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Pluck Nov 2024
While depth is added to my humanity, my individuality withers.

The parts of life I despise most, are just mirrors.

Our politicians only repeat what we yearn to hear.

Man correctly imagined the economy, then incorrectly imagined he could steer.

I guess, pandora boxes were never designed to be closed.

How could we with 8 billion? humans can’t be controlled.

To hate the music is to hate the consumers I love so dearly.

To run from technology is to flee from those I want near me.

I love people, breath, and life. I hate how we do It.

We all in stand in front of a mirror, unable to see through It.
Pluck Jul 2017
I'm quiet because I want to say so much.
I feel, I mean I wish, nevermind, I might say to much.
I guess because of you I understand those songs
Those lyrics, the captions, those poems.
Now I'm the one writing, these aren't Just poems.
I'm true to you, I'm true to these words.
I'm screaming in silence, who needs words?
Pluck Aug 2023
Luck is making the choice to stand in front of chance.

The mind can not see its own advance.

What does this mean?

The bird couldn’t imagine wings.

Still, there they are and the sky is the limit.

There’s only two steps to dreams, first to ask the universe, next believe It will give It.

Skill and luck are so hard to separate but what marriage isn’t?

Probabilities become exponential the longer that we’re living.

Life is less about what you do, more about what you do with what you’re given.

How you handle losses is more important than the winning.
Pluck Jun 2019
I feel lost, so I wrote.
Every day I carry the weight of the world & the oceans spill down my face some nights.
It’s four pillows. Sometimes, I remember it used to be a girl, so I write.
I feel sad, so I wrote.
My dreams remind me they’re not here, so I’m afraid to close my eyes.
The seas on my face spill dry, & then I write.
In the sky they advertise success, they don’t show the cost.
Everyday I gain more, every night I remember what I’ve lost.
I miss them, so I wrote.
When the light knocks the next day, I remember I’m not done yet.
Forgetting I commemorate at every sun set.
When I’m scared, Ink down paper is how I run best.
Feeling far from the ones that have died. I’m adding distance to the ones alive.
I worked so hard to soar, I didn’t think how far you end up when you fly.
I’m alive, so I write.
Pluck Sep 2018
Blvd. Pkwy. Ave. Hwy. Not the way,
Open the drain, pour them down the drain.
That’s not how I heal today.
It’s been sometime since I’ve stared at the bottom of the net, years since I put the bat away.
It used to ache every morning. It hurts no more.
Now you must go, someone needs you more.
It’s right & feels wrong.
That’s a sign that someone isn’t strong.
When you’re weak days get long.
This is just a pause until the last song.  
Watched you mature, I look at you and see my brain.
I never let my friends hang.
Anything I want to say held back by my fang.
I’m holding it together Dr. & when u return I’ll be doing the same thang.
Smile in your residence.
Only cry when It raining, wash away all the evidence.
Pluck Jun 2015
In every single one of my Poems, I set a fire to my soul & hope someone sees the smoke.
& if no one lays eyes on my despair, I roll over into a Percocet induced coma & dream as I choke.
Send somebody.
Pluck Nov 2023
Me increasing my life insurance is acceptance of focusing on only what I can control.

I prepared for life as hard as possible by pouring a max of three scoops of cereal in my bowl.

The repetition ingrains into the brain, a captain expects the crunch.

Thus I feel superior, those stressing and ranting about random waves under the boat are an exhausting bunch.

They are the majority so this is just my opinion, it’s not a fact, it’s just a hunch.

One shouldn’t find where to fit in, sit down and see who end ups coming along with the lunch.

Don’t give me theories and instructions, give me randomness and luck.

The ability to imagine his environment is the only difference between the man and the duck.
Pluck Sep 2015
Seems we can unintentionally hurt the people that matter the most just by simply trying to enjoy life.

Confusion envelops my pleasures, what is Joy if not shared with someone cherished but yet to lie them under the knife?

The distance between us seems unconquerable as time trots backward and I agonize on shores clutching my chest where you once laid.

Irrational optimism assists my pain as the Aegean flows as a sea of regret from my eyes & I dive into my tears hoping to once again hold my mermaid.
Pluck Aug 2015
Today I realized I was to small, to unknown, to middle class to fit in with the perfect smiles, the perfects weights, the people I thought kindness would be enough to yield their friendship.
In life we average people work hard to make a better life for ourselves. Sadly, no matter how well mannered or kind you are, despite how thoughtful you are, net worth & social status decides who these people are friends with.
They will hint jokes at the car you slaved and saved to buy yourself because it just doesn't quite shine as bright as the cars Mommy and Daddy bought them.
They were taught to smile bright, look good, and reach for the people who have value not people who will value them & these values say less about them and more about the people that taught them.
I guess that's why they smile in each other's faces and come to me to trash the people they were just pretending to love and care for so vigorously.
I guess that's why they tell lies without reasonable Premise, see they know the prices of material things, & know the names of the people who shine on Game Day & If you don't fall into those categories you're worthless to these people, literally.
Everything is perfect this. Everything has to be perfect that, & if you're a person with flaws you embrace especially those of the financial origin there's no place for you in their, well, I don't even know if I can say they even hearts.
If they do truly have hearts though you'll be sure to hear them complain about it being broken, because they're foolish enough to think they can just enter someone's life at the glorious finish & not care a single bit about the struggles in the start.
Pluck Apr 2023
I’ve turned left so many times, It has to eventually go as planned, right?

I’ve been working to bridge the relationship between my imagination and the eyes.

Removing words from my vocabulary. Ones like can’t, wouldn’t, and nope.

When they can’t see the dream I’m told it’s scope.

I want someone to give the world and share a space.

Dating me is like being given the combination to a safe.

Are you the type to hang your head or chase the rebound after a block?

I realized the game was rigged and stole the clock.
Pluck Jul 2015
When I write I like music with the voice soft
A dark room where only my thoughts are bright
A pen composed of memories & ache
A notepad with endless opportunity
I poor my emotions onto a poetic canvas & anyone who reads always ponders "how did he sculpt this type of art with the lights off?"
Pluck Jun 2018
How much money would I save if the grass didn’t appear greener?
I’ve been in here weekly since the first time I seen her.
My marriage is on the rocks & so are my drinks.
Distractions top poles, my pockets are empty by the time she splits and sinks.
Watching her take her clothes off feel like a load off.
I know I’m off my game here but i learn a lot from a road loss.
See, I’ve lost the advantage at home too.
So I convince myself you care about me & it’s not about the money I’ve thrown you.
You look at me like she used to.
Eyes that don’t stare and see everything we’ve gone through.
If it’s right we like It, if it’s wrong we’ll love It.
I can’t afford mistakes yet I fit them in my budget.
I can’t look to the sky in here, are wondering eyes a sin?
Every night I feel like losing my commitment would be a win.
& suddenly that’s when,
I remember I told her I’d be home by ten.
Pluck Feb 2024
Good things, good people, are most appreciated when they’re leaving.

An easy Sunday morning isn’t noticed until Sunday evening.

It isn’t until landfall that the sailor notices the path was smooth.

For those who feel under revered this should be a thought that soothes.

It may rain today, It may shine today, but the flowers sprout as the time creeps through.

Slower is the preparation of herbal infused teas but such a sweet brew.

Pluck Nov 2023
Progress is a compass, Identifying location.

The two most important days in our lives are when we are born and when we find our vocation.

It's no surprise you'll feel lucky sleeping in clovers.

Time should be like money, completely spent on what we wanted when it's over.

Where you're standing, do the butterflies circle you like you're part of the flutter?

There comes a day when our passions pass through our souls with such smooth grace like butter.

I would argue that where there is sustained struggle there is misplacement.

The best passions absorb us in a time freezing, effortless encasement.

That was me today, I put my wand down with no recollection of what I'd just done.  

So I wrote this for the chance I could help someone.

I had a feeling that I belong.

I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone.
Pluck Dec 2023
Every breath I measure the zeal in my lungs & I feel like Tai Lung.

Careful to not confuse the universe with my tongue, I take back most wishes I’ve flung.

All but one, to make the best risotto you need to focus and constantly stir.

That which is, was wished until It were.

In a prison of my own making, I dream of my freedom, of the moment when the villain returns.

The child rejected by the village is usually the spark that causes said village to burn.

One usually meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid It.

Pain is something the Batman embraced but the Joker enjoyed It.

I’ve given myself so many placebos, is It drugs or is It my mind?

How many people who say “I don’t know” in a day can you find?

Fear not, just like everything else in my life, I will wait.

Gaze upon long lines for everything, except the work required to be great.

Once free I can not promise to even watch my puppy finish It’s bone.

For Tai Lung came to take everything once he came home.
Pluck Feb 2024
Tai Lung's desires led him to a prison constructed by his own hand.

However, there is a deeper thought, are our desires original or the product of what our setting demands?

Biologically hardwired for approval, living is not as vital to our genes as feeling that someone cares.

In a world where excessive pride repulses, is our received vanity fair?

All that Tai Lung did, he did to make his father proud, to reach what he was told he should achieve.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree but what of the leaves?

They submit to the wind, float far away, land, and crumble away.

Leading an adult man to feel like a toddler for that is that last time he stumbled this way.

The origin of a villain is a shackled mind, a mind that did not discover it's own desires.

Any organic organism that is force fed sparks will soon be a dragon to breathe fire.

Forced goals + Obedience  = entitlement you know?

& even in this I found beauty. Do you know how hard you have to work to believe success is something you're owed?
Pluck Feb 2024
In ancient civilizations such as the Indus valley or Mesopotamia, Barter systems reigned supreme.

One of the main challenges were double coincidence of wants, but what happens when one trades all his wants for a need?

Hence, wealth disparities begun to balloon, intermediary traders began to exploit their positions.

Through the ages socialist economists have warned of the effects of these gentlemen, no one listened.

They'd often point to the example of King Croesus of Lydia who amassed great fortune through exchanges and conquests he made.

Yet, in a kingdom renowned for it's prosperity, the only rich citizens of Lydia were those involved in trade.

Fast forward to 1776, and Adam smith ironically became the invisible hand of a prophecy.

One that foretold the return of the winner take all trader wasn't only possible, but most probably.

The prophecy is not clear, we do not know how, when, or where.

But somewhere, a trader prepares, poised to resurrect a trading prowess unseen for thousands of years.
Pluck Oct 2015
If you walk in my room you'll see candles, flames burning next bibles.  
An accurate symbolization of my life, destruction so close to survival .
They say that the messiah is coming, will you run to or from at the sight of his arrival?  
Our people have become so obsessed with being out front they've forgotten, to lead you must first be a disciple.
Pluck Feb 2016
Three, three blind mice God once sent to me.

Wonderful angels that couldn't see all that I could see.

The first one I want her to see, I want her to see that she's a walking portrait, a paint brush capable of painting the darkest skies blue.

That men close their eyes and dreams come through, and when they imagine those dreams coming true, they always imagine they're standing next to a woman like you.

Can you see the appreciation I have for your mom? What if I told you your mom went into labor for me?

Can't help but feel like you being born was God doing a favor for me.

Pains enter my life, they're agonizing and tormenting, then you show up and they cease from getting worse.

I immediately feel better anytime we're together. God is the ultimate healer & you work side by side with him, as far as I'm concerned you're already a nurse.

Absolutely amazes me that you've never been appreciated and beloved on Valentine's Day, a great guy is something a girl like you should never be missing.

I guess it's true after all, the richest treasures spend the most time hidden.

I have open arms for you & just like Waffle House they're never closing.

& scratch everything else, single and alive when we're 25 my hands are tied and I'm proposing.

Because when I think of all the characteristics and qualities of a wonderful woman they all belong to you.

So who ever you may marry will be an athlete in the best of shape, a benefit of constantly running home to you.
Pluck Feb 2016
Three, three blind mice God once sent to me.

Wonderful angels that couldn't see all that I could see.

The second one I want her to see, I want her see that perfect formula God created her with that only she would be sharp enough to comprehend.

Just Loving her has made me smarter now than I was then.

I mean what do you do when, when your professors' intellect is inferior to that of one of your best friends.

Nothing, just be proud and open your ears to all the wisdom and essence they're giving out.

I mean I've always heard college students set goals but she's pouring shots of 4.0's & really living them out.

She's just fascinating, flawlessly respectful with unparalleled intellect; if I ever have a daughter for her to be just like you is what I'm wishing.

Someone this great shouldn't required to pay tuition.

Einstein, actually that's disrespectful, Einstein Einstein Einstein, I just felt like I needed to say that at least three times.

She's so brilliant she could probably construct better poems than me with equations and numbers and just make all the 3's rhyme.

I should be humble but my best friend is just better, just in case you're feeling yours.

If knowledge is the key she's consistently swinging open ceiling doors.

So proud to call you my friend, counting the days til it's been seven years cause they say if you're friends for seven you'll be friends for a lifetime.

& I need that, my life is a game of who wants to be a millionaire and my Valentine is my lifeline.
Pluck Feb 2016
Three, three blind mice God once sent to me.

Wonderful angels that couldn't see all that I could see.

The third one I want her to see, to see that she's more special than she gives her self credit for, that she brings out the best in me.

& if she didn't believe it before this then I'll  just have to show her she's special going from A to Z.

She's completely Adorable like a baby the first time they taste a lemon thinking its a sweet fruit.

Excessively Beautiful, Sight dominating beauty that makes you wish there was never another sight you had to look to.

Her personality radiates a  gathering passion capable of making the coldest hearts turn Cupidity.

So daring in many ways, completely overly Dramatic at times but who isn't? One of the most dependable people I have there for me.  

Completely Essential, it wildly puzzles my mind how I managed to survive 20 years without her essence in life.

A mouth smarter than Sheridan at times, a attitude hotter than 99 degrees and 100% humidity, she's sure to make a Feisty wife.

She has a smile so attractive that's always Gleaming brighter than when you check your phone in the middle of the night and the brightness is on full blast.

Excessively Honest, almost to much sometimes, like when referring to my looks but nonetheless the type of honorable that makes relationships last.

I've never told her this but there's times when I glance at her & she looks nearly Identical Katrina Kaif, just more real & original, not some crafted photo.

She possesses a spirit that is perfectly Jovial. It's contagious & nurturing, my spirits seem to sink in a little every time she or I have to go.  

Foolishly Kindhearted, over willingly to give to the people she cares for and willing to forgive those she shouldn't.

Rarely a dull moment with her, she's so Ludic anytime I've tried to refrain from laughing at her I simply couldn't.

She's firmly Memorable, unforgettable like a first kiss, first car, or the first time you were asked to prom.

She's needed in our everyday nourishment, soulfully Nutritious, as much needed as a nap or a mom.

Contagiously Optimistic, her faith and positivity always rejuvenates me to make sure I keep that same faith she has in her life.

It is a gift to anyone to be able to look into her Prepossessing gaze, it's alluring like diamonds in her eyes.

Such a Quixotic woman, at least in my eyes. She herself might not agree but I think it would bring this out of the best of men.

Undeniably Royal, we must all bow to her, serve her hot chocolate & warm her blankets. I see no difference between her & the Monarchs they had back then.

Her hugs are Salubrious to the sick, healing & gifting strength and hope, a gift that has no price.

In life we can't trust many but she's undoubtedly well deserving of the label Trustworthy never will any relationship with her be rolling the dice.

Unique, but unique is an understatement. There are other Courtney's but there isn't another Courtney & if you knew her you catch my drift.

Any bleakness she experiences is like a Vociferousscreech to me and it becomes a priority to stop it, doing anything I can to help her mood shift.

An enjoyable kind of Weird, just different. I've had an off the wall friend in the past but she's gotta be 3x more enjoyable and outrageous as he was.

Personally, I hate her X, or anyone that has hurt her for that matter and I'll never forgive them even if she does.

Majestically Youthful, Courtney will mature through life but never age, in 60 years she'll still be running up and down WaWa aisles and I watch still disgusted from the comforts of my wheelchair.

The day she comes into anybody's life she makes that day their life's Zenith & I pray she's around for the rest of my years.
Pluck Feb 2024
Presenting to a room of hundreds has ceased to be a challenge, writing has become severely easy.

I’ve submitted to my generosity, I’m closer to giving all away than the ability to be greedy.

Spiritual discipline would be an underwhelming description, I’ve incinerated my former self.

Minimalist is an identity I can claim, a high earner inhabiting a dorm with shelves.

My daily duties for my career are child’s play, thus there is only one challenge in my life I can find.

Oh does this fill me with unbearable joy, for It is the outlier on the list, a simple matter of time.

Thus, my script is not egotistical, such is not my kind.

I am simply observing that all in my life but one thing, has risen to accompany my level of rhyme.

So, Give It time.
Pluck Nov 2023
Setting bars for myself & planning my own trials.

The tears flow up my cheeks pulling on my face, It’s like they make me smile.

I can have anything but not everything, I needed a smaller pile.

I thought I’d grow up but I’ve become a larger child.

People don’t think of us that much, we experience life largely alone.

Due to this realization, a lot of the pressures exist only on phones.

I have all the time, effort, and happiness I need for the surge.

After 3 millennia, a new dark wizard has finally emerged.
Pluck Feb 2024
The use of cubism by Picasso introduced multiple viewpoints to enhance grading.

Any enthralling image requires light and dark areas, this is my shading.

Covered by a sad song, we seep into a bleak place where we feel we belong.

Far I’ve come but my grandmothers are gone. I feel as if I took too long.

I’ve realized past partners are projections of myself in order to understand my mind.

Is this why x is behind double you and in front of why?

Life is vices behind, like workaholism, *******, and liquor.

Then the ego introduces goal posts as the next kicker.

Checks and balances, they never told us that once you master the game

You’re terrified. To fall short while capable means there’s no one to blame.

So, I write to take weight off my shoulders, to say to you that you mustn’t always be so strong.

In this short life, we all know there are days It can feel too long.
Pluck Feb 2024
In yonder realm where clamor blends with deep reflection true,
God's hand hath fashioned balance rare, amid tasks and pains that brew.
When man, unshackled, roams the fields of thought neglected erst,
'Tis eerie to perceive his freedom from desires accursed.

To lack desire akin to holding all within one's hand,
Yet fleeting is the novelty in this wondrous land.
A war doth rage betwixt my mind and bloodline's primal urge,
As I strive to fuse my wit with nature's ancient surge.

The cravings of this mortal frame, I find them naught but vain,
The primal thirst for mating and for accolades to gain.
In modern days, productivity doth reign supreme,
Yet I yearn for a detachment from society's harsh gleam.

Psychic and spiritual realms, they oft diverge from need,
Evolution's designs, they clash with intellect's creed.
Once vital for survival's sake, these instincts now seem drear,
To thinkers of a higher plane, their essence fails to cheer
Pluck Feb 2019
I only dance when I’m in my room alone.
We can afford houses, but we can’t buy homes.
Grown, living off poems and songs.
If you don’t lean on the kid inside the adult doesn’t last long.
There’s so much in life we have to see.
Government shut down, my aunt was working for free.
I chip in like I’m on the lease.
Amazed even in the darkest time she was happier than me.
no social media, no tv. I think that’s why every time I see her it’s a laugh.
The days are better when you don’t know what you don’t have.
It’s been years since we had less but sometimes I miss It.
& to cheer up I play my favorite songs & change up the lyrics.
Different places in life is a walk to remember.
Two places at once, lives change, miracles happen when opposites come together.
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