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  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Sally A Bayan
The life we live each day is a spiritual journey;
we find our places, we sit,
then we sail meditatively
on waters where the past and present play.
a chance to reflect on what to think, what to do,
a place where raging thoughts are purified,
all worries and fears are washed away.
soothing words gently rise and fall
with the waves that fill the sea,
thoughts that dwell in the steerer's mind,
a message he conveys to us, his passengers,
like a wind blowing, caressing our unsettled hearts
as crystal waters, calm and still us deep within.

At journey's end, we rise and leave the vessel, enlightened.
with endless thanksgiving, we gift our captain,
a Soul Whisperer,
his name is
Amitav Radiance.



Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***Amitav, this is just a dot, a brief way of saying  how your gentle words can calm a restless soul...***
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
There's so much fine
detail, that detail
transcends itself...
the radiant altruism
of Creation.
All one has to do
is observe that detail...
and time comes out
of its skin.
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
/    \

Little child
On the Road                

Ain't no
                  Mother no more

The mountains are real


The rage of the Storm

But the Shelter is here


The Rivers of Blood

But a world bein born



I know

No / one

Can see me now

• • •

Little boy on the hill

Little girl
In his arms

The Father is gone


We are alone

But the mountain is real



I know

No / one

Can see me now


But you know

I am real

Of all

Here I am

Everything is separated from each other
But when you see silently
It seems all together
The day sleeps in the night as I exist in you

The born,
The death all for thee
Black or white
True or false all for thee

The continents are separated, isolated
As we are alienated from each other
But on the other hand we are all together
Apparently we are  moving toward the different direction

The dark,
The light all for thee
Silence or thunder
Melody or chaos all for thee

Either it’s a stone or an emotion
Even either love or hate,
Neither war nor peace
Neither dialectics nor mystic
All  have bent you and me

There are too many invisible divine strings
On every matter or even every non matter
yet bonded with the heaven and the hell
So, all we move toward the same destination

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
All we are moving toward the same destination...........
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
The last few evenings have been revealing.

A few discarded mugs,
A few balled sheets
of paper and what not,
A few dreams half painted
on cheap chart papers.
In all that mess, a single voice
soundlessly telling stories...

There was never much to say,
There was never much to hear.

If only living could be
in the number of charts
and balled sheets,
In mugs used and thrown
about a room that reeks
of neglect and disillusionment.

If only living could be
In the monsoon of mess,
In the drought of tears,
In the freezing of feelings,
In the ocean of fears,
In hands that held,
In shrines visited,
In songs of adulation,
In fingers of accusation,
In hopes and desperation,
Or even in lone portations...

I'd say, I've lived a lifetime,
Sure, I feel old.
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
This is my Oasis
A Place of
Timeless Grace


Come Waves of Wonder
Wash Me Over

A bountiful Breeze
Of endless Mystique

Raise my arms
I float into
Ambrosia Bliss

This is my Oasis
A Place of
Timeless Grace


I recall All things
(unyeilding & brave)

The kind of Grace we cannot erase
A peaceful Smile on a Child's face

A Place and Time





This is the place where I want to go *
We can accomplish Anything when We work Together
Doncha Think?
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