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10.9k · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
I lay in your bed tonight
Touch your heart & make a wish
As i'm sending a lovely goodnight
Sealed with a kiss
Touch your heart, send a silent prayer
Thank the lord for a wonderful day
Today sleep in peace
Because a new dawn means a new day
So sleep tight as i wish today.

                                  Goodnight my love
i miss him so much
6.6k · Jan 2019
Suicide Poem
MissingKid Jan 2019
Suicide is just a way to leave a problem
Suicide is what no one wants
Suicide is what no one expects
Suicide is a stupid thing
Suicide is… what suicide no one really knows is
Suicide is something I don’t need
Suicide doesn’t solve your problem
Suicide makes you loose what you already have
Suicide is the only thing that makes one problem even bigger
No more...
1.2k · Mar 2019
MissingKid Mar 2019
Lost in a world, that scares me to death,
Lost in a crowd, I'm losing my breath.
Lost as a boy, lost as a man,
I need to grow up, don't think I can.

Lost as a person, can't find my way.
Lost in life, every day.
Lost in worry, who am I?
All my life, I've lived a lie.

Lost to kindness, lost to love,
Lost in a sky, like a new-born dove.
Lost in thought, which I shouldn't do,
It winds me up, I can’t get through.

Lost to comfort, all kind words,
Lost to advice, it isn't heard.
Lost to those who really care,
All these people, always there.

Lost in me, I need a break,
Lost in wonder, which road to take?
Lost in a place I don't know well,
Where are you now? There's no one to tell.

Lost here, all alone,
Lost apart from the mobile phone.
Lost still, there are no calls.
I'm struggling alone, to break these walls.

Lost in mind, lost in soul,
Lost memories, they're just a hole.
Lost family, lost mate,
Gone now, yet I'm full of hate.

Lost in a straight world, and I am gay,
Lost now, for what to say,
Lost in boredom, think I'll leave.
There's a lot in life I need to achieve.
All I have to say is im backk
961 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
A happy soul is the best
Shield for this cruel world
871 · Dec 2018
Hungover Love
MissingKid Dec 2018
Tequila kisses & ***** thoughts,
Hungover love shines through tired eyelids of mine
Drink, drank, drunk, on liquor, on each other.
Punch drunk love, is not real love.

I know you're my hangover love.
Hangovers ****. Just like heart break.
675 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
                             in half


574 · Dec 2018
Our First Kiss
MissingKid Dec 2018
That day when you kissed me,
I left a poem in your mouth,
& you can hear some of the lines
every time you breath out.
Our first kiss was over pizza. It was beautiful
563 · Nov 2018
You #6
MissingKid Nov 2018
My love for you knows no bounds,
it's timeless & endless.
You can enrich my life in more ways than i can express in words.
I felt strongly connected the moment i looked in your eyes.
I was drawn to your soul in a way i have never experienced before.
You are the only one that see the door to my soul
561 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
for the most of the time
yes, i often break down
in the middle of the night
when sleep invades me
and the past engulfs me
my heart torn in peices
by the burden of memories
but again, in the morning
the tears have all dried
and i clear up all the wreck
to become strong by daylight.
my advice is that it is okay to cry after a horrible breakup, but please be strong after it
547 · Dec 2018
MissingKid Dec 2018
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah they were all yellow
I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called "Yellow"
So then I took my turn
Oh what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow
Your skin
Oh yeah, your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
You know, you know I love you so
I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh what a thing to do
'Cause you were all yellow
I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all yellow
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
And you know
For you I'd bleed myself dry
For you I'd bleed myself dry
534 · Nov 2018
Him #1
MissingKid Nov 2018
I didn't fall in love with you
I walked into love with you
  with my eyes wide open
       choosing to take
  every step along the way
I do believe in fate and destiny
        but i also believe
           we are fated
        to do the things
that we'd choose anyway
         and i choose you
in a hundred lifetimes,
in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality
         i'd find you
   & i would choose you
513 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
I am your Skin
& I itch & I ache.
"I bear with all your hardships,
I wear your mistakes.

I am your Skin
& I grow this scar tissue
because if you bleed out,
it would **** me to miss you.

I am your Skin
I will heal until you are free.
I belong to you.
Please be kind with me."
3 months clean from self harm today!!!!!!!!!! :)
502 · Nov 2018
I want to....
MissingKid Nov 2018
be the only one to hold you
be the only one to love you
be the only one to spoil you
be the only one to marry you
be the only one to protect you
be the only one to kiss you
be your one and only.
436 · Dec 2018
MissingKid Dec 2018
We want people
to love us in ways
that we don't love

And even when they

It still isn't the love
we've been lacking
or longing for
416 · Dec 2018
Dear Girly,
MissingKid Dec 2018
Sometimes when I'm feeling sad, and all I need is you,
you sit softly and gently put you head upon my knee,
Some nights when my heart aches,
and I'm worn out by the tears I weep,
you quietly lie by my bed,
and guard me while I sleep.
Somewhere far beyond this place,
a land where all run free,
You calmly watching me over me,
and waiting patiently.
Someday when the time is right,
my voice will call to you,
and you'll come running like the wind,
and someday I'll wait and see.
This is to my dog Girly, who recently had to be put down to end her pain.
I love you so much girly, thank you for the best 15 years you have been in my life.
411 · Nov 2018
You #1
MissingKid Nov 2018
I love you with all my heart to the point where i cant explain it
When I look into your eyes I see a maple forest brown in the mist
                                of a beautiful fall season.

Your thick hair between my fingers runs & smooth like obsidian that
                                 flickers in the sunlight

         Your heart brings me joy that it fills a vessel in my heart

               Your laughter is like birds singing in the woods.
                A naturally beautiful, pleasant sound to my ears.
                Your'e my light when its dark and gloomy
395 · Jan 2019
MissingKid Jan 2019
& if you
want to
cut yourself
remember that
376 · Nov 2018
U Make Me...
MissingKid Nov 2018
You make me want to laugh when i want to cry
You make me live when i wan't to die
You make me smile when i wan't to frown
      You turned my life upside down
Believe in me when no one else does
       You're my now, my is, my was
When you call my name, i begin to blush
I'm afraid people will notice i need you so much
When i'm with you time seems to flies by so fast
353 · Nov 2018
You #3
MissingKid Nov 2018
I saw that you were
perfect & so i loved
you than i saw that you
were not perfect & i
loved you even more.
339 · Nov 2018
Dreams ✨
MissingKid Nov 2018
I believe that
dreams can
come true
because mine
did when I met
you my love
I will always
love you
I ******* swear
338 · Jan 2019
MissingKid Jan 2019
You ask how much I love you
And then you ask once more
And so my love I'll tell you now
As I did once before.

I love you more than flowers love
The rising of the sun
I love you more than horses love
The plains on which they run.

I love you more than eagles love
The currents way up high
I love you more than rainbows love
The droplets in the sky.

I love you more than fishes love
The sea in which they swim
I love you more than sea birds love
The waves on which they skim.

I love you more than moonbeams love
The planets as they turn
I love you more than starships love
The void through which they burn.

I love you more than Paris loved
Fair Helen's days in Troy
I love you more than any girl
Has every loved a boy.

I love you more than Shakespeare loved
The muses in his verse
I love you more than rich old men
Love money in their purse.

I love you more than yesterday,
And every day before,
I think that when tomorrow comes
I'll love you even more.

Although you see I love you much
One thing I must confess
I love you so much more than words
Could ever help express.
                                                  Forever Yours,
i hacked her hello poetry, i really hope she loves it. Comments please?
320 · Nov 2018
My Boy
MissingKid Nov 2018
I'm looking for a Boy who's right for me,
One who knows how to talk intelligently,
He'll laugh at all my jokes,
And ignore the other blokes,
And find that I am just his cup of tea.

The task is not so easy, I have found,
There aren't that many 'right' ones still around,
But if they're out there somewhere,
And if any of them might care,
To find me, then I won't be going to ground.

My charisma can be in itself impressive,
My conversation I know is quite expressive,
I am kind in word and deed,
And I think you will concede,
That I wouldn't be someone who'd be repressive.

I can say that I'm a very balanced chap,
Who, when the going's tough would never flap,
But I'm really keen to find,
A Boy of like mind,
Who in fact could quite ideally fill the gap.

So I'm hoping that this lady turns up soon,
Perhaps it could be this very afternoon,
I would greet her with a smile,
Which would certainly beguile,
And my vibrant personality should make her swoon.

So, do you think, that I could really have a chance,
Do you think that she would give me just one glance,
If this 'Mr. Right' doesn't show,
That would really be a blow,
And put an end to all my thoughts of true romance.

No, there's got to be a Boy who's right for me,
I won't believe there isn't, so soon you'll see,
An attractive Boy on my arm,
A Boy with such charm,
That eventually we'd become a Royal 'We'
it's you....
297 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
a man
can't stand seeing
his woman hurt.
he's careful
with his decisions
and actions,
so he never has
to be responsible
of her pain.
** hum true so sad but true
294 · Nov 2018
Life's a Joke
MissingKid Nov 2018
There is no love in my life
no one to hug & hold tight
I don't feel that presence
knowing they will be there
I'm not warm & secure
by somebody who cares
I'm empty & alone
only hollow inside
on my face shown a smile
hid the desire to cry
I'm trapped in a cage
my one wish to be free
life's a joke played on me
285 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
sometimes you cant
let go of
what's making
you sad, because
it was the only
thing that made
you happy
281 · Nov 2018
im lost
MissingKid Nov 2018
lost in thought
lost in love
lost in death
lost without love
lost lost lost
lost in the love i was with
lost in this world

lost in the way of life
lost in the way we were
lost in love of crooks
lost lost lost
why is everybody so lost
in this ******* cruel word
265 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
To LOVE a person is to
see all their magic,
& to remind them
of it when they have
forgotten <3
254 · Nov 2018
Sad Child
MissingKid Nov 2018
You're sad because you're sad.
It's psychic. It's the age. It's chemical.
Go see a shrink or take a pill,
or hug your sadness like an eyeless doll
you need to sleep.

Well, all children are sad
but some get over it.
Count your blessings. Better than that,
buy a hat. Buy a coat or pet.
Take up dancing to forget.

Forget what?
Your sadness, your shadow,
whatever it was that was done to you
the day of the lawn party
when you came inside flushed with the sun,
your mouth sulky with sugar,
in your new dress with the ribbon
and the ice-cream smear,
and said to yourself in the bathroom,
I am not the favorite child.

My darling, when it comes
right down to it
and the light fails and the fog rolls in
and you're trapped in your overturned body
under a blanket or burning car,

and the red flame is seeping out of you
and igniting the tarmac beside your head
or else the floor, or else the pillow,
none of us is;
or else we all are.
254 · Jan 2019
MissingKid Jan 2019
if you were my drug
id take you every day
just so i can waste away
if you stay at the bay
ill head your way
theres nothing left to smug
squash like a bug
never let me be
never let me flee
i love you with all my life
dont let me bleed my love
243 · Jan 2019
❤️Dear Noah❤️
MissingKid Jan 2019
SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
We met at our old treatment center... &
I saw you during a group.
I could not keep my eyes off of you then...
You caught me!!! I hid behind my hair.
I was blushing, I peeked through my hair.... &
I saw your gorgeous green, blue eyes.
We had to introduce ourselves to the new residents.
It was my turn... I raised my head & whispered,
'My name is Jewels... & I'm... twelve'
Yet again, I hid behind my hair.
Soon, It was your turn.
'My name is Noah, & I'm thirteen'
***! Noah's older!
He won't like me." I thought.
Or so I thought......
part 2 will come soon. this is based on true events
234 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
Her deep chocolate brown eyes stare directly into mine,
she looks more hurt then ever
before with tears in her beautiful eyes
I lift my head tears rolling
ever so gently down my sensitive cheeks
& with pain in my eyes, I say in the most heartbreaking voice
"I'll wait"
Their hearts breaking, the hurt,
my hope is ever so slowly fading away...
the most painful thing is hearing the crack in their voice before crying
233 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
the best makeup
can wear.
228 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
I found a family
that will never leave
A home were i always belonged.
A family that is forever mine.

                     I Am Adopted
               ~~December 24, 2001
I was adopted at 8 weeks old and when i was 16 i finally accepted it.
227 · Nov 2018
My Heart
MissingKid Nov 2018
My heart is hurting, but
i feel like they don't care
worst heartbreak of the ******* world
224 · Dec 2018
3 Words For You
217 · Jan 2019
Im Sorry To Say Im Sad
MissingKid Jan 2019
I'm sorry for my failers,
I'm sorry for all my imperfections and faults,
I'm sorry for all my tears and caring,
you made my world spin and take off like a lifeline,
I'm not bad and I'm not perfect,
I'm sorry, I'm not fake and don't change like you do,
sorry, I'm to not change and to die inside,
I'm sorry your heartless and immature,
I'm sorry that I really don't like you,
I cant fail and show im a clinically depressed,
no I got to show im not sorry for being a man,
im sorry for listening to my heart,
im sorry for having feelings,
but ill never be sorry for living,
im sorry i cut,
im sorry my attempts of death didnt please you,
im sorry i cant cry like i use to,
you were my drug,
but you like all the drugs do is fail,
as though i feel ashamed to feel sad but thats what our society does,
if you are not perfect or popular you are nothing,
your alone,
it's sad how many people feel of this emotion,
and yet others are happy,
it's sad to be sorry with your pride hurting,
can any of these feelings create a beauty of the arts,
my brain is in racing time spirals that cant stop,
i cant say sorry to you the way i wanted as my sadness and name remember it,
your sorry didnt come,
such sadness...
say sorry.
216 · Jan 2019
MissingKid Jan 2019
His name will live, brother
I feel hella ****** because it's like
if I would have known he was so cool
And it's like, if I would have watched interviews sooner, bro we were so alike
It's unfortunate because it's like, yo, when people die, that's when we like 'em, you know?
'Cause your remorse kinda makes you check 'em out

~~Lil' Peep
people only pay attention when a loved ones die
211 · Nov 2018
Lost & Found
MissingKid Nov 2018
A sunken chest
                   on the ocean ground
                   to never be found
                   was where he found me

There he stirred
               my every thought
               my every word
               so gently, so profoundly

Now I am kept
                  from dreams I dreamt
                  when once I slept
                   so soundly
208 · Jan 2019
Life Is Beautiful
MissingKid Jan 2019
I know that it hurts sometimes, but it's beautiful
Working every day, now you're bleeding through your cuticles
Passing through a portal as you're sittin' in your cubicle
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
Tryna keep your cool at your grandfather's funeral
Finding out eventually the feeling wasn't mutual
You were not invited 'cause you're nothing like the usual
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
You wanna see your friends, but you're stuck inside a hospital
Doctor walks in and he tells you that it's terminal
Tumor in your brain and they're sayin' it's inoperableThey'll **** your little brother and they'll tell you he's a criminal
They'll ******* **** you too, so you better not get physical
Welcome to America, the type of **** is typical
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
Wake up in the morning, now you're doing the impossible
Find out what's important, now you're feeling philosophical
When I die, I'll pack my bags, move somewhere more affordable
Isn't life horrible? I think that life is horrible
You think she's adorable, she thinks that you're intolerable
You think you can do it, but your chances are improbable
Once you feel unstoppable, you run into an obstacle
Isn't life comical? I think that life is comical
And if you ever need a friend then you got me
And in the end, when I die, would you watch me?
And if I try suicide, would you stop me?
Would you help me get a grip or would you drop me?
Run away, make friends with the moon
Why you trippin'? You'll be with your friends soon
There comes a time, everybody meets the same fate
I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful

~Lil Peep
My mood today lol
204 · Nov 2018
A Real Man
MissingKid Nov 2018
A real man can't
stand seeing his
woman hurt he's
careful with his
decisions and
actions so he
never has to be
about her pain.
*sigh* I wish i had a man/woman like this
203 · Nov 2018
You #4
MissingKid Nov 2018
Thank you for being you...
for sharing your love with me...
for inspiring to accept myself...
for helping me see the unique beauty
in perfection...
for showing me that love is something you do;
something not just to be said,
but also to be shown.
202 · Jan 2019
Save Me
MissingKid Jan 2019
Who do I have?
Heaven and hell, my friend, my friend
I won't fit in here
Everything must end
Hello, from the dark side end
Does anybody here wanna be my friend? (my friend)
Want it all to end
Tell me when the **** is it all gon' end?
Voices in my head telling me I'm gonna end up dead
So save me, before I fall
So save me, I don't wanna be all alone
So save me, before I fall
So save me, I don't wanna be all alone

My mood all the time
202 · Jan 2019
Love At First Sight
MissingKid Jan 2019
love at first sight
before i never believe in love at first sight
but it happen to me

i meet a guy
the first time i saw him i was shock
i don't know what i gonna do or say
only i know is his face, his smile and his voice

in one side i was laughing
because it happened to me
that i never expecting
the love at first sight
200 · Nov 2018
Growing Old Together
MissingKid Nov 2018
the melding of two bodies
the surging between two souls
love between the two of us
keeps us from growing old

it was on the day we get married
the day we said "i do"
it was then i made you mine
the proof that i love you

now the years will pass
and we can hardly see
where the one of us begins
or the other person ends

growing old together
oh, what a special way to age
together we have grown
like sugar and spice
true love?
194 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
is not
you find
194 · Dec 2018
You #17
MissingKid Dec 2018
Hey - call me back when you get this
Or when you've got a minute
We really need to talk
Wait - you know what
Maybe just forget it
'Cause by the time you get this
Your number might be blocked

Look - now I know, we could've done it better
But we can't change the weather
When the weather's come and gone
Books don't make sense if you read 'em backwards
You'll single out the wrong words

"It's not you, it's me" and all that other *******
You know that's *******
Don'tcha', babe?

-Billie Eilish
Party Favor
This song just reminds me of my recent breakup.
But I changed the title.
192 · Jan 2019
Fuck Love
MissingKid Jan 2019
Baby, I need you in my life, in my life
Please, bae, don't go switching side, switching sides
I swear this is where you reside, you reside
Ooh, please don't throw your love away
I'm nauseous, I'm dyin'
(She ripped my heart right out)
Can't find her, someone to
(My eyes are all cried out)
Lost it, riots
Gunfire inside my head, I've
Lost it, riots
Gunfire inside my head
Baby, I need you in my life, in my life
Please, bae, don't go switching side, switching sides
I swear this is where you reside.

189 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
It rained for days
After you left me
As if the sky itself
Shared my grief
188 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
Her eyes gave her away
There was a drowning girl
behind that smile
All she wanted was for someone to look at her
And see the person she hide so well.
188 · Nov 2018
MissingKid Nov 2018
I don't know why
                                             I feel so down today.
The other day I
                                             Saw my best friend, as sharp as ever
Had her sharp nail
                                             go against my belly softly....
I thought seeing her
                                             would bring me pleasure
But instead I felt
                                             the old fear and sadness
I grabbed her wrist
                                      and told her to go back where she came from.
All she left
                                       was a long pink mark on my tummy
Now, that day
                                       I almost went back into old ways
All I could see at the moment
                                       was the scars I would have the rest of my life.
Last night was scary for me. I was about to ruin my 3 month streak from hurting my self....
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