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  Feb 2015 NameDoesntMatter
It's hard to
and let go,
I know.
But when you do
the things
*You're supposed to.
It's never easy. It might take months or even years for something that's been there like forever. I know how it feels. It tears you up inside You can't breath, you can't sleep.
He/She is all you could think about everyday.
But when you do,
The whole universe will follow your pursuit.
Pursuit to your own happyness.:)
I got inspired again. Dedicated to a friend who's going through a difficult phase in her life.
This is for you.
  Feb 2015 NameDoesntMatter
"Every single day's the same
And in the end I'm all alone..."
"It doesn't matter what you say...
I feel pain you've never known"

This is how you view your life
As something worth throwing away
And all I wish for is to show you
How to view it a different way

You view the world in black and white
Without any specks of grey
You chose to focus on only the bad
Which causes your own dismay

The real world is full of color
It's a giant work of art
And though it has some shadows
That is just one little part

So when all you see is darkness
And you feel life's become too glum
Just remember that it won't last
And there are brighter things to come

There is beauty all around you
And every day is a new surprise
Full of joy, and people who care
You just have to *open your eyes
NameDoesntMatter Feb 2015
I love you.
                       because                     But                             
       over and over                                 I cant                    
     forgiving you                                      keep                 
         and me                                      following  
        me                                 this      
   hurting                       cycle    
    of you
NameDoesntMatter Jan 2015
My writers block is so bad
that this has eleven words
NameDoesntMatter Jan 2015
Dripping from your eyes like I had never seen before
As if all the pain and sorrow in your life was too much to contain in that moment
as if that past few months of our lives
Had only just hit you in that moment
Our lives
Your life.
Our life together didn't exist any more
It hadn't for a while....
It was only tonight that you had realized that.
I held you as you cried
I looked into your eyes and I felt guilty
You made me feel guilty for you abandoning me
And me finally not letting you back into my life.
Except that I did.
I held you as you cried, and I felt guilty
I let you win
Then I came home and cried alone.
NameDoesntMatter Aug 2014
Where is the line between facing fears and being reckless?
NameDoesntMatter Aug 2014
Its amazing,
How good I am at wasting my time
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