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The scarcity of love in this world
Is much too large to measure.
We may say we love someone,
But our hearts lie truly to someone else.
Even then, in our confusion,
We don't know who it is we love.
Our friends?
Our wives, husbands, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers;
Our lives, success, and failures?
It is none of these things.
In today's day and age, we love just one thing:
 Dec 2017 Neuvalence
Saint Jimmy
I have often pondered the reason for existence
We're here one day and gone the next, Just a whisker
from disappearing,
Is it really such a short distance?

To be birthed and brought to death,
To be made and broken,
Created and destroyed,
In a matter of moments

I have often pondered the reason for existence,
We're here one day and gone the next,
Just a whisker
from disappearing,
Is it really such a short distance?

But a moment can be all it takes,
A heartbeat of a second,
A kiss, innocent and chaste,
A strike, cruel and vicious
A tear shed by a lonely eye

A moment can be all it takes,
A heartbeat of a second,
Faster than you can blink
Quicker than a hummingbirds wings
A moment to make your mark

I have often pondered the reason for existence,
We're here one day and gone the next,
Just a whisker from disappearing,
Is it really such a short distance?

Bridged by the moments that define us.
The reasons for existence?
 Dec 2017 Neuvalence
Padan Fain
I am winter's shadow across the desert
wandering in the back alleys and ravines
where the tumbleweeds go when the Monarch slumbers
to drink the last of the hiding frost

I am winter's shadow across the desert
a funeral-gaze across the Pit
to the titans that clutch the edge of my world
where, this year, Father draped no mantles

I am winter's shadow across the desert
greeted in silence by a broken landscape
whose children watch with clandestine eyes
awaiting my death in the spring

I am winter's shadow across the desert
the last grain of sand in the hourglass
the last muffled roar of Limantour
the last ray of moonlight on the horizon

the last of my kind.
I swear the star-lit hours are thieves.

Deep navy our depressant
in those free hours of the night,
Principles drenched clean in burnished light.

Inhibition stolen now,
we flail a rhythmic roadside dance
an ethereal midnight trance.

Bluey blood flowers my sleeve,
Kneeling on ghostly asphalt - still.
I don’t know what I tried to ****

But blue looks red in the morning.
it has started
the slow drift
moving across land
******* at the seas
whispering across the earth
charming music from the stones
drawing power from the stars
moving minds
directing hearts
air hums
light crackles
building intensity
the gathered energy
pennants flutter the quiet call to arms

 Dec 2017 Neuvalence
 Dec 2017 Neuvalence
It's hard to be a dreamer
To live everyday
Fantasizing about a life
You'll likely never see

It's hard to be a dreamer
Because that dream turns to hope
And we run down a path
That's almost always a dead end

It's hard to be a dreamer
Because there are too many of us
For us all to be successful
But not enough
For us to all be understood

It's hard to be a dreamer
Because we cling to a life
That others can't see
And prove others right
When we don't achieve

It's hard to be a dreamer
Because we are the most susceptible
To heartbreak

But still we dream
Slow ride into the black pond
Soot and root echo ruin
Slinging forth pain

She has gone away with the withering dawn
Stopping her silent withdraw
******* fruit with Dawson

Reaping hay in the October harvest
Rings form in her irises
Roles are switched

Rudely drawn wings spring out
Reminding the angels
Rewarding belief

Dunes of gold build up along the ridges
Dried lips soften and rehydrate
Dropping lifeless skin

Divine curvatures are left exposed
Driven off the warm host
Dying in a lonely place
There is an upending resistance
That is my equivalent in every way
Energetically we are all related
Some us just feel more remorse
Which is noble only in the most human of ways
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