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 Apr 2020 Owen
Allie Karpenske
i could talk to you
until my throat bled
from all the sharp corners
of every word;
and i'd listen to your voice
until the sun
circles the moon.

(and then some)
 Apr 2020 Owen
Your now
is not your forever
is composed of nows;
Stuck in yet another loop.
 Apr 2020 Owen
Aryan Sam
 Apr 2020 Owen
Aryan Sam
Years ago
We stayed up till
3 am talking,
And today
I don’t even know
How to say hi,
 Mar 2020 Owen
 Mar 2020 Owen
no matter how much
i try
to reason with my heart
i can’t stop aching
and longing
for you
 Mar 2020 Owen
the love shown to me
by any other
is but a poor imitation
of the love
you gave to me
it has been 4 months and my bed still feels empty without your warmth beside me.
 Feb 2020 Owen
Am I OK?
 Feb 2020 Owen
Do I even know what happiness looks like?
Were you eve happy?
Do I only care about my own happiness?
Do I truly know what love is?
Am I OK?
I don't know anymore
 Feb 2020 Owen
 Feb 2020 Owen
Love's only weakness
Is also its greatest strength:
It defies reason

My thoughts on Valentine’s Day
 Feb 2020 Owen
Pagan Paul
Last Night
 Feb 2020 Owen
Pagan Paul
Last night
she said I was cold.
Surrounded in a halo of frost.
It burnt her fingers
as she dared to touch,
but there was little there.
Just … frost-bite,
and the sense
that she was alone in the room.
In body I was there,
but the Boat of Millions of Years
was sailing through my eyes
to the intended destination,
my lost mind.
She called to me
but I was to far to hear.
Down her soft cheeks
the tears did stream,
as she screamed my name
over and over.
She screamed until
the screams turned to sobs,
as the slow realisation
that I no longer knew her,
knew me, knew anything,
hit her like a wave of grief,
freezing her emotions dead.
Last night
she said I was cold.
And I was cold
because I knew that it was
our Last Night.

Β© Pagan Paul (16/02/20)

— The End —