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Pluck Apr 2018
‪What can I do for you Petty Labelle? ‬
Your true colors have finally been revealed.
It’s about you, you don’t care if your friends fail.
& because you know you’ll never be behind a veil.
It’s a hole that can never heal, you’re shallow &  unbearable.
Very few can stand you for an extended time so the few that can become unsharable.
Now that’s terrible, It must hit hard when you’re alone.
That you could never turn a house into a home.
You’ll be the reason people move out.
& all That’s heard is how people are moving when you open your mouth.
What you’re pitching is only ever caught with a glove.
The true personification of the phrase “only a mother could love.”
Pluck May 2017
‪I grew up locked up in hell, I found out hard work was the key.
Spent most of life watching the Devil constantly scoring on me.
But now me and God on offense, time for Satan to play the D.
Situations in life can start bad but I like my chances in quarter 3.
Ooo, optimism will always be apart of me.
Can't shake me, can't wash me, I'm a harder flea.
I prayed for one blessing he must've thought I ordered 3.
I'm living life with no umbrella, all this water on me.
College grad, now these women sweating me like I'm a smarter Keith. ‬
Pluck Sep 2023
and when they buy a security, they also hope that he’s in It.

Because you can not find luck without seeing that P with It.
Pluck Dec 2023
Magic isn’t just something Elves made up.

Love is something that novels, TV, and social media made tough.

the right connections aren’t labor but, ironically they just work, scarcity is a thought to divorce.

Extinction is the one prerequisite to sustained loneliness, else wise go to the source.

For if you fell in love with an erudite, make the library a place where you dine and camp.

There are those in wheelchairs who agonize over stairs, and those who search for ramps.

If you loved nurses maybe your next spark can be found in your next cold.

Wax can either hinder your ability to hear or act as a base to the new flame your wick will hold.

My point being is if you lost your favorite blonde you can fly to Norway, or pout in Phoenix.

But one thing is clear, the people who truly want something, we can tell they mean It.
Pluck Jun 2015
I wonder is thinking about my past obsession my new obsession.
Have you ever wanted to eternally hold someone down, hold them down, stay down, like some type of romantic oppression.
My expressions, she Questions, Lectures me about moving faster than the class, seems loving someone too soon is today's lesson.
See I was just trying to appreciate a blessing, Appreciated it so heavily in fact, i began stressing.
Have you ever gotten something so good, the day it arrived you had already began dreading the day it would leave?
It's like getting the throne and not appreciating the throne, just resenting the fact one day there has to be another Queen.
You can treat good things to well when you're used to washing in pain, shampooing in secrets, and using tears as a rinse.
I think this is the reason why in my Heart she had the throne, she was my Queen before I was even her prince.
Lose your Queen and you're just a Jack, with no way to become a King, no way to ascend, no way to bridge that gap.
So I try fill the space with Jokers, 9s, and 10s even but beauty doesn't Equate strength, & every time I walk a bridge composed of attraction and pleasure my path is sure to collapse.
I'm on a Plane to Oregon & as I wait I realized I was becoming anxious, I'm headed toward a dream, and I'm impatient, rushing the moment rather than taking it all in.
This is when it finally dawned on me that no matter how big a lead i have, I will always have to wait until the fourth quarter to see who truly wins.
Sometimes when you're blessed with someone you have to be patient enough to let the buzzer sound, for your blessing to realize that you yourself are a blessing too.
The most Amazing and beautiful things in life are so fragile because they are life themselves, Admire but don't obsess, touch but don't capture, stand close but not too close, even a fish needs breathing room.

"Premises of a Loss" -Tadashi Pinder
Pluck Jul 2022
The closer I am to God, I am to peace.
Life is full of headaches, the people we love are God’s natural relief.
or amplifiers, I know what it’s like to have someone move me further away.
Which is probably why I’m so grateful for the people around today.  
I used to ignore my blessings to chase things or people who didn’t care.
When elders describe the best things about their lives, it’s always joys that were always there.
People, places, moments, never money or these things we aim to achieve.
So my list is just those three, & if brings me peace, It can get a piece.
I can’t believe I ever felt God was far away with my friends and family so close.
So look around, there’s a lot more God & therapists in your life than you probably know.
Pluck Sep 2017
They lied when they said Love would cost us nothing.
To be specific, it cost me about thirteen hundred.
My heart is broken and this pain really hurt me don't it?
When love is chasing you just keep on running.
Love is a curse, I'm just being honest.
There's only one cure to a broken heart and I'm smoking on it.  
I get hurt and then convince myself I didn't want it.
Therapeutic shopping, Balmains cost me fifteen hundred.
They lied when they said Love was priceless.
Drugs, clothes, liquor, we spend money pretending we don't miss the people we miss.
I guess if it's forever, it's free.
But if it ends, be prepared to pay the fee.
Pluck Feb 2018
You can tell people your dreams but you truly love the people you want to listen to.
Bonds that make It through conditions holding on unconditional.
If they ever fail it’s other ways we can find.
And if you wake up and fail I’ll go to sleep and we continue the dream in my mind.
No matter what comes ahead we gone get through It.
Ironically I’ve outgrew people I I grew up with.
Value the people who press down until we got black steaks.
Not just takers but come to give back like tax breaks.
‪Found the girl of my dreams & got out the game. Twitter women still at me even though they see how often I use her name. ‬
Guess this is my life now.
My dreams came true so I’m always awake at night now.
Pluck Sep 2018
Can’t live with me so they want to **** me.
I pray God save me from the friends cause I can’t be caught off guard by an enemy.
Think about it, Someone has to be close to stab you.
Guess those are the cuts we just have to laugh through.
So many times now I only smile when I bleed.
There’s always an apology followed by a “I need.”
Loneliness is safer.
Put the love under an eraser.
Put your forgiveness in a box & friendships under leases.
I’m already broken, it’s hard to hold together the pieces.
Pluck Jun 2015
I see you guys talk so much but you haven't said anything.
Only words with substance are truly heard.
Please stop whispering.
I can't hear your desperate attempt to gain attention.
Pluck Feb 9
The greatest intellectual gift is to find one idea to obsess over until you no longer breathe.

The problem is you can’t discuss that which you love most or the mind starts to bleed.

For the vast majority are focused on what society has told them they need.

Starving for results, appearance, or status when process and ideas are what you came prepared to feed.
Pluck Sep 2019
My poems so personal but the truth so inspiring.
My career in hyper drive, baby boomers retiring.
Materials & status not important in life.
So I spend a lot of time selling better values & advice.
So many things more important than winning when any night could be our last night.
So I apologize even when I feel right.
Peace is never a loss.
Losing people is life’s most expensive cost.
Scan earth & my best friend the fastest man here.
When he vent to me sometimes I can tell he forget he a millionaire.
I stoped living to survive, constant flights to California.
Spoiling women a passion for me, praying God bless me with plenty daughters.
August 8th, bonus check net 6K, I didn’t smile that day.
Can’t say enough if you chasing happiness, money not the way.
The world has so many moments that make even rich people choke.
With no loved ones close, they realize they really broke.
My pride comes from women that love me calling me a bright spot.
Can’t wait til the day my daughters look back like “we just like Pops.“
Pluck Feb 24
I knocked my insecurities off, I'm being authentic.

Futures can transform from fuzzy to fully vivid.

What would your dream mean if you decided to live it?

Is peace taken away or do you give it?

Isn't it easier to make your bed when the linen is fitted?

My corners don't hook up anymore, I'm finished.

The crime is more significant than the witness.

Remember when it was desired that no one could say "he did it"?

As long as they print it, I know they'll send it.

& I'm saving most of mine every time I get it.
Pluck Feb 14
I will drag my ink across the scroll, hoping to describe how I feel.

Proximity to a dream realized may be better than the day the dream is real.

We often feel more deeply in imagination, disengaging this sense for what we can grasp.

but which is better, stretched out anticipation of a comedy show or the actual laugh?

It could be my observation is incorrect, just my fear of waking up once the dream is over.

It has been a joy to ****** into the unknown, less so as the known moves closer.

The person who’s coming always seems more exuberant than the one who came.

Could It be the best scenario always exists in the brain?
Pluck Jun 2015
I use to ponder why so much pain for me Lord?
Now, today, I think I finally comprehend.
My band aids are symbols of survival.
My pain silences cries of Death & plays a cheerful symphony with the essence of revival.
Look in my soul and see my pain.
See my retries & see my faith. Find the sunshine In my rains.
You can either use your distress, or waste it.

Recycled tears -Dash Pinder
Pluck Mar 14
Novelists, poets, tend to be hopeless romantics only capable of writing romance once we find our hope.

Gosh, I know, my dear friends, some time has passed since my last love note.

Reduce your worry, for love is soon to burst from my pen more inspiring than ever before.

In my efforts to be exuberant yet patient, I will briefly describe this woman I adore.

Her smile makes you forget you’ve cried, her strength strikes in you, weakness, life with her makes you question if you’ve ever lived.

The view is difficult to describe, I am watching a thief steal something I am yearning to give.

She’s a reminder that God in a relationship makes heaven the ceiling.

For those who have missed the love in my scripts, she is restoring the feeling.
Pluck Apr 2018
We must spread the type of love most people are foreign to.
Pray for someone when they’re ignoring you.
Where there’s anger, there’s no growth.
It’s about others and not me, It can never be both.
I’m writing this poem with a headache, I just took aspirin.
Then It dawned on me not even pain can neutralize passion.
Be passionate about the love you spread.
When the fuel is passion the flame shall never be dead...
Before you give up on someone, take their heart and weigh It.
I used to say I’m not repeating myself, now I ask is there a better way to say It?
Love can’t exist without patience.
& The happiest is usually the one who’s invested in waiting.
Pluck Sep 2015
I wrote this in Five minutes because I've thought about you long enough to know what I want to say.

You might feel like no one understands but I've felt anquish to, I've seen effort turn invisible to, & I understand why you walk that way.

Skies you intended for sunshine fall victim to games and tearful lies. You find out things that feel like lightening through your heart and that pain has torn you.

Just thought I'd inform you, you're not a lone survivor for I've been in that storm to.

I myself have made it out but if you've ever been in a storm you know it's meaningless to be safe unless you know the people you care for are warm to.

When you make it out remember effort is a prerequisite to be worthy so even though your heart is the greatest gift worthy is the one who takes the initiative to steal it.

So I take my emotions and think of the most powerful actions to reveal it because words are just words until someone else feels it.
Pluck Jul 2023
For you,

We all know the best hearts are in the lost and found.

We know love isn’t free and It seems to cost in pounds.

Patience, accountability, effort, these are the dues.

This isn’t about my dream, I’m saving up for youuu.
Pluck Feb 25
Why are a significant amount of scientists atheists? This is something I ponder.

Now as a Christian, other Christians would ironically advise me to toss the baby with the bath water.

It’s an extraordinary question because the intelligence much of my academic heroes posses,  can’t be faked.

Yet, they seem to argue that if they can reverse engineer the recipe to your cake, this confirms your absence when It was baked.

My inquiry is not for division, quite the opposite, Jesus asked the disciples to gather the most diverse groups they could muster.

How is It that the most mathematic souls on earth are not noticing this obvious statistical cluster?

Statistically, such a distribution is nearly impossible by chance.

It seems to be more evidence that ego can’t coexist with faith, acceptance of God is a contradiction to the belief your mind is the most advance.
Pluck Jan 2016
Like, why? It's gotta mean something.

I'm color blind except for blue.
Poisoned from staring at those eyes on you.
It's gotta mean something.

My hearts beating way too much.
It's like anesthesia when we touch.
That's gotta mean something.

If you're in pain I bruise.
You've untied my shoes.
It's gotta mean something.

When I dream my dreams true
They always come true next to you
That's gotta mean something.

"Man I can tell you that's love."
"It's not even like that bruh."
Why am I fronting?

I dream we're on tracks under the sun.
& your kiss is just like that gun.
It's gotten me running.

It's gotta mean something.
Still I've said nothing.
Silently suffering.
Pluck Oct 2023
No one can be given a greater gift than patience.

So, give it to your self.

To have something is a kin to not wanting it,

when we assume we have time, we want something else.

What if I told you that you possess incredible powers?

You can actually make goals shrink.

You gave yourself a year to do it, but what If you tried consistently for five years?

aha, you're capable of more than you think.

Maybe that just is the obstacle in our way?

our thinking is the very process that leads to a rush.

When searching for your reservoir notice the fault traps,

for the depths under the fault is where the oil begins to gush.
Pluck Feb 2016
Lost my best friend now I hang out with demons.

Tramadol floating in Bacardi , *** to feel alive but I see death in my *****.

Make my bed and lie in it, invisible stains on the sheets, they can't see that I'm bleeding.

Hell's Kitchen, a servant and chef for lucifer, all these demons I'm feeding.

This might be contagious, please stop reading.
Pluck Jul 2017
I'm quiet because I want to say so much.
I feel, I mean I wish, nevermind, I might say to much.
I guess because of you I understand those songs
Those lyrics, the captions, those poems.
Now I'm the one writing, these aren't Just poems.
I'm true to you, I'm true to these words.
I'm screaming in silence, who needs words?
Pluck Aug 2023
Luck is making the choice to stand in front of chance.

The mind can not see its own advance.

What does this mean?

The bird couldn’t imagine wings.

Still, there they are and the sky is the limit.

There’s only two steps to dreams, first to ask the universe, next believe It will give It.

Skill and luck are so hard to separate but what marriage isn’t?

Probabilities become exponential the longer that we’re living.

Life is less about what you do, more about what you do with what you’re given.

How you handle losses is more important than the winning.
Pluck Jun 2019
I feel lost, so I wrote.
Every day I carry the weight of the world & the oceans spill down my face some nights.
It’s four pillows. Sometimes, I remember it used to be a girl, so I write.
I feel sad, so I wrote.
My dreams remind me they’re not here, so I’m afraid to close my eyes.
The seas on my face spill dry, & then I write.
In the sky they advertise success, they don’t show the cost.
Everyday I gain more, every night I remember what I’ve lost.
I miss them, so I wrote.
When the light knocks the next day, I remember I’m not done yet.
Forgetting I commemorate at every sun set.
When I’m scared, Ink down paper is how I run best.
Feeling far from the ones that have died. I’m adding distance to the ones alive.
I worked so hard to soar, I didn’t think how far you end up when you fly.
I’m alive, so I write.
Pluck Sep 2018
Blvd. Pkwy. Ave. Hwy. Not the way,
Open the drain, pour them down the drain.
That’s not how I heal today.
It’s been sometime since I’ve stared at the bottom of the net, years since I put the bat away.
It used to ache every morning. It hurts no more.
Now you must go, someone needs you more.
It’s right & feels wrong.
That’s a sign that someone isn’t strong.
When you’re weak days get long.
This is just a pause until the last song.  
Watched you mature, I look at you and see my brain.
I never let my friends hang.
Anything I want to say held back by my fang.
I’m holding it together Dr. & when u return I’ll be doing the same thang.
Smile in your residence.
Only cry when It raining, wash away all the evidence.
Pluck Jun 2015
In every single one of my Poems, I set a fire to my soul & hope someone sees the smoke.
& if no one lays eyes on my despair, I roll over into a Percocet induced coma & dream as I choke.
Send somebody.
Pluck Nov 2023
Me increasing my life insurance is acceptance of focusing on only what I can control.

I prepared for life as hard as possible by pouring a max of three scoops of cereal in my bowl.

The repetition ingrains into the brain, a captain expects the crunch.

Thus I feel superior, those stressing and ranting about random waves under the boat are an exhausting bunch.

They are the majority so this is just my opinion, it’s not a fact, it’s just a hunch.

One shouldn’t find where to fit in, sit down and see who end ups coming along with the lunch.

Don’t give me theories and instructions, give me randomness and luck.

The ability to imagine his environment is the only difference between the man and the duck.
Pluck Sep 2015
Seems we can unintentionally hurt the people that matter the most just by simply trying to enjoy life.

Confusion envelops my pleasures, what is Joy if not shared with someone cherished but yet to lie them under the knife?

The distance between us seems unconquerable as time trots backward and I agonize on shores clutching my chest where you once laid.

Irrational optimism assists my pain as the Aegean flows as a sea of regret from my eyes & I dive into my tears hoping to once again hold my mermaid.
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