,

She does it with finesse,

Truly I like this girl,

This girl I truly like.
Raymond Mose Jan 2018
I said okay just once,
But it was just the beginning,
It hit me like a wave,
Reality quickly slipping,
I try to hold on but I can't,
I'm gone,
Lost in a realm of no opportunity,
No promise,
Just let down,
Such a cost but I can't stop,
I'm hurt,
Feel like dirt,
I'm worth nothing,
Threw it all away,
For what?,
For a good time,
All it did was ruin my life,
I mine as well die,
Hey, I tried,
But all I do is lie, steal, cheat,
I'm in too deep,
I guess I can't take the heat,
And all i'm ever doing is being mean to people I love,
I'm sorry.

— The End —