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 Nov 2018 OC
Who are we?
 Nov 2018 OC
As we sit down to our dinners,
as we open our romance books,
people die.

We sip our water;
their guts spill open.
We study our notes;
their planes crash.

We live;
they die.
We breathe;
they suffocate.

We are testaments to chance,
to luck, to possibility.

We are not products of God.

We are blind goats trotting on our path
before we perish, suddenly,
and vanish into death.
 Nov 2018 OC
Why I Write
 Nov 2018 OC

I was made to

So sorry, there’s been so many things going on on my end...
There’s been more down than up and I needed a mental break to prevent another breakdown.
I’m sorry that I disappeared again.
I don’t mean to worry anyone.
I really truly appreciate you all and all the support given.
I hope you guys can forgive me...
Love you guys so much.
Thank you so so much for 257 followers.
It's amazing I even managed to get this far...
Lyn ***
 Nov 2018 OC
Weak in the Knees
 Nov 2018 OC
i want to trace

your face seven

times over...

till the seventh

day gets weak

in the knees.

so you can come


while being

right here~~~
 Nov 2018 OC
JR Weiss
every time you come into town
you toss things around
making a giant mess.
i've always missed you so much
and you are always gone
so long...

you come home
for a week or two
and we're kids again
walking home in the rain
laughing and swimming through the

every time you come home I
in memories
and I love you all over again.
the bad blood never stains,
it's the good memories i can never
wash out.

every time you come home
we drown in each other
sooner or
memory lane dead ends and
it's time for you to go

i'm always so surprised when
you pack up and keep on truckin without
batting an eye
see ya
so long
see you around thanksgiving
like it's a day away.
and the pain in my chest is worse
then it was the first
or third time.

i'll never learn
i'll fall for it
every time.
how unfair of you
being the one that gets away
and again
and again
 Nov 2018 OC
JR Weiss
i knew a girl who wore scars like medals.
she woud tell me awful stories about
awful things that happened in her awful life...

She always told them with a wide joker's grin.
Her waxy lipstick red lips stretching and curving
into a smile that held hate and tears and years
of not so funny laughter.

Sometimes she told me stories,
like all that hurt,
all that shame,
all those horribul
horribul things...were such a
 Nov 2018 OC
JR Weiss
run through the walls
scratching and chewing
and fighting over my crumbs.

i know your there...
i see your tails and hear your nails
skittering across the broken tiles

a inch or two of plaster
between you and me.
you chewing through
right by my tossing and turning head.

the sticky traps catch dust
the poison would **** the dog
so we are left to the
old rusty snaps
the blood stained
sticky with caked blood and hair
of your fallen brothers
and sisters
and god knows
how many other relations.

i hate the snap
i hate the painful squeals in the night
i hate the ones that catch
but dont die.

i hate all that
but not as much
 Nov 2018 OC
JR Weiss
 Nov 2018 OC
JR Weiss
if pain is my reality
let me drink it straight.
i'll rely on the toughest parts of me
to hold me up
the bone, the sinew, the gristle.
stiff raw material
indifferent to the soft language of
the heart, the soul, the guts.
 Nov 2018 OC
Donall Dempsey

I like to say
your name

when you're
not here

turn you
into sound

conjure you out of
thin air

so that you appear
before me

dressed in sound

memory sketching in
the rest of you

as if sound
was just an outline

and love
colours you in

adding the voice last
so I can hear you say.

"Hello you..!"
and there you are

as present
as present

can be.

I like to say
your name

when you're
not there.
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