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 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
with all that the eyes witness
the heart stays surprisingly languid
and unmoved to any kind of useful action.
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
its the shaft of Sunlight in the forest
the upturned face of a child

the parents rushing outside
at the sound of the incoming

the glade, the child turned to ash.
 Jul 2016 NuurSeraph
Olivia Kent
The war.
It  came and went.
The youthfulness of innocence came.
None knew what it meant.
Mere children marched forwards into war.
Single boys to never love.
Single sons, one or two.
A thousand or more if only they knew.
Lost boys.
Missing men.
Never again, such sad refrain.
Respectively nodding to those of The Somme.
Europe in chaos.
Never again.
 Jul 2016 NuurSeraph
I'm sick to death of me
living vicariously
through meaning-
less words like
a mocking bird
mocking a gull
on a wave-less shore
or a man without oars
(f)or a life (raft) on a lost
ship adrift in an angry sea
and no anchor or eyes
on the horizon somewhere
west of anywhere but here.
Mine Jane, to whom do I compareth thee?
To the moon's, sunset's, star's; ancient sea's?
Thou art the rose of the Philippines, the heat
To mine *****. O' mine woman, thou art the
Divine, the release of dopamine in mine
Dismayed mind; thou art so fine mine dear,
In every calendar season. With thee I laugh
With none questions nor reason's, thy
Countenance is of the ethereal race;
O' dearest, mine pet, one day ourn heart's
Shalt beat in one stage. Darkness shalt be
Trampled under ourn wild toes,
Singing song's, speaking hymn's
Saints do only know. Mayest
Ourn caru grow, mayest god
Bless ourn love, elated
by eachother's word's
Of hope, babes of the
Same yolk; apparition's
Of the same cloak,
Vibrant in color.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane Nagley, (àgapi mou) dedication
Thee- you
Thou- you
Art- are
*****- has many definitions this one is- used to refer to the chest. Of men and women.
Countenance-a person's face or ****** expression.
Mayest- may.
Caru- welsh word for love.

Day late on Jane's ten month anniversary poem our anniversary was on ninth already made her something yesterday made her a cute romance comic strip that's funny lolll today poem .. least I try though not best lol!!!! Will be posting this to SoundCloud in about 20 mins if wanna hear it at
SoundCloud .com type my name brandon Nagley will find this poem there!
Thanks for reading dear poets!!!!
 Jul 2016 NuurSeraph
SG Holter
An Ode to the Sun

The Mark of Cain upon my every
Detail as I gaze across
The plains, and in the pain beneath
The snow I know the spring

That was -but died again- is waiting
Still, until the winter loses will
To stay, and eases grip to let the
Little things come out and play.

The Mark of Cain, the Curse of Cold,
This winter's getting far too old,
And frozen things all long for heat;  
To feel that heart above them beat.

But see, the clouds are parting now,
The Heart of Sky is high, and how
Its beams, it seems, are rays of gold;
A force to melt, and even scold

That old, tenacious ghost of white
And chase it off into a night that has
Been dark as Death for months,
But now is light with Life for once.

The Mark of Cain I shed like skin,
I too have leaves that rest within.  
Spring, so faint a sigh, now calls:   
Heart of Sky, I feel thy pulse!
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