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It is never the same,
When you know the cruelty.
It is never like the child before,
When you realize the impermanence.

Never again the same,
When a cloudburst in late spring,
doesn't yearn a late summer night.
When faces melt in the pool of memories,
but embalmed for what?

When purity of joy is ruined by experience,
The simplicities are damaged by learned intelligence,
When you realize the impermanence,
of anything.

It is never the same,
When you know the cruelty of time.
It is never like the child before,
When you realize the impermanence of life.
my first english poem
You judge so quick,
Without giving me a chance,
Did you know I could sing, create beautiful art & dance?
The song I could sing you,
Could put you in a trance,
And the creations you haven't seen yet, I could place them in your hands.
You're judging me right off the bat,
A flip of a switch & a drop of a hat,
Belittling me, no I don't like that,
Pull the carpet from underneath my feet,
Or was it a matt?
You judge so quick,
My flaws you pick,
Judge the book by it's cover,
Did you look through the pages, did you even flick?
Such love I have felt,
a spell cast under birdsong

Held in the arms of wild orchestra,
heart dancing in the autumn wind
Why do i feel penned in
When there is no cage
No bars to stop me
No one to watch over me
I need to be free , breath the air
Not sure what to do
But my heart will show me
Maybe to somewhere where skies are blue
No dark clouds to follow me
With no emotional doors to hinder me
To a place where i can feel loved
Somewhere i can  feel free .
If you're hurt, let it hurt today.
Cry over silly reasons.
Hold your breath for a while.
Then, only then, you'll be able to let go.
Tears fall down my face  
Heart heavy with sorrow  
Memories linger close  
Aching for tomorrow.

Gone too soon  my dear  
Leaving me alone  
Life will never be the same  
In this empty home.
My uncle died almost 6 years ago, and it was his death date recently so I wrote this for him.
Fly high, Uncle Gus

I cried

and what little
was buried inside

got out—

spilled all over
the floor,

flooding the walls,
the windows,
and the doors,
dripping from tables,
and pillows

at my feet.

And how I stood
there in silence,

hearing the clock
tick and talk,

waiting for

to come and
save me.

It's only been
thirty years.

Like water
We converge
Into oceans.

But first,
We diverge
Into rain.

And rain
Flows down.
It makes its way.

Don't fight
What can't
Be changed.

Don't give in
To the madness
Of contradiction.

An open mind,
Isn't dazed.

Just go
And meet
The ocean

Where you
Unite with

Every dream I had
About a perfect life
Had but one thing
In common
When times get hard dear soul
lean on the power of God !
If stars refuse to shine then  
hold on to the light of Christ
and let Him illuminate, your path
Don't linger on your grief for too long  
for even rainbows disappear after rain  
Just believe in the power of His love  
and keep your eyes on the prize
heaven is for the brave ones like you
When times get hard dear one,
lean on the power of God !
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