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 Mar 2018 Bee
aubrey sochacki
i’m not a glass of water
you can’t just set me down
and forget about me
until you decide that
you’re thirsty again
 Mar 2018 Bee
You used to look at me like that
he whispered, as he stared at her
beaming at her new love
I never looked at you like this
She thought, as she saw him longing for her
Wanting to be embraced by her love again
My ex said I used to look at him the way I look at my boyfriend. But I never used to look at him that way because I've never felt what I feel now.
 Mar 2018 Bee
 Mar 2018 Bee
What the **** did I get myself into
You and I came out of nowhere
Neither of us knows what we're doing
Neither of us knows how to do this

I don't know how to be the best I can be for you
I don't want to miss you as much as I do
And crave your touch as much as I do

I feel like I'm falling, right into your arms
I'm so scared, I don't want to be hurt again

It's so hard to trust this, it's so hard to let myself love
I'm scared of the distance, the others, losing you, losing myself

I'm scared of screaming into the night sky, screaming "why again"
And to feel that cold autumn wind burns my throat
And chap my cheeks as my tears run on

While I run further from myself
Scared to deal with the hurt of the others
Afraid of being with you
Afraid to not be
 Mar 2018 Bee
Self imprisonment
 Mar 2018 Bee
The constellation of Leo I manifested through.
Ever since my birth my heart belonged to you...

Caught in the endless loop since Its inception but perfection made me move,
Now behind the fabric of deception I see the truth, Its so tragic. They've hidden her, my Aquaris.
In the womb of Atlantis.

Thats just how my story goes, you could of just said sorry. I would've accepted your apologys.
Now they ought to put me in orange clothes.

Ready for adventure but our relation forced me to stay at home.
Deja vu when your psycopathic needs reminded me of places from before.
I've been taking detour after detour only to meet ****** that changed my lore to eeyores.
Now I daydream to feel free,
or cry to let of steam because It seems that memories is the only thing that means anything to me anymore.

There's no more purpose to act ******* the surface my life is worthless.
In fact. The shortest straw is in my hand because I always allow myself to draw last
and no matter how many sticks I gather from my past I still cant seem to reach the camels back.

My fire that burned with the disire of hope is now learning its becoming nothing else than smoke.
Translucent like a ghost..
Everyone came to see my roast where God attended as the host.
Reviewing my life while everyone laughs like its some sort of a big joke...
 Mar 2018 Bee
Briar Ren
 Mar 2018 Bee
Briar Ren
I have built a nest in your heart,
made of down and daisies.

And you, in turn,
erected a temple
in mine.
 Mar 2018 Bee
I haven't learned how to to drive yet. And people keep wondering why. I am not skeptical about my ability to take the vehicle out and stride about with unknown companions on the road.  Companions; some who ridicule while I take quite some time and place to make a simple right hand turn , some who don't waste words rather blow horns which sound like a perfect coronach in chorus. And that fears me more and I tell mom that I would never go driving again. I will take a cab, ride a bike or walk to the destination but I 'll never really "drive". You see if I don't overcome this aversion, people would perhaps say more. People won't stop. Not when you're dead, not when you 're born, not on your convocation. Actually never.  So,  I went out again on the same road, at the same time. They are still staring and babbling. But this time I am slighlty relieved. I am mocking them too. One at time ,till I take a right hand turn.

And there my driving license was born.
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