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 Mar 2019 Kalliope
I love you like a plant
loves rainy days
but you
are too grey a cloud
for me to plant
myself under

arm me
with an umbrella
and a raincoat
then only shall I go
searching for love
 Mar 2019 Kalliope
Ali Ashraf
 Mar 2019 Kalliope
Ali Ashraf
She lifted her brow
And the universe stood still
What a sight to see

© Ali Ashraf
 Mar 2019 Kalliope
as spring awakens
so does my heart

it's been packed away for
the cold of winter

but now my heart is thawing
the soil is softening
and i need someone to plant
their flowers here

because my heart is ready
to be nurtured
to feel nourished

and to flourish into the
beautiful blossoms
that deserve to grow
in my vacant heart
© d.a.dens
 Mar 2019 Kalliope
 Mar 2019 Kalliope
Love left my life
So long ago
We had some strife
And she let go

I want her back
But I'm messed up
so much I lack
An empty cup

She couldn't care
For I am weak
Don't think I dare
For her seek

I'll live without her
But it will hurt
With what we were
When we would flirt
The way
you call me
to your side
you need
makes me
feel more
than I've
ever felt
Thіs Sοng Sаved Mу Lіfе - Simple Plan
 Mar 2019 Kalliope
Yv S
gullible enough -
blood passed cold trembling fingers
and a sob caught in the throat,
gone at the sound of your voice
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