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When these
Words are said,
Many thoughts
Inside my

So out of respect,
Not thinking

"I don't know"

Not made a
Sorry to cause

"I don't know"

Some take offence,
Time to
"Get off the fence"
But life
The mystery
Of The

The tune can
Lead you
Eventually I'll

Song- Hank Williams, “Ramblin’ Man”
This pain
In our lives makes its way
To stand up and have its say
In our every day to day

We complain
In conversations made
More often as of late
From the things we create

Where hate
Finds a way to take away
Love in its state of grace
In our every day to day

We maintain
That it's going to be okay
Justifying things, we do and say
Consequences never weighed

We say
We are ready for a change
But through it all we stay the same
In our every day to day

At this rate
If we remain this way, unchanged
There will be nothing left to save
I only hope we're not too late
the dull feel of pain
but not really pinching
more achy than sharp
which is better in most cases
this hurts more than it did
the first time around
but it also doesn’t hurt one bit
a mystery left unsolved
and goodbye isn’t a word
it’s more of a feeling
and through the days i felt
that you might be leaving
so adieu and farewell
it was perhaps a good time
but losing is a pain
and i lost every game
i still miss how you talk
but i don’t miss you at all
that’s important
it doesn’t affect me at all
but it’s sad to look back
rome wasn’t built in a day
the greatest empires all fall
they all believe they’re eternal
but the difference is that
it really felt like we were.
In the heart of the hustle, where dreams collide,  
A king walks the streets with no crown to guide.  
His throne is a corner, his scepter the grind,  
Yet he rules with a fire that’s hard to define.

He’s got no gold chains, no royal decree,  
Just the weight of the world and the soul of the free.  
The pavement’s his palace, the stars his domain,  
Every day’s a battle, every night’s a campaign.

His crown’s not on his head, but in the way he stands,  
In the grit of his hustle and the strength in his hands.  
Though the world might overlook, his spirit’s profound—  
In the city’s heart, he's a king with no crown.
I wonder when my blue skies
Slowly faded to grey
I’m beginning to think
It’s always been that way

Because for as long as I can remember
There’s been a storm inside my mind
Casting cloudy weather
With no light to shine

I wish for nothing more  
Than to feel warmth upon my face
To look up at the sun
And soak up all her rays

But I suppose for now
Dancing in the rain will have to do
Until my skies of grey  
Turn back into blue
Sometimes it's easier to build new bridges
Than try to repair broken ones
Midnight thoughts
is for dreamers
to hide
from the dawn

My visions
and will
mostly gone

Three days
since I’ve
the memories dance

All over
the future
in destiny’s
— trance

(The New Room: September, 2024)
Be patient with me
I’m still a work in progress

Somedays I seem put together
But that paint’s not dry just yet

One day I’ll get this right
I’m sorry
real flower hurts alone.
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