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Nov 2019 · 333
ad libitum
Muhammad Shahab Nov 2019
gathered the storms,
and gathered the winds
of undying suffering.

sufferings of pleasure,
psychedelics of exalted warmth
stalked and stumbled
around the planetary man;
the dying and the undying
the man and the un-man

       both together excited to the darkest night.

who lost is unknown to me;
the wall blears the boundary.

unfixed the shape,
darkness deepens the dancing dolphins;
sanity swirls,
words skip the stray lips
as if forgotten bones collapse and crumble.

seaming with flabby fragments
the mouth of Thermopylae.
drawing a stick out of spillikins.

       there remains the tongue-tied taciturn;
       as if dead and done to bones.
Feb 2019 · 283
A Reverie
Muhammad Shahab Feb 2019
There was a time,
We were together.

There was a time,
We wandered,
Through the silent parks,
Upon the green grass,
Below the willow trees.

Once I knew not,
How strange it could get,
When you’re not there.

It’s come.
It’s come.

The time queer,
The place unknown,
And I’m not who I was.
Lost in a reverie.
Previously published on
Muhammad Shahab Feb 2019
Lo, I see a heart
Somewhere nowhere
Upon incessant chunks of pebbles
  Putrescent with footsteps
    Turned from white to grey.
       Might've been an emblem
        Of one's love
         For a dear friend,
           Or a rival of bygone times.
           Beneath the stones
           Unloved and unguarded lies.
Previously published at
Feb 2019 · 347
Stream of Consciousness
Muhammad Shahab Feb 2019
          notions and
        You're always there in my
        Stream of consciousness.
Feb 2019 · 489
My Enchantress
Muhammad Shahab Feb 2019
And talk of love.
                             High in high spirits.
Enchant me with your charms,
My enchantress!

        Alas! I am dazzled!
        Alas! I am dead!
Feb 2019 · 267
I am Lazarus!
Muhammad Shahab Feb 2019
I am Lazarus!
  Come from the dead,
  To tell ’bout the dread;
      The land there is the same here,
      The souls there the bodies here,

Nothing different, but the tumid river.

To cross the river,
Is a shock and shiver
You, here , they, there
Are the same but a sigh asunder
          The living and the dead.
Feb 2019 · 739
Time is Equal
Muhammad Shahab Feb 2019
There's no equality!
You see the tyranny of the heart,
The hands that exploit, the mind that steals,
            From the hands that make,
            From the minds that conceive,
            The little ones and the old.
                    All cease
                              After time capitalised.
Feb 2019 · 342
To You From Deathbed
Muhammad Shahab Feb 2019
My darling!
Oh my life! my dream! my thought!
Hither, as you promised,
    Join my hands, life is sheer delusion;
Let us drink from Lethe together,
Be not afright, think not of coming back
    And be my alter ego
                         To eternity.

— The End —