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 Feb 2019 Kalliope
I've gotten this far,
Who's to challenge my place
When I've fought or so long,
And fell victim to this state.

I'm up in the clouds,
The high's have never felt this low.
To reach for the stars,
Yet sit so far below.

I'm falling now,
Falling on the rise,.
Look deep,
You'll see the red in my eyes
some say - be sensible
       but their realism’s reprehensible
                      and life, like love, like God

            is utterly incomprehensible.
Between thick foliages
sunlight strives to reach
down to tiny shoots
 Feb 2019 Kalliope
 Feb 2019 Kalliope
we  missed  our chance
and  now  it  sits there,
stuck   in   the  past,
long   overdue.
sometimes you just have to go for it.
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