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 Feb 2020 Julianna
Samantha Cunha
Lost in the eyes
which tread upon the heavy
gates of heavens

If I keep my gaze
level to the earth
and this plane,
I may never
reach what they call

I'm lost in the eyes which
tread upon the heavy gates
of heaven

Tethered to his mad laughter
as it rings into the night
 Feb 2020 Julianna
your name is
forbidden in
my mouth
or in my heart
because when
i think about

i'll cry a little more,
hurt a little stronger
love a little softer
because you no longer
make me feel sober

i'm drunk on the
memory of you
if only i could chase you with pizza but shots don't work like that
 Feb 2020 Julianna
it's all because of me
                                                                                                 it's all my fault

nothing will happen                                                                                        
but even if                                                                                                       °
something happens,                                                                                      °
it's not your fault.                                                                                          °
/ i have no regrets.                                                                                    °
you came into my life like a gift.                                                          
i'm just grateful for that.                                                                    
                                                                                                              me too.
 Feb 2020 Julianna
 Feb 2020 Julianna
i met you
as the leaves fell
and the sky turned grey

the world grew cold
as my heart turned warm

i missed you
as the leaves grew back
and the sky turned blue

the world grew warm
as my heart turned cold
 Feb 2020 Julianna
words can slip sharp as knives
cut deep into the consciousness
subconsciousness adding -
to the mystery of the self-
the self you try to keep on an even keel
not too much selfishness not too much overextending good works toward the rest of creation and creatures,
especially the ones who are juggling words that can cut sharp as knives, cut yourself and cut deep into the ones you try to love.
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