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 Mar 2018 Bee
Closed eyes, heart not beating. They lay there on a hearse bedecked with flowers. Flowers which smell of them. So we realise their presence for one last time;  as they were near. With every petal 's fragrance waning, they go far and far and far.
Now we know, they are not here. Marvel how a person fades like his scent....
 Mar 2018 Bee
Nik Bland
Sometimes I type and late at night
I cannot feel my fingers
But there they are, words on the screen
Filling pages as my body lingers
My ceiling parts and I depart
As I gaze into space
But the stars are far too dull to see
So all I see are your eyes

I think my brain's running away
Hand in hand with my trailing heart
And ****** footprints float from empty caverns
Flowing into my art
And I find the ground long since gone
I am lost and at a loss
My memories no longer mine
Only picture books filled with you

So I sink deeper in the drink
So I float further than intended
Searching the ether for "je ne c'est qua"
Heart and mind long gone, soul unattended
I still can't feel my keyboard
Only the memory of the feel of your skin
My words reflecting all that compose me
And they all fall back to you
 Mar 2018 Bee
Deep Ponderer
 Mar 2018 Bee
Deep Ponderer
The crowd discerns you
a mundane nature
owing to the dark shades
you drape around your skin.
Darling, note this,
"Your daily deeds
And the words you speak
display the colours
From within."
I like wearing black and grey a lot... But I am a happy person :) never judge a girl by her clothes... ;)
 Mar 2018 Bee
Loving you should be considered as a form of self harm

You are cold and I try to distance myself but then for a split second you act warm again and I can't contain the butterflies flying from my belly to my back and my hands

Why do I always have to choose somebody like you?
Complicated, making me feel unwanted
How dare you give me hope and than take
everything away with a snap of your fingers

Please tell me why
I don't deserve this
Or do I? You make me question everything I do, every word I say, the way I move
My pulse is uncontainable, my head hurts and I can't sleep

I should have never let you in
I sensed you'll be trouble from the begining
But I couldn't help it and now I don't know if I am mad at you or mad at myself

Loving you IS a form of self harm
 Mar 2018 Bee
Michaela Murasky
 Mar 2018 Bee
Michaela Murasky
Let's say your words weren't as sharp as broken glass, would they still hurt less if used to stab you in the back?
 Mar 2018 Bee
Elizabeth Squires
said the poultry producer
under his breath
the henhouse must always
be safe
so I'll enlist that friendly
bushy tailed fox
to keep watch over
my chicken's chafe

on returning to the farm
everything was so silent
no clucking could be heard
anywhere in the resident

but red feathers were scattered
around the cedar wood barn
and many drops of blood
had stained the wire's yarn

it was evident that a fight
to the death took place
and his prized hens were
shown not an iota of grace

there's a moral to the story
never leave a fox on guard
for he'll massacre all
the fowls within the farm's yard
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